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Started by noahclem, December 07, 2010, 06:41:52 PM

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I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Congratulations Noah! Really well deserved!
Angels can fly because they don't take themselves too serious!



It's a true honor to present to you all the 4-in-1 OSITM edition of Siilijoki for SC4D's 6th Anniversary!

For the next seven days I'm going to attempt to show you the best of what Siilijoki has to offer, as well as unique types of updates. It is my hope that I will be able to contribute a little extra for the birthday month. There will be something everyday, though not necessarily a big update.

I'd also like to make this a special opportunity for my readers. If you haven't posted before this would be a great time to introduce yourself and say hi! Have a question? Ask it! How did you do this, where did you find that, why didn't you make this a different way--ask away! (Though of course you are always welcome to ask those things). In particular, I'm hoping to upgrade my list of "frequently requested links" so if there's something you're curious about it will likely help someone else later as well.

We'll cover all of my favorite parts and aspects of Siilijoki this week. For today we're visiting a new part of North Pohjanmaa. It's built into the steep hills along the Siilijoki estuary and, besides hillside neighborhoods, features beaches, parks, trails, forests, and more! I'm excited to share this new area with you and I hope you enjoy it as much as I! Naming rights will be assigned to the best suggestion ;)

Here's the updated regions map. The setting for today is in Pohanmaa, outlined in yellow, in the northeastern area.

32.1 -- An overview of much of the area. No flat ground here, but beautiful views and a great beach!
click to enlarge

32.2 -- A great place for relaxing and enjoying the sun!

32.3 -- Businesses and groups can rent out this excellent facility overlooking the area. A creek rushes under the walking path to the sea.
Click to enlarge

32.4 -- Check out the view down the bluff!
Click to enlarge

32.5 -- A zoomed out version of the same:

32.6 -- Plentiful sun and wind make for great times on the beach or in a boat
Click to enlarge

32.7 -- A wider view of the area

32.8 -- This mosaic starts with North Pohjanmaa Central Station, crosses Alba Avenue, and continues along the shoreline to our area for today
Click to enlarge

32.9 -- Leading east from the area is a great trail for pedestrians, cyclists, and their animal friends!

32.10 -- People love to use the trails in the fall as well
Click to enlarge

32.11 -- The fall colors from above
Click to enlarge

32.12 -- Back near the beach and convention center


32.14 -- And it's time for this update to fade into the sunset....
Click to enlarge

I hope you enjoyed this new area and don't forget to keep an eye on Siilijoki the next week  :party:

Quote from: Gugu3 on November 05, 2012, 12:15:42 AM
Very nice Noah!!!simple scenery, but impressive at thhe same time!!good job &apls

Thanks as always my friend! Sometimes simple is better  ;)

Quote from: wallasey on November 05, 2012, 01:19:55 AM
It was cold on Merseyside this morning...but I feel even colder without my winter coat looking at this update!

The area looks so quiet...a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life! You have pieced all your ingredients together superbly.

If there was one criticism (sorry!) , I would have used different streetlights...the arm's seem to come out too far! I think there is a short bracket version of what you have used. Streetlighting is a little side-line of mine, there's quite a sizable enthusiasts group in the UK.

Conservation is a moot point in my neck of the woods, demolition is normally the end result once things are unused. Especially when it comes to housing!

I look forward to seeing more of this new area!

Thanks and please, no need to apologize! Feedback is very much welcomed here and I appreciate it. Those lights weren't my favorites but they were the only ones I knew of that lit up a large area like I wanted. Because of comments here I looked further into the issue and have now replaced them with German Westphalian lights. The link to your street lights was quite interesting, I had fun trying to find the strangest ones--I always like things with character!

Stay warm friend!

Quote from: RickD on November 05, 2012, 04:05:22 AM
Very nice winter scenes.  &apls

I would love to take a walk through a nice winter landscape but around here it is just raining.

Thanks Raphael! Glad you liked it and if you'd like to experience some snow there's always Finnish Lapland for your winter vacation  ;D

Quote from: rambuckel on November 05, 2012, 05:22:29 AM
Fascinating :) Although you can count the number of used props on the fingers of one hand (well not really but nearly ;) ) you managed to create an incredible atmosphere with theses pics.

