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Started by eldaldo, June 01, 2012, 01:20:17 PM

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Congratulations on being selected for OSITM.

I like the fact that you started with an overview - and with that stunning map of the whole region, wow. Looking forward to the rest of the month, and beyond.
Click on the banner to celebrate!


A top-notch region view!

As for getting images, use SC4StartupManager. It can easily parse large regions.



That is a stunning region map.  &apls


Congratulations Eldaldo for being selected for OSITM, You've made a lovely region here with all sorts of nooks and crannys to hide in.



I love to see region views and your is really amazing &apls

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Aaron Graham

Wow!!! I have to say that region is about the size of a small country or can be a state. :O
-Simcity4fan12/Sgt Pepper -Kryptowhite -Jumpthefence -beutelschlurf -Hanson784 -Gwail -Don Miguel -Seraf -Kelistmac -Glenni -Aaron Graham -Vlasky -PBGV103 -Darknono35 -Evillions -lucky7- Parisian- Jackreid -GuerrilaWarfare -Sim Fox -un1 -Heblem -AlexandrosB13 -Anotn -SimHoTToDDy



Quote from: Schulmanator on March 06, 2013, 04:55:22 AM
Great looking map! I really like it.


Quote from: benedict on March 06, 2013, 08:56:49 AM
Congratulations on being selected for OSITM.

I like the fact that you started with an overview - and with that stunning map of the whole region, wow. Looking forward to the rest of the month, and beyond.

Thanks so much.  Sorry I crapped out on the OSITM.

Quote from: Swordmaster on March 07, 2013, 04:08:31 AM
A top-notch region view!

As for getting images, use SC4StartupManager. It can easily parse large regions.


Thanks.  I'll have to try that in the future. 

Quote from: Shroud on March 07, 2013, 04:56:48 AM
That is a stunning region map.  &apls


Quote from: dobdriver on March 07, 2013, 05:41:54 AM

Congratulations Eldaldo for being selected for OSITM, You've made a lovely region here with all sorts of nooks and crannys to hide in.


Thanks so Much Dobdriver.  I Love your maps!  One of them is featured in the world I've built. Hopefully someday I'll get around to showing it!

Quote from: Kergelen on March 07, 2013, 01:38:39 PM
I love to see region views and your is really amazing &apls

Thanks.  Region Views are my favorite as well. 

Quote from: Aaron Graham on March 10, 2013, 09:11:09 AM
Wow!!! I have to say that region is about the size of a small country or can be a state. :O

Haha.  yeah, It probably will be declared a state in a future entry.  Thanks for making so many buildings that I love and use in my cities.


Hello.  Before I get to the entry I want to apologise for falling short of my OSITM goals.  I spent some time working on the next entry but basically was attempting something that was too big of a scope for what I could accomplish.  Then near the end of the month my desktop's graphics card bit the dust.  Leaving me with a sorry little laptop that struggles to run SC4.  It forced me to take a break from computer games with was pretty enjoyable and healthy.  But I can't stay away from SC4 for long and I was able to switch out my graphics card with another and start back at my region.  I will continue now with the story that I have been telling.  Once again, I apologize for dropping off the face of the earth there for a while.  Onward to the update.


While discussion continues about how to manage East Alden Forest, in Waterford.  A wealthy businessman in Elkisma is making a first for Elkisma, but also for Regions.  Baseball has grown in popularity greatly over the past few years to the point where on weekends, the local fields in every town have many spectators watching exhibition games between various teams from around the area. 

Tennet's park in Mandrake often has so many spectators that they have had to have policemen keep people off the train tracks that run behind the field.  Often small vendors will walk through the crowds selling peanuts and empanadas to the spectators.  It has become so popular that Mahesh Aravind,

a wealthy Elkisma businessman decided to build a large park with thousands of seats and charge a small admission fee to games where the best teams in the region would be paid part of the profits to play each other, the winner receiving twice the amount as the loser.  He would then try to make money by selling food and drinks to the spectators. 

The biggest problem is finding a place to build the park. Elkisma has been nearly overrun with exiles for the past decade and this rapid growth has led to drastic and sprawling expansion of the city.  meaning that it is hard to find a central location that has enough space to build such a large park. 

