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Where can I find this?

Started by murf6152, August 23, 2012, 11:40:40 AM

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I want to use the 'Modern Art Museum' in my city. It tells me that I need the following dependency:

"Pegasus' pool texture from MrBisonm's (aka NEXIS) 100th lot"

which I cannot find anywhere.

Does someone know where I can find this dependency?

Also is there a better place to list this type of question?



Hi murf6152

We have moved you into the "Where can I find this" Board and you are also in luck as I catalogued the "NEXIS) 100th lot" back in July


Its called the The Three Tower Centennial by Nexis you can either use the link in the catalogue or you can find it on the STEX here


I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.



I'm wondering how I can catch Maxis Eagle. Does someone knows its TGI? Or isn't there a Exemplar of it?


Quote from: tb7 on September 22, 2012, 04:54:28 AM
I'm wondering how I can catch Maxis Eagle. Does someone knows its TGI? Or isn't there a Exemplar of it? &mmm

Hi tb7

I'm going to need a bit more information than the "maxis eagle"

I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


Quote from: catty on September 22, 2012, 12:30:55 PM
Quote from: tb7 on September 22, 2012, 04:54:28 AM
I'm wondering how I can catch Maxis Eagle. Does someone knows its TGI? Or isn't there a Exemplar of it? &mmm

Hi tb7

I'm going to need a bit more information than the "maxis eagle"


I'm guessing he is talking about the eagle that fly from time to time in the game. If you're lucky - and fast - enough, you can catch him with the game's camera.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


That's actually a rather good question as I've looked around for it previously but it's neither in the fauna nor in the effects section.  &mmm

time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Its not an eagle its a buzzard and you get it using the "Death's Door"  there is topic somewhere on it here and at simpeg there was a plugin to generate them

I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


Quote from: tb7 on September 22, 2012, 04:54:28 AM
I'm wondering how I can catch Maxis Eagle. Does someone knows its TGI? Or isn't there a Exemplar of it?

Exist the  buzzards S3D model but he only flaps its wings in the animation.

To have him flying you have to edit any prop effect available in the game with reader and on property "effect-name" change to buzzards_single. (Do not forget to give the new id to file)

Then just put it on the lot and will have a buzzard flying over the neighborhood

If you want to take a lot for the city exists PEG_Death's Door Test Mod in Simpeg however they are obtained by modifying Death's Door properties.

To download it visit -  Simpeg - Death's Door

It is necessary to be registered to see the download link.

note: there is appropriate topic for "Where Can I Find This" -  Open Requests -


Yo friends - thx!
on 09/22 I was waiting and then thinking, I wouldn't get an answer. Now I got everything necessary, I think...
thank's a lot!
I'm gonna try this out...

PS: 1) sorry @catty, thought everything was clear...  ;)
2) @NCGAIO: wasn't it the right place for my question, was it? Sorry... Saw this thread and thought, this would fit best. Anyway, thx a lot!

(PSPS: would be nice, if someone update him to HD  ;D)



Excuses are unneeded ..... the intention was directs you to a better place for more answers

You can read more about his subject here ...

"$Deal"$   - Lowkee33 - Effects


thx 4 the new Link - allready checked (thx 2 catty) ... ummm... Your Link doesn't work. It should be the same Link as catty allready posted, shouldn't it?

It works "perfect" - thx!  :thumbsup:;D
Maybe you'll see a pic in the near future  ;) ...

(btw, I saw also the BAB-thread. ... I swore, I would not install BAT... but... animated props are so fantastic...  &mmm)


Quote from: tb7 on September 24, 2012, 06:37:31 AM
Your Link doesn't work. It should be the same Link as catty allready posted, shouldn't it?

No, I think NCGAIO meant to link to <a href="http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=14724.msg423002#msg423002">Lowkee33's explorations into the effects dir</a> which is where the buzzard also seems to be, hence why I couldn't find it. Erm, yeah, should have followed Catty's links beforehand, they're the same.  ;D

But yes, HD buzzard would be pretty awesome and the same goes for all other animations for that matter. So if you're planning to do something about that I for one would be interested.  ;)
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


I will let u know if...  :D
First I have to finish my very first (public) pic.

There are a lot of FSH-Files, that could/should be updated - for exemple some of the RRP-Flora (fantastic plants but only one color)...  ;)


Quote from: tb7 on September 24, 2012, 06:37:31 AM
Your Link doesn't work. It should be the same Link as catty allready posted, shouldn't it?

The link already working!

He answers his original question on the TGI  and also on problems about editing texture. You're welcome for the information.

Quote from: tb7 on September 24, 2012, 06:37:31 AM
(btw, I saw also the BAB-thread. ... I swore, I would not install BAT... but... animated props are so fantastic...

The animation on BAB and obtained by displaying various textures unlike animation model in S3D and thus result in a large size of the final file.

Quote from: vortext on September 24, 2012, 09:30:19 AM
Erm, yeah, should have followed Catty's links beforehand, they're the same.


And as should have noticed in previous post exist an explanation for a single prop buzzard ( Since this is not available ) besides the answer to the original question TB7.

Anyway ...


Quote from: NCGAIO on September 24, 2012, 01:09:40 PM
Quote from: vortext on September 24, 2012, 09:30:19 AM
Erm, yeah, should have followed Catty's links beforehand, they're the same.

This is a somewhat inelegant comment about who spends their time to help others.

Just to be clear I myself should have followed Catty's links before posting it again.  ;)
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


... and I am very thankfull about ur answers NCGAIO!
Some hours ago I had the mess that (hmmm, don't remember) something like an server error (?) when I used the link. I drunk a lot of coffee, maybe (or sure) I did the mistake - now he works.  ;D