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Province of Clontarf - Update 10 - Elsmere

Started by tooheys, June 01, 2007, 08:41:44 PM

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Awesome work, Dave. I do like it better than the original concept, but whether or not it's finished must be left to the experts. I do hope you can leave most of it in tact, though.

Until next time...


Dave wow that is stunning there!!! LoL that is true u did and u got.... BTW Go and Check.... bad plug but you did ask lol  :D

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Ohh i've missed loads!!!

Ballina is very nice, love the houses and congrats on getting them to grow like that too...very rare for me too! lol The park is just lovely....perfect for a spot of lunch.

A HUGE congratulations on getting the "special interest" award.....highly deserved!  &apls

That interchange if sooo cool! Yet again you have inspired me.



The RHW has come to town, eh? Fantastic! The interchange looks great, my friend, and I'll definitely be looking forward to seeing what kind of development pops up around it!

Take care, my friend!



That is a wonderful intersection you have made. &apls

I think I need to try out the RHW modd more (although I am currently waiting for the new Euro textures to arrive). It does seem to have incredible virtues.

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I have a vague memory of an Aussie who always talked about master (some lazy older SC4 plaer) and apprentice (himself). Rumours say that that apprentice hits the OSITM twice as much as with his MD now being a classic that other lazy player whose MD is still in the Bestsellers section ...  :D

congrats on the second(!) OSITM plus entering the classic section!

And that RHW intersection made that oldfashion stubborn donkey of me thinking of eventually try it, too, some day ... maybe ...

Great work on the "if you have to go ..." place ...

Take care my friend!

Bernhard  :thumbsup:


Nice intersection there.  That pond looks fantastic.  And the rest area is a good idea too!

Re cockatoo's comment - which side do you drive on is Oz? It looks good to me whichever side btw!


Fantastic new work with the RHW! Wonderful new interchanges! :thumbsup:


indeed a beautiful trumpet...
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Waw... I just finished reading through Balnavia from start to end and I'm very impressed. The wonderful mix between rural areas and skyscraper forests in one region is just stunning. This, in combination with the inside jokes and interesting information makes up a wonderful Diary that truly deserves its Special Interest Award twice, and to be counted with the Classics. I hope that you will continue to create this variety of amazing cities, villages, tourist resorts, industrial areas and others. One suggestion would be to zone your industrial areas larger (say 6x6, 10x10, ...) to allow for larger factories to grow ((CAM) Mega-Industrials).

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Hello Dave,

I had much less time last few weeks and didn't look at my favourite places in SC4D too often :) But now I want to visit at least some of my friends. So I decided to check what's new in your MD.
Congratulations of the second OSITM award and entering into the Classics section! Both are very well deserved  &apls

When I saw your new RHW intersection first time, I found it correct, but to be honest I was not very impressed. But seeing how you arranged it's surrounding I changed my opinion completely. Now it looks really good!  :thumbsup:
Proper and creative finishing is a very important part of the erection. Even the most amazing BAT or engineering structure needs an apropriate surrounding, and you know very good how to do it. It's one of the aspects of your work which I like the most  :)

Great work, I will wait for more!

Adam  :thumbsup:
New Horizons Productions
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jplumbley - moganite - M4346 - nichter85 - papab2000 - Shadow Assassin - Tarkus - wouanagaine



Filasimo: Thanks Ryan for the comments and advice  :thumbsup:

Cockatoo-210893: Believe me, no head-ons, everyone ends up pointing in the right direction.  :) And it is functional,
the pic's are just devoid of traffic as I built the RHW before any development.

Jmouse: Thanks Joan, I have left it unchanged, but have since come across an interchange in another MD
which would have simplified things. I'll try that next time.

Pat: lol Pat. Thanks my friend and good to see you are a classic yourself  ;)

pipishere: Thanks pip, appreciate the great comments.

thundercrack83: Hi Dustin, thanks for the comments mate.

emilin: Thanks emilin, I hope you don't have to wait too long, now that I've started using the RHW i'm hooked.

