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Tales at TeaTime

Started by TheTeaCat, May 22, 2007, 04:32:09 PM

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Really great stuff Derry.     I love the overall look of the area you are working in.     Of course I love the rural landscapes anyway.


They say that the memory is the second thing that goes....
...dang , I wish I could remember the first.
WooHoo made Councilman - 05 FEB 07 Yipee made Mayor - 13 MAR 07 Hip Hip Hooray made Governor - 04 AUG 07 Rock On made Senator - 15 MAR 09


Great work on the farms on the hill!
Also nice overview picture!!!


Very nice update, Derry!  (no big surprise there though, is it?)  I have to echo Joan and say that the rolling farm fields look excellent!  Did you have to do much in the way of terraforming preparations there or did it just work out that well on its own?  Either way, the end results make for a tasty slice of eye candy.  ;)  I like the slightly toned down effect you've used for the images as well.  It really adds something which I can't exactly put my finger on...

See you next time!

Never trust a god who grins all the time and wears a top hat, that's my motto.  -Terry Pratchett

It's from JBSimio.  Need we say more?  -BadgerBoy of SC4 Devotion


Consider me satisfied!  Beautiful set of farms in this latest update.  Nice job with the hillside farms!  I'm going to be approaching that particular challenge soon now in my MD.  Thanks for the inspiration.  Shame that rock mod is locked, it looks amazing.  Looking forward to the next update.


Hi Derry!

Satsified? ME? With just 7 pics? No way - I want MORE!!!!  %wrd


Just kidding!  :D

Seriously, great work but I wouldn't want to work on these farms - seeing these rocks I'd guess there are more stones than anything else on these farms ...
But those rocks really rock! I mean great rock mod and your use of the flora just fits in there! Nothing to nag one!

Take care my friend and enjoy lots of cuppas!

Bernhard  :thumbsup:


Dunloe = spectacularly creative. What a beautiful creation - amazingly realistic...I want to take a bike ride through the rural roads and take in the sweet smells of the farmland and forests...mmm...


Hi Derry ,

Love your taste , the least I can say , having just switched to Pegasus' terrain Mod and having already Heblem's rock Mod - visible here : http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=6918.20 ...
and available here : http://www.fileden.com/getfile.php?file_path=http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/2/20/800718/GrassyRock.dat , so close to Swat-Medic's one I firstly thought it was it ...

Fine work  &apls on this superb quad .  :thumbsup:


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Now I suppose you'd like to see some pics?

Ok here's a mini update for you all.Some very specific lots made for this update but it was they only way to achieve the effect i wanted. Hope you like :thumbsup:

but first things first gotta do the replies  :thumbsup:

Quote from: Glowbal on September 06, 2009, 02:05:24 PM
It sure kept me satisfied!  ;)

Thanks. Glad I was able to accomplish something :)

Quote from: tooheys on September 07, 2009, 04:38:52 AM
I hope the guy harvesting the wheat(?) field has good brakes, it's a long way to the bottom  :D
Derry, might have been a short update, but as usual not short on quality.  :thumbsup: Your rural work just gets better and better.

Ta very much Mate.
Short but sweet is better than nowt and glad you liked it.
Mr Reilly the farm owner wasn't too happy that Jim-bob hadn't put the fencing up as he said he'd done
So I reckon that may be one of his next jobs eh?
As you say Its a long way down and we wouldn't want any accidents to happen now would we? ::)

Quote from: joelyboy911 on September 07, 2009, 04:53:12 AM
Splendid update. Lovely use of trees and beautiful farms.

Thank you very much. Glad you like it:)

Quote from: Schulmanator on September 07, 2009, 06:37:06 AM
Looking good - and the rock mod is simply de-lish!  :satisfied:

Thanks Bruce,
Yes it does look pretty nice and fits in well in the region.
Good to see you pop by :thumbsup:

Quote from: Jmouse on September 07, 2009, 07:56:38 AM

Me, me, me!

The fields on rolling hills just look great, Derry. I believe that concept is more European than what I'm used to seeing – but I like it very much. Although we live in the shadow of the Ozarks, the land is pretty flat around here, and so are all the fields.

As always, your rural scenes are a treat to see. You're using a very pleasing combination of trees, too, and I like the subdued look of the pics. Pic 6 is especially attractive.
Great work, here...

