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problem with textures discolouring

Started by Boeing777300ER, December 14, 2015, 05:30:25 AM

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Hi, I am having a problem with some textures showing four different colours in certain scenarios instead of pavements, or bridges in the correct colour. i have tried by a process of elimination of plug-ins and re-installing SC4 to get rid of the problem but it seems to persevere. I have recently tried installing MGB_ML_EL Rail_patch to be able to cross RHW roads with the ELRail and this seems to be where the problem is worst, although ELRail over road to ELRail over pavement transition also has the problem.

Can anyone suggest a fix please?

Many thanks, Dave


This will occur when you've installed an S3D model which references textures that don't reside in your plugins folder.

My El Rail mod is only intended for users of Moonlights "Alternate" El-Rail which can be selected during NAM installation. If you don't have this installed, you won't have the textures required for those bridge pieces. Either uninstall my mod (the default El-Rail is supported for RHW) or install Moonlights mod so the textures can appear. Although theoretically possible, it is not intended for my mod to be merely bridge skins for the El-Rail network.

As for the PedMall pieces, do you have another mod that also alters the El-Rail? I made a fix for one of them which is attached to this post. In that case it was because the PedMalls used an older ID scheme for the pedmall textures. Assuming the problem or mod is the same one, that fix should work.


Thanks for the reply, I will give your fix a try.

Many thanks, regards, Dave