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Lack of Graphics and Other Things

Started by 2557+Cards, August 02, 2011, 12:14:17 PM

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In all likelihood, this is related to my video card.

I copied my plugins folder to my desktop to organize it. After organizing it I deleted the original plugins folder and replaced it with the new plugins folder, while also adding some new downloads.

I started the game after doing so. The EA Games logo stopped about halfway through the animation without disappearing (which it occasionally does, with no ill effects), and after a short wait the Maxis logo appeared simply masking it; there was a small black background behind the logo and the extents of the EA Games logo were still visible beyond the black background with the Maxis logo.

Then the music for the intro video played, but I saw no video, only a black background. I clicked during the intro video to jump directly to the logo, which did not display either. Then the program went to region view, but still without any graphics. The sound worked just fine through all of this.

I got out of the program using task manager and restarted my computer, started SC4, and the same thing happened. Any ideas?


Normally when I start SC4 it works just fine. However, if the game crashes, I can't restart the program until I restart my computer. This has been the case for quite a long time.


Since the problem only started happening after you altered your plugins folder, something might have gotten messed up. Try loading without any plugins. Also make sure there is nothing in the one in Program Files.


I restarted my computer again, and it worked fine, so most likely it is the same thing which has been causing the second problem, which is not as urgent but I am still curious about.