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Custom Airplane Takeoff/Landing

Started by WannGLondon, June 10, 2012, 09:00:23 AM

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Morning from California, I was just wondering if there was a lot somewhere that could simulate downloaded custom planes taking off and/or landing. Right now I have some lots that I believe were included in the RMIP Pack, but these lots only have Maxis planes simulated taking off and landing. I would like to see the plane automata that I downloaded replace these Maxis planes.

Call me Warren.


The graphics flight: takeoff and landing are the sprites controlled by  directory called  Effects of Dat-1. So are written to use the models of the game identified by their TGI which leaves two options so you can see their own models:

Modify the TGI in EffectDir to use the desired model, a task so arduous and subject to many flaws.

Using the model  what maintain the same game TGI as is the case with many existing reeskins for download.


For simulated aircraft movements you need to use automata. You can search the STEX for them; most are reskins of the 767, but also a few other aircraft are available (such as the MD-80 and A330). HOWEVER, compared to the RMIP and SCAG releases there are few airlines available. You can also only have ONE aircraft installed at any one time. Further, their quality is not good (polygon count for automata is way lower than for BATs).

If you anyway want them to take off and land you need a lot designed for that -- RMIP has two, but it might not include the big jets, in that case you need to use an antiquated SWAP piece if I recall correctly (difference is SWAP runways [and 1st gen RMIP] have a dirt edge while RMIP runways have asphalt and grass edges).

The only civilian aircraft automata I use is Voltaire's DC-7 as it is the only propeller airliner available.