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One of my cities needs advice

Started by Ramona Brie, March 15, 2011, 05:36:24 PM

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Ramona Brie

"The City of Austin is looking at tackling the issues on Sanriku Springs Boulevard, a limited-access arterial that serves as the gateway to the northwestern portion of the city.

Commuters going south in the morning are clogging up Valley View, a frontage road to Sanriku Springs, with about 700 cars a day, then filling up Chapel Flat Road, which despite a recent upgrade still carries a whopping 1200 cars a day. The city wants to keep traffic off the mostly residential Chapel Flat and push it out onto the wider Knoxville Avenue (Route 33). The intersection of Sanriku Springs and Chapel Flat is also clogged up, seeing 1900 cars a day."

Traffic counts are in green. What would you do to solve this issue? No residential faces Valley View or Minami Lane, so either one can be removed as part of the project.


Judging by the looks of the traffic volumes, it looks like the high volumes along Chapel Hill Drive are primarily the result of just local residential traffic.  You may want to consider trying to build east-west connection somewhere to the south to add another point of access from the residential area to Knoxville Avenue.


Ramona Brie

I cross-posted to ST and received several suggestions, including the use of one-way roads, but eventually I decided that the best way to do it would be to revert Chapel Flat to a street and cut off the connection from the south.

It worked like a charm:

On Chapel Flat: B 733 / A 43 (Chapel Flat returned to being a neighborhood street)
Springs W of 9: B 736 / A 653 (fickle commute)
Springs E of 9: B 618 / A 1293 (a more than doubling, which clearly absorbs most all of the commute traffic that went on Chapel Flat)