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Saitama Prefecture - The Port of Japan

Started by kelis, December 08, 2011, 03:25:53 AM

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Excellent work... and so much details! ;) Your updates are always a pleasure to see.
Come join me on a hike to St Edmea!

Latest update: 7

"In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy." - John Sawhill


As I have posted on Simtropolis, that is some fine suburb, port and MMP work! Great lotting too!


Hello guys,

Those days I've been working on some parts of the center of the prefecture, where the BIG city is located, the center of everything in my japanese prefecture.
I must say that It's a bit hard to me due the lack of japanese residential buildings... but I'm going to explain that in another moment, Today I just want to share with you a teaser about something that I'm working...

Thanks for your comment and kind words, replies in the next update  :thumbsup:

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I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Something new is growing, perhaps a totally new Prefecture ??  $%Grinno$%


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Welcome back my friend! I am courios about more ! \°w°/
I like your railway and highway infrastructure projects so much!


That's a really nice picture. Looking forward for more of this new region. :)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog




Uff, a major urban area?

man I should into the hype train as well to see more!


Hello guys...

I'm here because I want to share with you my frustration...I bouth a new pc in the last months and today I just wanted to play SC4,
I had to install the game again (ORIGIN'S COPY), I had no problems with this copy in my old computer, everything was working fine...
but today all those problems came to me... this version is not working correctly, no nightlights, no Nam, etc...

What can I do ? I took a look in some other pages in order to get another copy, but I don't want to spend another 20 euro in this game...

At this point, I saw a lot of topics and threads about the problem, so from here I would like to say Thanks to our friend Tarkus, He is doing a great job
fighting against EA
  &apls &apls

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Get a refund from EA and get the gog/steam version. :)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


I bought the game more than 1 year ago... . don't understand why they are selling an old version right now... :'( :'(

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You can still. Get talking to the support. It will be long and really bothersome. They intend it to be like that so you stop. But don't, it will become too expensive for them to continue and they will offer a refund.
Also don't accept anything else than a refund. No free games ot any other compensation.
But in any case, they have to. They are selling a defective copy of the game, and updated your working copy on your account by a broken one.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Okay, I wrote a very looooong and Intense letter, I will let you know in the next days, Thanks Arthur  :thumbsup:

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Okay, so the first thing that I have to say is... ORIGIN SUCKS... and sorry for that word but is the best description for them...

I will share with you my experience with Origin..., at least with the Spanish group of origin.

Following Arthur's good advices, I tried to get a refund, at least I tried to get a good copy of the game... the first thing was a long email, the answer to this email was clear,
(I can't help you, You must use the chat) After be waiting for a while in the chat, I was able to speak with a woman from Origin, basically she said, ( I can't help you, you should go to this forum section, she gave me the proper link of course  %confuso) Okaaaaaaay, so I wrote again a public thread about my problem and also about the problem of origin's copy,
I spent around 30 min writing a long text in one of its forums, the one dedicated to the support for costumers... what they did ? 2 min later the thread that I've started was deleted and does not exist anymore...

what else can I do ? I just want to enjoy my favorite game... I guess I have to buy a new copy, GOG has the lower price right now, so I will think about it those days...

Greetings my friend and remember, Origin sucks, don't buy the game...  :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:


P.S: I will share with you a copy of the text that I wrote in ORIGIN, Yep, I made a screenshot before someone deleted my thread, It is in Spanish  ;)

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Get in on GoG. But do not stop bothering EA, this is exactly the kind of techniques they use to discourage people from getting what they want. Really bad commercial practice but until people stop getting products on Origin, they are not going to stop. EA is the absolute evil in the gaming community. Unwilling to help (don't misunderstand trying to confuse people with wanting to help) and even not acknowledging that their version of the game is broken and not the official one.

Try pointing them to the post on Alex's blog about it, and insist that their version is not the correct official one and that it's unacceptable that they're selling a broken version of the game while everyone else get the properly patched (OFFICIAL Maxis/EA patch) one. 

Talk to Tarkus too about the deleted thread. Maybe if he posts it in his blog again about the issue it will get some more media coverage. To the point where EA would not be able to hide the facts. (seriously what is this, a god damn mafia?)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Kelis, do you have the game in CD version or dematerialized? Because the CD version (for my part) did not work anymore when I switched from Windows 8 to 10. Because of this, I came back on Windows 8 immediately afterwards, but later the 8 has undergone updates which Did not allow me to play SimCity 4 again. So I ended up cracking Windows 7 (version without update) and I blocked the Windows updates and I did the one I wanted, because it seems to me that the latest Windows 7 updates do not allow No longer to play SC4.

I tell you about my story because you say you have a new PC, so that means you are automatically on Windows 10, am I wrong? Windows 10 is not good at all and I disadvantage it for several reasons, everyone does as he wants afterwards. But if you have the game CD and the ability to install Windows 7 on your PC, it is also a solution.


• Update #6 || Hatsukaichi - Aerial View •


•  Today we are flying around the coast of Saitama, more specifically, we are flying over the pretty village of Hatsukaichi. Its population is about 20,000 inhabitants, once again fishing is the main resource here, so most of the shoreline of this place is  dedicated to fishing- The village has two ports; One is more focused in export sea products around the bay of Saitama, the other one works as local port and just small boats can be found there.  Today we are just going to take a first look from the air and in the next few days we will come a little closer to know more about this wonderful place called Hatsukaichi, another port - village located in the bay of Saitama

• Here you can see a perfect aerial view of the two ports in Hatsukaichi

• The old and small port is not deep enough for the modern boats, just the locals are using that port •

• It is a typical fishing port here in the Prefecture of Saitama

• To end this visit, I want to share with you this beautiful postcard from Hatsukaichi


000 -
Thank you my friend ! Your advice was working for me in my old computer, actually I made that a year ago... but I'm not able to do that in my new pc. Anyway I got a copy from steam, it was just 4,90 euro and it works perfectly...Thanks once again for your time my friend.

art128 - That's what I did, got a copy from steam, it was on sale so I just give up with origin and bought the steam copy... at the end I prefer to spend my free time playing the game. Thanks amigo as always  :thumbsup:

Greetings / Saludos / Groeten

# Jonathan.


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Your work with the seabed gives a realistic touch to this town. That's a great idea  :thumbsup:

The rest is well thought as well with the harbour entrance, the warehouses placed at the right place and the small canal ending up in the sea.

Great to see you back with this  ;)