Actually we had some snow as well but that's gone by now and it wasn't the kind of snow I associate with the snow on your pics. It was that kind of wet snow with which you can form snowballs which are hard enough to go through a window quite easily =)

Thanks! I used more than one hand, but not by much  ;)  If it wasn't for 4 kinds of pine trees I think I could have kept it to two hands worth of props. Unfortately there isn't a very large body of good winter material for SC4 but much of what exists is extremely high quality. Our snow has been perfect for snowballs as well actually--not too cold yet!

Thanks for the OSITM congrats as well!

Quote from: art128 on November 05, 2012, 05:55:02 AM
A very nice update once again Noah! Love the work you have done with this path along the river. Though I am not sure if those big light-poles fits really. Maybe some smaller would have been better. :)

Thanks Arthur, glad you liked it! I took your suggestion and put in some better lights. You just MSNed me, I'll continue your reply there ;)

Quote from: Swordmaster on November 05, 2012, 07:07:51 AM
Wow, Mr. Lighting! I haven't seen anyone work so well with lighting effects, or have their scenes so depend on it/thrive in it/whatever.

Like Arthur, I also felt weird about those light poles. But as I sometimes say, that's not a bad thing. Looking at the real world from above sometimes gives very weird impressions; things that don't look like you thought they would look.

Thanks Willy! Lighting is fun to play with. I often leave my pictures "au naturale" but certain pictures or types of updates can really benefit from the emphasis light can provide. I did figure out a better solution to the lights which will be shown over the next week, partially in this update  :thumbsup:

Quote from: apeguy on November 05, 2012, 09:45:16 AM
A great couple of updates, the Halloween special was very nice. ;D ;D

Looking forward to what you have next. :)

Thanks and a happy Halloween to you ;)  Welcome back to Siilijoki!

Quote from: feyss on November 05, 2012, 12:18:44 PM
Beautiful winter landscapes. Good job  :thumbsup:
Thank you very much! Great to hear from you here!

Quote from: Framly on November 05, 2012, 01:41:02 PM
I really enjoyed the last pages of your MD! Impressive pictures full of details! The winter shots looks fantastic! Nice PS-effects!

Keep it up ;)
Thanks a lot Framly, I appreciate hearing from you!

Quote from: Jmouse on November 05, 2012, 02:44:44 PM
Once again, you have created some beautiful scenes for us to ponder, and possibly learn something from. Unlike someone such as you who lives in a country that's perilously close to the Arctic Circle, I'm utterly fascinated by snow. By the time I was 40, I had seen it less than a dozen times. So when I moved from Houston to points farther north, a snowstorm was a treat, and I remain enthralled by the loveliness of a snow-covered landscape.

I love the idea of interchangeable terrain mods – it's simple, logical and could be very effective with a bit of practice. Last night, I finally made it through all 311 pages of custom content on the LEX. I should have most of it installed in my new plugin  folder by week's end, so when that's done, I'll go back and grab a few more terrain mods.

Thanks for sharing these lovely photos with us...

Thanks a lot Joan!

Always a pleasure to hear from you Joan! I like snow a lot too, even though I'm used to it being raised in South Dakota. Here in Finland there's more snow and more things to do with the snow--and much less wind! Hopefully people get some benefit my my terrain mod tips and I'll be happy to elaborate further. I hope life's bringing you all the best things :)

Quote from: Schulmanator on November 05, 2012, 03:25:35 PM
A true winter wonderland. I like it. Nicely done. Makes me want to get some hot chocolate!
Thanks Schulmanator! Have a hot chocolate on me :)

Quote from: sunv123 on November 06, 2012, 08:30:39 AM
Wow :o

Those winter pics are wonderful! :thumbsup:
Thank you very much, it's nice to hear from you here!
Quote from: rooker1 on November 09, 2012, 03:24:17 AM
Here is an amazing MD always full of surprises and this is why this MD has been choosen for the second week of 4in1 in OSITM!  Also help me congratulate Noah on his third time appearance!! &apls  This should be a fun week, so sit back and enjoy!!

Congrats from The SC4D Staff!!
I'm honored at the introduction and nomination Robin!!


This is very beautiful and also inspirational. It was nice to see the bigger picture of your region as well.

- Ilja   &apls


That was one damn beach! I loved this area, very ingenious use of FARR and everything else!
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Sensational! It's all very top notch work, especially the beach.
I think I've been here long enough, call me Kenneth/Kenny.

