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Started by Shadow Assassin, May 04, 2007, 04:11:45 AM

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One more hint - on the tops of those huge rocks there are Eastern Orthodox monasteries. Here's another picture from this place, which is now my on desktop:

Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


   That didn't help much, but very very pretty. I can't think of the place at all. At a lose here. No idea. What is the Black n white painting on the cliffs that looks interesting almost like a dairy cow.  %confuso
  "It is wiser to think about your actions before doing them, but be warned One must act quickly before another takes action for you."
  "Knowledge may be Power, but it is how you use that Knowledge that makes One Powerful."
  "I am a Philosopher, Punnist, Poet, and Rambler so keep in mind I think ahead and backwards to point where communication is sometimes not completely understood, even if Enlish is my primary language, it doesn't mean I know it well N proper."
  "Always do your best to acheive your goals and Dreams one at a time."
"Patience is a virtue."


Here's the one I've been using for a little while....

Click for full resolution!(1440x900)



Quote from: sithlrd98 on May 10, 2009, 01:49:47 PM
Click for full resolution!

You stealing my catch phrase now?   :D

Nice pic!  Never seen the Falcon look that good!   :thumbsup:


Quote from: Haljackey on May 10, 2009, 03:30:56 PM
You stealing my catch phrase now?   :D

Couldn't think of anything else at the time......(especially since I figured it out from you anyway, you know what they say about imitation!)
Besides , everyone knows that's yours anyway :P



"With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound he pulls the spitting high-tension wires down..."


Quote from: sithlrd98 on May 10, 2009, 03:37:26 PM
Couldn't think of anything else at the time......(especially since I figured it out from you anyway, you know what they say about imitation!)
Besides , everyone knows that's yours anyway :P


What would that be there Jayson lol  :D :D :D

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Quote from: io_bg on May 10, 2009, 11:30:22 AM
Here's mine. I've taken this picture by myself :P Can you guess where did I take it? (click for full resolution)

That is Meteora in Greece  ;) (link)
Check my MD:               


Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


  That would be the reason I couldn't figure it out. It maybe be a wonder or landmark of some kind, but unfortunately I never learned much in school about the world outside the US. The world history classes I've had didn't even teach me much about other societies or cultures, They mainly seem to Highlight the wars in the books and things that "concerned" the US. It is a wonder I didn't get bored in those classes as I had to take that one again in summer school, which taught a bit more not in the books.

Alas that was a long time ago, so no complaints here. It is nice to know finally what that was of, as it is a beautiful place.
  "It is wiser to think about your actions before doing them, but be warned One must act quickly before another takes action for you."
  "Knowledge may be Power, but it is how you use that Knowledge that makes One Powerful."
  "I am a Philosopher, Punnist, Poet, and Rambler so keep in mind I think ahead and backwards to point where communication is sometimes not completely understood, even if Enlish is my primary language, it doesn't mean I know it well N proper."
  "Always do your best to acheive your goals and Dreams one at a time."
"Patience is a virtue."


Quote from: sithlrd98 on May 10, 2009, 01:49:47 PM
Here's the one I've been using for a little while....

Click for full resolution!(1440x900)


I squealed like a schoolgirl when I saw this! I'm a sucker for anything SW.. especially anything to do with that certain YT-1300.

Where did you get it, may I ask?

Edit: Never mind, one google image search and I found it

Henrik Sedin: 82gp 29g 83a 112p - 2009/2010 Art Ross/Hart Trophy winner!


Quote from: wes.janson on May 13, 2009, 11:03:23 PM
I squealed like a schoolgirl when I saw this!

That made me laugh! Glad I wasn't around :D



  I think I would rather see the Trade Federation Ground Vehicles on my desktop that that class of ship. That or some of the Republic or Confederation ones.... like some of the stuff you would see in Grevious' armies or anything to do with those "Cute" little droids of the federation.

Don't get me wrong it is a nice ship, but not something I like personally. The Tie Interceptor is my favorite Fighter. I love the look and style.
  "It is wiser to think about your actions before doing them, but be warned One must act quickly before another takes action for you."
  "Knowledge may be Power, but it is how you use that Knowledge that makes One Powerful."
  "I am a Philosopher, Punnist, Poet, and Rambler so keep in mind I think ahead and backwards to point where communication is sometimes not completely understood, even if Enlish is my primary language, it doesn't mean I know it well N proper."
  "Always do your best to acheive your goals and Dreams one at a time."
"Patience is a virtue."


Yeah , I like the Tie , but for some strange reason my favorite is Imperial Lambda-class shuttle...kinda like the luxury vehicle of the Star Wars universe,followed by the Falcon. Of course the good all X-wing is still pretty cool!



Here is my first desktop photo using Windows 7:

Click for full resolution! (1920x1200)

So far, its so much better than Vista!  I'm still learning how to use it though.


Currently, I've this Spore screenshot as my wallpaper.

Nice shot, eh?

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Very nice!

Here's my pic of the moment - I'm a Dani Pedrosa fan!

'Luminous beings are we..'  - Yoda

'Hints of Gold'
by Jasmine Becket-Griffith


Still playing around with Win 7 some more... reorganized my Desktop to this:

Click for full resolution!  (1920x1200)

I have 627 wallpapers, all 1920x1200.  Windows 7 comes with a built-in wallpaper changer, and I set mine to change every minute!  $%Grinno$%


Nice pics Hal...I would love to try Win7...just finally got my Vista/x64XP close to where I want it! Not sure how easy it would be at this point to transfer everything over to the Win7 install anyway! By the way , does that beta support the XP emulator(Virtual XP)?



Quote from: sithlrd98 on May 21, 2009, 12:40:28 PM
Nice pics Hal...I would love to try Win7...just finally got my Vista/x64XP close to where I want it! Not sure how easy it would be at this point to transfer everything over to the Win7 install anyway! By the way , does that beta support the XP emulator(Virtual XP)?

If you use Windows backup for everything, it should automatically appear as it did on Vista with Win 7.  Just make sure you have an external hard drive (just got one myself to do the conversion) to store your files so if something crashes you still have them.

Yes you can use that "virtual XP" thing but there are a lot of known issues with that.  I don't know a lot about it, so make sure you do your research before you decide to run it.

Overall, Windows 7 is so much better than Vista, but I guess its not that hard to be better than Vista eh?   :P