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Member needs help...

Started by Jmouse, June 06, 2011, 10:05:12 PM

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Can someone please help this gentleman? I'm afraid my knowledge in this is area is rather limited. &mmm

Thanks in advance...

Quote from: trolleyman515 on June 06, 2011, 09:06:54 PM
hey jmouse i have downloaded lot of goodies but seems like i am missing something i downloaded the smn medium barracks and now building dont show i downloaded all the depenedices but one  it got bad link the bramfield haus but it says for sm barracks and it works what am i doing wrong or missing


So, if I read it right, he downloaded all the dependencies for the SNM set, but his medium barracks lacks the building. From what I recall installing the set, the building should be included in one of the mega packs in there. Double check to make sure all of the dependencies are installed. It's easy to overlook one with that set; it's a long list. Otherwise, as I recall it's part of a european set. I think SFBT may have done it, if not Deadwoods. Not sure there though. Hope that helps some.


Thanks Matt. I have provided trolleyman515 with a link to this thread so he can see the comments and provide more information if it's needed.


It's here, on the STEX.

I found it by searching "Kleine Mietshaeuser Pack", which is listed in the Readme. Searching Bramfield Haus didn't show anything at all.

737s, Air Force, Australia... what next?


Thanks to all that gave help yes i did double check had all the dependicies but that one pack thanks for the link got it now so will see if my buildings appear super ty jmouse for help &apls


adroman  thanks for finding that pack that was the one i needed all building showing up now ty again everyone for the help


 ()what() ok got new issue my hsr and rh starter pieces got red arrow cant lay hsr but can lay two lane rh but none of the other pieces ive checked and have the current files and ran cleanitol on nam and rh not missing any dependicies or anything what am i doing wrong or what mod have i got that might cause this issue and where do i look for the file causing issue ...  :angrymore:


It might not be a file causing the issue, make sure you are placing the starter pieces on level ground, and in a place where there is no water and no civic buildings to block its way.



how do i capture a pic forgive me i forgot how it been long time now and it on flat open area no buildings at all and no water near by


Trolleyman, a couple of things.
About picture capture. SC4 allows you to take pictures with the buttons: ctrl-shift-s. I only get this to work sometimes. To access the pictures, you navigate to your documents folder, then the simcity 4 folder, then albums, then a folder named of the city you last took the picture in.

The pictures then have to be uploaded to a website like picvalley.net and then you can share your pictures of your issues here. To do so, you copy the link of the picture, click on the insert image button under the italic icon, and then between the two img /img brackets, place the link of the image url you just copied right there.

Now, I will make an attempt to diagnose your plugins, since I have not actually seen your system contents. There is a chance the reason your hsr is red is because a NAM controller conflict-ion. Two NAM controllers will cancel things out. Not having one NAM controller at all will not allow additional networks to appear. My previous experience with NAM and datpacker have not been too compatible with each other.  I am assuming you acquired the most recent Network Addon Mod with Essentials. I know its all a bunch of dat files when it comes to network configuration in SC4. To be safe I will say if you find something called ANT additional network tool, consider taking that out. Also, there should not be old Rural Highway folder or files in your plugins.


no ant or old rural in plugins and will see if i can get pic so you can see




is that a snow mod?
Do you have all files in your plugin folder?
one more option is that you have two different NAMs installed.
Where did you download the NAM? Is this the first time you downloaded the NAM?




One thing I can suggest trying (which could save a fair bit of time) is to try removing all of your plugins except the files you're trying to get to work and see if it works. That'll quickly determine if it's a conflict with other files or something in the setup.