The Commonwealth of Paradise at ST

The Commonwealth of Paradise at SC4 Wiki


Wow! Another landmark update. I spent quite a while looking at all of it, you can always find something more in here. I especially enjoyed the region view today. Nice to see how the city grows around the waterfront, although from time to time I tend to think there's too many high rises. Then again, that's part of your personal style, so nothing to worry about actually.

And congratulations being in OSITM again! Looking forward to this week.



My goodness, Noah, you certainly started your week off with a bang! Every one of your photos is picture perfect and showcases your amazing skills.

I like 32.2, mainly because of the pedestrian bridge, but my all-time favorites are your fall scenes starting with 32.10. I especially like the conifers mixed in. I'm used to seeing the same kind of mixture where I live, and BTW, the trees here are still ablaze with color. My very favorite, by a slim margin, is 32.14, though. It is so alive with vibrant color. I think we're in for a spectacular week.

As for questions, which water mod did you use in 32.14? Also, do you have the CAM installed in your plugin folder?


Sensational work, Noah! The beachfront area in particular is stunning. I love the way the buildings curve along the shore.
I'll be back for sure!  :)


Brilliant update Noah!  The beach and waterfront is fantastic.  Especially love the waterfront trail and stone bridge - great use of MMP.


Noah, you just made my day with this brilliant update! I just came home from a boring party congress with many more or less important persons bloviating about their candidacy ... well and then I discovered this update with all the pictures, one more beautiful then the other. I really enjoy these pictures! I guess I'll have another look at them after leaving this comment, drinking a nice cup of hot coffee :)

Best wishes, Theresa
Angels can fly because they don't take themselves too serious!


Congratulation Noah!!!! :thumbsup:well done!
Nice area!but the best picture for me is the region view!!!it's nice to see all together the areas we've seen in your updates ;D


Lovely pictures and congrats on the OSITM &apls

The combination of orthogonals, diagonals, curves and FAR is really stunning. Also great work on the trail near the building and near the water. &apls
And great region shot.

It seems that the autumn picture are made with the Pyrenean Terrain Mod and the summer ones with the Berner Oberland. Is this right? or Gobias mod is seasonal?

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That area looks very green I must say :P, and that's one beach you've got there.
Provo, a city apart Updated July 4.


I have to say, that is quite incredible. Great work, I love it! :thumbsup:


Here's my OSITM interview for those who haven't seen it yet:


It's been raining in Rovaniemi lately, though there's still snow on the ground. After another walk today I thought I'd take a stab at recreating the mood in Siilijoki.

Don't forget to vote for the SC4D MD Hall of Fame, whether it's for me or one of the other great MDs on the ballot! Just a few hours left!

Quote from: Reform on November 09, 2012, 12:49:30 PM
This is very beautiful and also inspirational. It was nice to see the bigger picture of your region as well.

- Ilja   &apls
Thank you very much! Region views are very nice for perspective  :thumbsup:

Quote from: art128 on November 09, 2012, 12:58:28 PM
That was one damn beach! I loved this area, very ingenious use of FARR and everything else!
Thanks a lot Arthur, glad you liked it!

Quote from: kj3400 on November 09, 2012, 01:07:54 PM
Sensational! It's all very top notch work, especially the beach.
Thank you very much!

Quote from: Swordmaster on November 09, 2012, 02:01:40 PM
Wow! Another landmark update. I spent quite a while looking at all of it, you can always find something more in here. I especially enjoyed the region view today. Nice to see how the city grows around the waterfront, although from time to time I tend to think there's too many high rises. Then again, that's part of your personal style, so nothing to worry about actually.

And congratulations being in OSITM again! Looking forward to this week.

Thanks Willy! I do try to put in plenty of details to keep things interesting  ;)  Perhaps a bit too many skyscrapers in some areas but there are a number of other business districts besides the city center--a matter of style I guess  :)  Thanks for the congrats again and I'll try not to disappoint!

Quote from: Jmouse on November 09, 2012, 04:02:00 PM
My goodness, Noah, you certainly started your week off with a bang! Every one of your photos is picture perfect and showcases your amazing skills.

