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VIP - Orange's Nest

Started by Orange_o_, October 30, 2011, 05:56:10 PM

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My job is almost exclusively the creation of addons for the VIP team, but sometimes I want to get some fresh air.

This topic is dedicated to my BATs not that last for many months, as can some projects of the team.

I will first start with a building still in the process of structural work.


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The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

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I agree with my friend Girafe... promising, but what's this? A parking?

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


great start Orange, I think this is a parking.  ;)


I think it's the concrete structure of a building that is now waiting for interior and a (glass?) facade. It will contain offices. Isn't it?
Looks very promising.


Looks great, I think i've already seen a building like that in Paris..

Oh, btw, le titre de ton thread n'est pas correct :P " WHere Orange Nest " se traduit littéralement par "Ou le nid orange" je pense que tu voulais dire " le nid d'orange" ce qui dans ce cas devrait être "Orange's nest"

Edit : tu as raison, je voulais dire "Où Orange fait son nid" mais google n'est plus mon ami  :D (Orange)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Wow! your work is always impressive, but...What it would be? a parking?  $%Grinno$%
Click on the banner to see my BATs


My friends, the carpenter is installing the frames, I'm afraid this is not a parking.


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Looks awesome!!!  &apls

I had wondered if it was a parking ramp too  ;)


Ah, you're showing us the construction of this building as it was real... that's why we just see concrete! $%Grinno$% I'm waiting for the painting with impatience!! :thumbsup:

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

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Scirius, you're on the right track.

Thank you all. My craft work well, they come to install ... (I do not know how to say in French, then English is worse ...) let's say extensions.


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What is it ?  A  giant parpen ?  ()what()

A Very nice one !  :D

Well I don't know what it is , but knowing your taste for modern & strange architecture , and knowing your BATing skill , it will be a masterpiece , with no doubt ...  :thumbsup:


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After drilling the technical conduct of the machinery of the elevator (yes I know they could make a hole before), they are trying to break through the ventilation ducts

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hmmm,  they are working at 35h...

and put a flag you have the 00 bug  :)  (hé hé...)
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

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35h Girafe? :D
I've got a question: what are the two men doing on the roof? Do they controll something?
It's still splendid btw!! &apls

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


ah ah... I can say this building is located in Germany, more exactly in Hamburg!  ::)
Nice progress David.



Delecto: thin, I was discovered.

Thank you friends,

This is a test texture for the roof pozzolan, which is covered with sedum.


Edit : I think I put too much relief

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Really a great looking building, and it's progressing excellently  &apls

I won't hazard a guess as to what it is though. I guess the construction workers finished their work? They're not on the roof anymore  :D


Well, after adjusting the bump, here I am again with a green roof for better appearance.
This texture was completely made ​​in photoshop with 4 textures cgtexture, a gravel and 3 mosses and herbs.

At the same time here is a first test for windows, it is close enough to the look you want: blue glass with an important reflection.

The blue double effect, is that the windows of the building are composed of two panes separated by several feet.

Yes, a big step forward was made in the construction of the building ... but I saw that the interest was less, so I abbreviate your suffering.  :P

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