Thank you Joan.
I'm happy to see you liked the update. I grew up in an area that was rolling hills and most of it was arable so I guess something imprinted itself on me which is one aspect of rural scenes I try to recreate. Makes it look good when you get it right. I suppose you could say I be a country boy at heart and really do enjoy creating them. So with all the space still left in the region you'll be seeing lots more too :satisfied:

Quote from: djvandrake on September 07, 2009, 11:28:21 AM
Thank you for the welcome cup.  :)

This update is wonderful.  You have so much visual interest in each pic with the variance in the terrain, the wonderful trees that fit so well with the landscape, and the layout is quite nice.  I agree about the rock mod too, it's fantastic! 

May I ask which mod this is?

It was a pleasure to stop by today.  :thumbsup:

My Pleasure for the cuppa:thumbsup:
Glad you liked the update.
I already answered the question about the rock mod in the thread so I'll leave that there.
Its pretty easy to build on flat terrain but I much prefer to play on a map with different terrain and
like the challenge of building on it. Makes me work harder just trying to construct on it :thumbsup:
And when you get it right it just looks so good.

Quote from: Albus of Garaway on September 07, 2009, 12:45:04 PM
Ah, a short update, but a great one!
I absolutely loved those pictures you showed us, Derry! You put those farms to good use. May I ask what rock mod
you're using? It looks fabulous.

Thank you.
Glad you enjoyed the little update.
Re:Rock Mod see above.

Quote from: Gaston on September 07, 2009, 05:12:08 PM
Really great stuff Derry.     I love the overall look of the area you are working in.     Of course I love the rural
landscapes anyway.


Thanks a lot Gaston.
Plenty more rural to come and really glad you liked the last shots I showed.
Stay tuned for more

Quote from: bat on September 08, 2009, 10:02:32 AM
Great work on the farms on the hill!
Also nice overview picture!!!

Thanks Bat :thumbsup:

Quote from: JBSimio on September 08, 2009, 10:11:28 AM
Very nice update, Derry!  (no big surprise there though, is it?)  I have to echo Joan and say that the rolling farm fields

look excellent!  Did you have to do much in the way of terraforming preparations there or did it just work out that well on its own?  Either way, the end results make for a tasty slice of eye candy.  ;)  I like the slightly toned down effect you've used for the images as well.  It really adds something which I can't exactly put my finger on...
See you next time!

Thanks Jon
Glad you like the rolling fields:thumbsup:Some terraforming does go on , some smoothing etc but not much. and
mostly its luck to see what will grow. I do tend to Ctrl+zone to place the main lot but out will come the 'dozer if its not right.
Glad you like the subtle Photoshopping I do. Still learning when it comes to that software but I'm getting there.
'till the next time
keep those monkeys out of mischief.

Sorry lost my passport hence the reason I haven't been on my usual trips to Monkey Island but the embassy is sorting it out as we speak. See you real soon for a cuppa :thumbsup:

Quote from: Battlecat on September 09, 2009, 10:08:07 AM
Consider me satisfied!  Beautiful set of farms in this latest update.  Nice job with the hillside farms!  I'm going to be approaching that particular challenge soon now in my MD.  Thanks for the inspiration.  Shame that rock mod is locked, it looks amazing.  Looking forward to the next update.

Thanks BC
Glad you liked what you saw and glad I gave you some inspiration. Give the farming areas plenty of space and don't
just stick to square plots. That way you'll have something a bit more realistic, hope that helps. Such is life re: rock
mod. Hopefully the creator will update and unlock it eh?

Quote from: Nardo69 on September 09, 2009, 10:16:43 AM
Hi Derry!
Satisfied? ME? With just 7 pics? No way - I want MORE!!!!  %wrd
Just kidding!  :D

Seriously, great work but I wouldn't want to work on these farms - seeing these rocks I'd guess there are more stones than anything else on these farms ...
But those rocks really rock! I mean great rock mod and your use of the flora just fits in there! Nothing to nag one!

Take care my friend and enjoy lots of cuppas!

Bernhard  :thumbsup:

Thank you Bernhard.