His two best options were Redbury, near the university; and Espen, the town that lies east of Downtown, across the Inlet, on Baser Point. 

Redbury has the advantage of being very cheap, and having several farms that could be bought for development.  However, Redbury is hard to get to.  There are no mass transit routes to the area, and you either end up walking many blocks or hiring a coach.

Espen on the other hand is the up and coming part of the city.  A bridge connecting it with downtown has been in place for many years, and just this month construction was completed on a new branch of the underground train connecting Espen with Downtown via a tunnel underneath Goddard Inlet.  This expensive tunnel was mostly paid for by the wealthy commuters of Espen who desire easier transit to their daily jobs, and the wealthy landowners of Espen who hope that this will increase land value in Espen. 

Land value has increased enough that the farms near central Espen are no longer profitable running the farmers into debt forcing them to sell their property.  In addition, the pollution from the nearby Jinning Industrial Park is affecting the harvests. 

Mahesh ended up paying out a decent amount to Jose Cerna, whose family farm had been amassing a debt for the past four years.  Mahesh, had found the perfect location.  Only three blocks from the Underground Train Station, and also quite close to the Mour Street Bridge. 

As construction started the local papers were full of editors calling him a fool.  Saying that no one would pay to see men play a children's game.  Also some fans of the game speculating as to whether this would negatively affect the playing of what they thought should be a game played entirely for fun, that playing for profit would take away the character of the game.  Most people wondered whether anyone would show up to see the game on the opening day of the park. 

After almost five months of work on the park, it was completed in the early summer of 208 (from the founding of Mandrake).  It can be seen in the image above.  It was built so that the stands would get look out over the ocean, and the building of the park has already attracted several commercial businesses to the area.  Mahesh had spent the months of building the park amassing a team of all the star players on the various Elkisma teams.  Then challenging the Mandrake Kickers, the most famous and allegedly best team in regions, to a game.  He bet that regional rivalry and challenges would sell tickets.  He was right.

On the opening game day of Aravind Field there was a line outside the field that almost wrapped around it.  The game sold out an hour before it started.  The spectators were treated to a thrilling game between the newly formed Elkisma Electrics and the Mandrake Kickers. 

The Kickers took an early lead and kept a few runs ahead of the Electrics for most of the game until the eighth inning when a homerun by the Electrics' outfielder "Fox" Martin brought in three runs putting the electrics up by one.  a lead which they kept for the rest of the game.  The cheers of the crowds were supposedly heard across the inlet in downtown Elkisma.  Mahesh knew he had made a good investment.


Looks awesome and I love the gif with the expanding city in the earlier update.

Its nice to see another natural growth active again and I continue to lok forward to seeing Elkisma continue to grow.




Nicely done... good stuff and looks great. Keep it up :D
See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0



Quote from: Schulmanator on May 30, 2013, 04:02:50 PM
Nicely done... good stuff and looks great. Keep it up :D


Quote from: 89James89 on May 30, 2013, 03:54:17 AM
Looks awesome and I love the gif with the expanding city in the earlier update.

Its nice to see another natural growth active again and I continue to lok forward to seeing Elkisma continue to grow.



Thanks!  We natural growth journals have to stick together!

Hello everyone,  Time for another update.  This time It is very story oriented.  I have added some images that will hopefully keep you reading.  Also, for the first time I have included some drawings.  Not because I am good at drawing but because I enjoy doing it and I thought it would add something.  Hope you enjoy!


The Daltev apartment is in the brick rowhouse in center of image

Mark Daltev opened the door to his family's apartment after spending his time after work with his friends.  Colt Braun, a kid on their team who sold newspapers had brought one that told the story of Aravind field and how the Kickers were beaten by the Electrics.  All the kids were so full of indignation that their favorite team could be beaten by some blokes from across the bay.  They were also filled with a sort of jealousy for all the people who got to witness the game. 

The Mandrake Killers

Back Row Left to right: Yosef Bronchowski, Timmons "the slugger" Raru, Colt Braun, Diggun, Gabe "Little Dog" Tanner. 