Antoine: Thanks

Nardo69: lol, great words ol' wise one  ;D Thanks my friend, and I hope you get the donkey moving, the RHW
is certainly worth a try.

paroch: Hi Paul, we drive on the right side which is left, not he wrong side which is right  :P Unfortunately,
the people of Balnavia drive on the wrong side.

bat: Thanks bat, your comments are welcome as always.

mightygoose: thanks (I think  :D)

caspervg: You poor soul, such a big dose of Balnavia in one hit could send you nuts  $%Grinno$%
Welcome and I'm pleased you have enjoyed the MD to date. Point taken re the industrial zoning, I'll try to
remember that next large industrial area.

Ennedi: Hi Adam, always a pleasure to see you drop by. Thanks for the comments, you tell it as you
see it and it's appeciated.


Lawson, flat, green and rural based.

The local community theatre. "Break a leg", no worries, the hospital is right across the road.

Ah, the hallowed game of cricket, addictive to some and a pleasure to watch. For others,
their home is now across the road, bored to death after 5 meaningless days.

Something nasty looks like its about to happen here, a truck has jackknifed on the ave, hope they stop in time.

In true Aussie tradition, each town has to have a "big" something. In this case it's a cow. A great
photo opportunity with the kids, just be careful at which end you stand.

Thanks again everyone for the great comments.

Until next update.




Fantastic new update there, tooheys! And wonderful pictures of the lakes and city! Great new work with the RHW!!

Looking forward to more...


 :D Love the cow!

A wonderful selection of pics there....another perfect update :)


Very nice! Great usage of all sorts of curves in existance.
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A stunning update as usual, Dave. You really put your best apples on top with that first photo. :thumbsup:

You didn't exaggerate when you characterized Lawson as "green." There's a certain luxury about the bluish water surrounded by trees which extend throughout the open spaces in town.

And not only do you have a way of making all the elements fit together nicely, you make it look easy! ::)

But now I'm going to have to give up and embarrass myself in public by asking where you got all those curved roads, streets, avenues, etc.. I thought they were part of the new NAM, but I've never been able to find them in any menu. So are they a separate download or what?

Anyway, I'm always looking forward to seeing more classic tooheys! :D

Until next time...


Dave wow what a stunning update for such a great birthday present to me, aww shucks I feel special eerrr ooh wait you probley would have updated anyways today and also I would have told you a good update anywho lol... That sure is a big cow and I wouldnt get caught near the business end of it lol.....

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Wow! Lawson looks amazing, Dave! That park with the transparent water lake--absolutely fantastic! You never disappoint, my friend! Never!



Hi Dave,

Well, I have to start by saying that your reply to me actually made me laugh out loud.  Your humour kills me - if you're ever in the UK I'm gonna have to buy you a beer or three!

And re the last update, can't believe it's not already been said:

Lawson is Awesome!

The TPW is a notch up from even your usual TPW greatness.  The parks beside the lake with the trees and theatre really is something else.

Looking round your suburbs is a joy.  Many of your Residential BATS/LOTS feature in my plug ins folder too - you just put them together in a different way that achieves a great result.  Love the church sitting opposite the cricket pitch.  Could be so very English, but I'm guessing also so very Australian (and please no gags about the different quality of players ;)).  I noticed that the fence on the cricket ground is showing up as black and missing.  I had the same problem, so re-lotted it with a different fence.  I just couldn't work out the dependancy I was missing.

And the first football pitch..... for me, it's just too close to the roads.  And with no fences around it, there's gonna be a lot of balls going underneath cars!  Just hope no over eager player runs into the road to get their ball back only to be flattened by a jacknknifing lorry ;)

Love the high school with its sports facilities.  Only question there is why have the road run all the way through?  With the curved road behind it, wouldn't it be better to have the road come in from the left and stop at the school entrance?  Then, the students would be able to walk from the school to the sports without crossing the road and risk the jackknifing lorries ;)

Love the farms, particularly the second last shot with the various famr dealerships - that's gotta be a SC4D Photo Competition entry surely (well, maybe take another without the jacknifing lorry!).

Great update my friend - always a pleasure to visit.