Sorry it was only 7 pics but nice ones eh? Glad you liked it. I really do enjoy doing rural scenes - I find it relaxing
instead of having to deal with all the hustle and bustle of downtown's (even in the game  ::)). Still the farmers
must be doing something right as they seems to have bumper crops year after year :D :D

QuoteTake care my friend and enjoy lots of cuppas!
I always do my Friend and I make backups too :thumbsup:

Quote from: threeswept on September 09, 2009, 10:18:06 AM
Dunloe = spectacularly creative. What a beautiful creation - amazingly realistic...I want to take a bike ride through the rural roads and take in the sweet smells of the farmland and forests...mmm...

Thank you very much threeswept.
I am happy that you like it and yes the bike ride sounds like a great idea with a nice cuppa waiting at the end Hmmm
speaking of cuppa's ... heads off to stick the kettle on ;D

Quote from: Badsim on September 09, 2009, 11:00:05 AM
Hi Derry ,
Love your taste , the least I can say , having just switched to Pegasus' terrain Mod and having already Heblem's rock
Mod - visible here : http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=6918.20 ... and available here : http://www.fileden.com/getfile.php?file_path=http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/2/20/800718/GrassyRock.dat , so close to Swat-Medic's one I firstly thought it was it ...

Fine work  &apls on this superb quad .  :thumbsup:


Thank you Cédric.
Glad you liked the update.
Yes the rock mod is very similar indeed and it made me check once again to see if it was.
But no, it is indeed the one by Swat-Medic, that I have currently installed.
more rural on the way stay tuned ;)

Oooooh Look here come some pics  ;D

Or Shall I continue on rambling down some country lanes " 'till the cows come home"  ::)











" 'till the cows come home"

That's all for now, Hope you enjoyed this little trips down some country lanes
See you next time.

Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - If you're not part of the solution , you're part of the problem!
"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II

Tomas Neto


Yes, I very much did enjoy my trip down those country lanes.   &apls  That landscape looks fantastic.  The scenic rock wall lined roadways, meadows of happy cows, and lush fields is quite picturesque.  :thumbsup:


You can always ramble till the cows come home especailly if these type of pictures come along with the rambling my friend.  Great update, loved it!!
Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Great stuff as always Derry :thumbsup: I have to build a dairy farm in my MD as a reward and can only hope it turns out half this good.

Without causing too much offense I hope  :P, those hills remind me I've my travels thru Scotland. Ireland next trip, well it is home genealogically speaking. I'm certainly made of Stout stuff  ::)



Lovely pictures, Derry. On the same vane as what Dave was saying, these remind me of my trip last year to Ireland. Saw some lovely parts of your great country. It shows through in your SimCity style as well.

Anyways, at some point I plan to read from the start of Tales at Tea Time, to the finish, all 54 pages. (But not tonight :P - theres an exam tomorrow).
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


Ah...the thatched roof...rolling, green hills. Splendid. Super detailing...I just love it.


Another gorgeous update.  Always up for a ramble down some country lanes, particularly when I see something I've not seen before.  I don't recognize those paths with the stone walls on each side in the first couple pictures.  Are those a single series of lots or are the stone walls separate from the pathways? 


Hi Derry

Recently I have been digging in the "Show Us Your Farms" - Thread at ST. Someone there wrote about some of my older screenshots that I were the only one who was able to make Maxis fields look good. That was long ago - if he had seen that last pic he wouldn't posted like that. Maxis fields, Maxis trees, your walls and the cow and alltgether: WOW. Abother proof that the whole thing's worth is way much higher than the sum of its components!  &apls

Nothing to nag on - that flora and that rock mod and your layout just fit perect together!

Take care my friend!

Bernhard  :thumbsup:


Derry, this update is about as close to perfect as they get! Each component compliments the others to form a harmonious combination that's a symphony for the eyes!

It is your own unique style, developed over a span of time, which raises TaTT far above the average. It has evolved now into more of a living work of art than "just a game!"  Too bad genuine talent like yours is something which cannot be taught!

The overall landscaping is amazing, in part because it isn't overdone. It would be all too easy to keep adding a little touch here and a few more trees there, only to stand back and realize something is amiss. You, on the other hand, seem to have perfected the art of creating super-realistic pastures, and that is no mean accomplishment!

Here's hoping Tales at Tea Time continues long after the cows come home...


Very touching update to me , Derry , for private reasons ....

You've got a PM .

&apls &apls &apls


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