Front Row Left to right: Mara Shank, Shalv "Strong Arm" Rai, Mark Daltev, Eric Zhang.

This image was taken by a Manchester Point Photographer after the team devastated the Manchester Point Boy's Team in a challenge match.  The Killers won 18-3.

Over the past season the kids had settled into a regular team.  Other kids their age were usually too afraid to ask to play with them and they had developed a reputation for being a bunch of jerks and also the best team of kids their age to play on tennets field (the most famous field in the city).  This reputation had begun to attract challenges from kids of other areas in the city. 

they had gone to play in Edges, South Mandrake, and even once against a bunch of rich kids in Rosalyn. 

Tennet's field.  The home field of the Mandrake Kickers.  Located in Downtown Mandrake, game days will find crowds of people surrounding the field and policemen patrolling the tracks to keep people off of them so that trains can pass.  When the Kickers or other adult teams are not using the field, there are always kids playing on it.  usually several games occur at once in different parts of the field since the kids aren't big enough to play on a full size field yet.

Home of the "Southern Stags."  The Killers will often play here when Tennet's field is occupied because it is within walking distance of West Kettle.

Waterford's only field is where all the various school teams of Waterford and South Mandrake play.  The Killer's have a bad reputation here because after beating a local team 9-0, Colt Braun Broke a kid's nose in the fight that ensued.

This is the farthest the Killers have traveled to play a challenge.  Located pretty far down on Manchester point, The killers Absolutely destroyed The Manchester Point Boy's Team.  The spectators really could not believe that a team full of exiles could play better ball than the native Manchester Point Boys.  Some spectators were outraged, others were simply amazed.

Old Man Lenvik's family owned a farm on this location long before Mandrake became what it is today.  When development spread this way he made a fortune selling his land, but he has refused to sell his yard even though the skyscrapers creep closer each year.  He is a huge fan of baseball though and has allowed his grandchildren and their friends to play ball here no matter how many windows they break.  It is another field within walking distance of West Kettle and is the location of the Killer's victory against the rich boys of Rosalyn.

They won every time, even against teams with kids who were older than them.  No one could beat Mara's pitching, and Mark had finally become strong enough to hit homeruns.  Even Yosef had become something of a star second baseman.  This invincibility led to alot of fights with the other teams, and they rarely walked away from a game without a few bruises.  Still, they left plenty of bruises on the opposing team as well.  They called themselves the West Kettle Killers partly because it was close to the name of their idols the Mandrake Kickers. 

As Mark walked in the door his Grandmother greeted him.

"Markie?  is that you?"

"Hi Nan."  He replied

"Is your little girlfriend with you?" 

"She's Not my girlfriend, she's just my friend, and No, I'm by myself"  He said indignantly.

"Oh, I do like that girl, I wish you'd bring her around more . . . . Though I don't know why she doesn't knit socks . . . where we come from every kid knitted socks, boy or girl.  remember when you used to knit socks with me?" she said moving her hands as if she were knitting a sock, which . . . she was.

"Yes Nan.  I still knit with you sometimes"

"Not as much as you used to, you're always out playing that boot ball or . . ."

"Baseball . . ."

"Yes, that's the one.  You do like that game don't you."

"ye- . . ." he started to reply but he her, but he heard someone walking up the stoop of their apartment.  There was a knock.

Mark opened the door to see a tall man in a hat.  A shorter man with a round face and a beard stood behind him.

"Mark Daltev?"  Said the tall man. 

"Yes?  You want my father Georgi?"

"No, I'd like to speak to you.  I am Ferdinand Traore from Waterford Deluxe School.  May we come in?"

"Who Is at the door Markie?"  Called his grandmother from inside. 

Mark led the men into the small living room of the apartment.

"Good evening Ma'am.  I am Ferdinand Traore from The Waterford Deluxe Boy's School.  I have come to talk to your . . . son-"

"He is my Grandson."

"I apologize, I am here to talk to your grandson about an opportunity that may be of interest for him. . . ."  Ferdinand looked at Mark and waited for a response.

"Ok, what?"  Mark replied flatly.