I like 32.2, mainly because of the pedestrian bridge, but my all-time favorites are your fall scenes starting with 32.10. I especially like the conifers mixed in. I'm used to seeing the same kind of mixture where I live, and BTW, the trees here are still ablaze with color. My very favorite, by a slim margin, is 32.14, though. It is so alive with vibrant color. I think we're in for a spectacular week.

As for questions, which water mod did you use in 32.14? Also, do you have the CAM installed in your plugin folder?

Thanks Joan! Those pics are among my favorite as well--the sunset scenes are always fun for me. For 32.14 I added an almost translucent layer of orange to add to embellish the sunset atmosphere. The water mod is the Mississippi one from Gobias' pack number 2 on the LEX--I'd include a link but for some reason my computer's not wanting to let me. Anyway, it's the second most recent release. And yes, I installed regular CAM a few months back and would recommend it. Thanks again!

Quote from: sim_link on November 09, 2012, 04:07:14 PM
Sensational work, Noah! The beachfront area in particular is stunning. I love the way the buildings curve along the shore.
I'll be back for sure!  :)
Thanks and welcome any time! I always like trying to fit curvy and diagonal things in Siilijoki  :thumbsup:

Quote from: Gobias on November 09, 2012, 05:29:25 PM
Brilliant update Noah!  The beach and waterfront is fantastic.  Especially love the waterfront trail and stone bridge - great use of MMP.
Thanks a lot! I've really been loving playing with the new beach and water mod's you've released and I'm glad if I've done them justice  :thumbsup:

Quote from: rambuckel on November 10, 2012, 06:05:58 AM
Noah, you just made my day with this brilliant update! I just came home from a boring party congress with many more or less important persons bloviating about their candidacy ... well and then I discovered this update with all the pictures, one more beautiful then the other. I really enjoy these pictures! I guess I'll have another look at them after leaving this comment, drinking a nice cup of hot coffee :)

Best wishes, Theresa
Glad I could brighten up your evening a bit  :D  Thanks a lot and I'm glad you enjoyed this one!

Quote from: Gugu3 on November 10, 2012, 08:09:26 AM
Congratulation Noah!!!! :thumbsup:well done!
Nice area!but the best picture for me is the region view!!!it's nice to see all together the areas we've seen in your updates ;D
Thank you! I guess I should include region views more often  :thumbsup:

Quote from: Kergelen on November 10, 2012, 09:48:14 AM
Lovely pictures and congrats on the OSITM &apls

The combination of orthogonals, diagonals, curves and FAR is really stunning. Also great work on the trail near the building and near the water. &apls
And great region shot.

It seems that the autumn picture are made with the Pyrenean Terrain Mod and the summer ones with the Berner Oberland. Is this right? or Gobias mod is seasonal?
Thank you very much! Yes, I use the PTM for my fall pictures usually (sometimes Appalachian) and the Berner Oberland most of the rest of the time.

Quote from: sunv123 on November 10, 2012, 10:31:35 AM
That area looks very green I must say :P, and that's one beach you've got there.
Thanks a lot!

Quote from: samerton on November 10, 2012, 12:48:38 PM
I have to say, that is quite incredible. Great work, I love it! :thumbsup:
Thanks samerton, great to see you here!


Noah, I think you just pinpointed something about your astonishing photos that has eluded me. It's "atmosphere!" You do, indeed, create a mood using everything at your disposal – mods, custom content, light, shadows and a host of other elements I'm sure. Today's photo is one I could sit and stare at for hours, just soaking up the quiet and peaceful beauty of a lovely scene which would be right at home on a Christmas card.

Excellence at its finest...


Hmmm, I think you'll get a lot of votes. . .  ;D

I agree with Joan. I've been singing White Christmas all day at work (don't worry, I'm on my own there), and you keep me in the mood. Great picture.



What's the flora covered with snow would you like to have?

it's not plan for future, but if you need some models, and there are quick to do I could export them fastly :)
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


Quote from: Swordmaster on November 10, 2012, 03:40:52 PMI've been singing White Christmas all day at work (don't worry, I'm on my own there)

Oh man I can't stop laughing.   :D

Very nice picture Noah! As Joan I just love the atmosphere you create in each pictures. That one is yet another perfect example. The people walking in the evening rain [even the baby!  :o ] the light pole lighting the end of the bridge in a warm orange light while the rest of the picture is composed of dark wood and snow... Man that's excellent.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog