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Capporth City [5th OSITM Special 03 (30.06.13)]

Started by bat, May 08, 2007, 06:26:34 AM

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Welcome back to Capporth City and to page 53!

Sorry for the inactivity of 90 days, 37 minutes and 46 seconds.
Now I am back with the fourth and last part of TheWayto1000Comments.
I am trying to update now more often than in 2009.
2010 will be better than 2009.
Thanks for 1040 replies and over 50000 views so far.

Here's the video (~10min):
Link 3rd part (replies 501 to 750): here
Link 2nd part (replies 334 to 500): here
Link 1st part (replies 001 to 333): here

Thanks for watching the fourth and last part of tWtotC, replies 751 to 1000 comments.
Now the flash back (~30 minutes in 4 parts) is finished.
Perhaps I will make some updates for Capporth City,
or I will start a new MD here as presented in the
pre MD video.


Tomas Neto

What happy news to see your MD again in activity! Follow your updates again is a great gift for us! Another beautiful video, especially the part of the winter and the suburbs on the end of the video too!
Awesome, my friend!!!  &apls &apls



Great to see you back at it again Bat. &apls
I wouldn't start a new MD but just start a new idea right here in this great spot.  No need to go through all that work of moving up through the different levels just to get abck to the "Classics Section". ;)

Robin :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Great to see you up and running again here!  Life happens to us all!  Great series of videos here, you've been incredibly busy since you started this MD! 




Welcome to a new teaser and the first new picture in 2010. There will come more soon...

here's the newest picture:

Thanks for watching my MD here at sc4devotion.
Comments are really welcomed... [no lurking day]
The 38th Update will be in one or two weeks,
because of performance issues and also some graphic issues of SC4 with Windows7.

Until then,

Tomas Neto


Well that certainly is a great looking teaser!  Beautiful job with the snow!


I can't post a full comment at the moment, but great job with the snow pic.




That's a fantastic teaser! Nice work with the photoshopping as well!  :thumbsup:
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Looks like an out-of-season storm caught the folks at the tulip farm napping.  I'm looking forward to Update 38- hope those Win7/SC4 issues sort themselves out.

Thank you for keeping CC going, bat.  You've earned your fans as much as anyone around here, and your dedication to MDing is a pretty awesome thing.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


O.....My.....Goooodness.... first of all i been a simcity fan since the early/mid 90's {since the first one, when i played it at school on the old macs haha.}. never seen as much good work as this. and 2. this probably been asked a million times? but how did you get the snow? snow flakes? amazing...{from your video i saw}

i wish i could make half a good city as this. its not all just "the mods" cuz you really have to know what you are doing. and takes patience to do all of this.

mad props man, 5 stars!


Welcome to the second teaser in 2010!
(sorry for the delay of pictures... ...there will be more soon...)

the newest picture:

Thanks for your views and comments!
A new update with more pictures and personal replies
(It will be animated!)
will be published at the next weekend
(maybe at Sunday!),

but nevertheless COMMENTS/ REPLIES are really welcomed!

Until then,


Tomas Neto

Yeah my friend, very nice teaser!!! I´ll back to see the next update!!!  :thumbsup:


Great to see another teaser!  That's a great scene there.