"My colleague here," he nodded to the short man, "has been watching you play baseball for the past couple weeks and has told me that you are the best player he has seen.  You see,  our school has a baseball team, in fact, all schools now have a baseball team, and the schools all play each other."

"I know, we played Rosalyn three weeks ago." Mark Smiled.

"Yes, you see . . . My colleague was at that game.  You hit five home runs.  Our school is one of the finest Deluxe Schools in the region, yet Rosalyn has beat us in every game we ever played against them.  We would like you to come play on our team."

"But I'm already on the best team there is"  Mark laughed  "we kicked Rosalyn's butt, and you're asking me to play on a team that loses to them?"

At this point, Georgi, (Mark's Father) who had been sleeping in the other room came in annoyed at the noise and the presence of strangers in his house. 

"what is going on in here?" he demanded of the tall man.

"I am Ferdinand Traore of the Waterford Deluxe Boy's School.  I have come to offer your son the opportunity to play baseball on our team.  He would of course, be enrolled in the school and receive one of the finest educations in the region."

"What?  We can't afford it, he works constantly as it is.  Please leave us in peace."  Georgi began to turn around to go back to sleep.

"We would offer his education for free, and are willing to pay his wages with the offer of twice his wages should our team win the regional tournament this next season.  We would also provide him with free room and boarding at the school.  It is quite a worthy offer."

Georgi turned back around and looked the man up and down. 

"How do I know you mean what you say?"

Ferdinand turned to his partner and the short skinny man produced an envelope from his pocket, then handed it to Georgi.  Georgi opened it and looked at it.  Unfortunately he was mostly illiterate, but there were definitely alot of official looking words on the paper and he did see the words "free" and "full" "and "total." He turned to Mark.

"Well? What do you say son?  Do you trust this man?  I leave it to you."  Georgi said.

Mark stood there.  He didn't much care for his job, and the idea of not having to work at it anymore was enticing.  But he loved his friends and his team.  the thought of not being able to play with them as much loomed in his mind. 

"I would still be able to play with the Killers?" He Asked.

"we would hope that you spend most of your time playing with our team, but if this is what it takes to get you to play on our team . . . you could play with your friends in your free time."

Mark still wasn't sold.  and was hesitating. The short man whispered in Ferdinand's ear.  There was a quiet discussion between the two of them.  Ferdinand Turned around . . ..

"Ok Mark.  We have decided to give you a final offer.  This is also of interest for your father. We will give you a bonus of 500 rocks if you agree to join our team, on top of that we will let you choose three members of the killers who you can bring along to play on the team.  and on top of that, you can still play with the killers when you have free time from school and playing with our team.  I cannot think of a more generous offer.  We are very interested that you play on our team."

His father looked at Ferdinand who was now holding 500 rocks in his hand, a small fortune for a man who was paid 100 rocks a month. 

"I think you should take it son.  You'll have a much better future than I had ever hoped to give you."

Mark also gazed at the rocks in the man's hand.  they sparkled despite the dim light of the apartment.  He could bring along Yosef, and Mara, and Colt.  They could stay together and get paid to play the game they loved.  There was a slight distrust still of this tall man, and he heard something almost menacing in his father's words.  He heard a pressure from some part of himself he had never really considered before.  He began to glimpse a future that didn't involve the daily toil of the factory.  It was a future he had never considered until this moment.

"Yes.  I will go.  I will play on your team."  Mark's words slowly marched from his mouth.

Ferdinand smiled, his dark eyes squinted with warmth as he handed Georgi the rocks.   

"Very good.  We are delighted to welcome you to our school.  We will send a coach this monday to take you to the school.  you should be ready by the 9 o'clock bell.  your wages will be sent home to your father.  Once you get to school you can choose who you want to bring with you.  Please do not tell anyone of this until then or we may void our deal.  We have competitors, therefore we must be careful."

He handed Georgi the forms.

"we would like you both to sign this sheet of agreement."

The sheet was signed.  The men left.  That night, Mark drifted off to sleep with both excitement and anxiety about his new future.


Nice update I like all the different baseball fields and the variety of neighbourhoods there situated in.

Will be interesting to see how this choice affects mark and his friends.

