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CAM - Show us your CAM Cities

Started by RippleJet, August 02, 2007, 12:17:47 AM

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Thanks for the great replies guys, and since I still have 1 day of weekend left before work starts again I hope I can post some more pics later.

I actually had 2 sphinx historical sites next to the tower of london thing, but those palms and desert tectures did not fit in that well so I buldozed them and replaced them with the residential/recreational area. Knowing the percentages are so low maybe I should have kept them...

Currently trying to grow the Bahrain WTC by ks_jpn in Serano City, but it just won't (not in Serrapolis (1200k+ pop.) either) All I get are more of those foxx club globes. Don't get me wrong, the building is great, but also rather unique looking. More than one per city doesn't look too good.

Maybe I'll do a smaller city with a national park and some farms on the plateau near the extinct volcano. What extinct volcano? you ask, well here is an overview picture. Serrano City is in the north-west corner while you can still see Serrapolis in the south-east.


WOW at your region, that's fantastic. i wish i could be that good  :'( lol

Though it looks like some of you water filled tiles need reconciling lol, the water doesn't line up ???

Heres my first real city that I spent building slowly, I mentioned it in the last post...

First a new region shot and map:

And here is the city, Diangonel, only has about 25 CAMeLots in it and them silly PEG Skyfarm Buildings keep growing, much to my anoyance..

as you can see there is plenty of eyecandy now, more eyecandy than I have ever used before, it takes atleast 3 seconds for my parks folder to open and another 2 for both my misc transport and my seaport menu's lol

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Those are some huge terraces you've got there, I especially like the see-through road ramps. And that's a nice shiny white mega building dead center in the city there, I've not seen it before is it a CAMelot?

I can see how this city  would take up a lot of time with the street tool ;). You might want to considder the SC4 terraformer for doing that kind of work for you, it's great. Mind you I'm curently also street leveling a lot to make me a mountain stream with lakes, it's not perfect.

One of the things I immediately fell in love with when I got the game was the terrain terraforming. The simcity terraforming is crude compared to the SC4 terraformer, but still it immediately gripped me. Serra Peninsula was the first region I made and through all my reinstalls kept it. Later when I got comfortable with the Terraformer I edited out the akward things the simcity tools do with the map and now it looks like this.

The water has always done that, it's a bug in the darkblueisgreenish plugin I think. Mind you it was made in 2003, I got it of the STEX Cd in 2006. Havn't found any updates. Maybe I'll install one of those water textures from Pegasus productions, they look good. But that will also mean I have to enter every city tile agian so :angrymore: simcity updates the water texture.

Hope you manage to reconcile with the neighbours ;D , I'm back to the stream...



Turion, ~1,500,000 at this time.......

South I go now, fill in the wings later...

And, for this city(region), I use the moolah cheat, the no garbage radical ordinance, and the increase CS and CO demand ordinances, although all the CS seems to accomplish is building lots of sim goobers embassy suites, there worse then wrens....
~ NAM Team Member


That is more suburbia there than I have in my entire region. The ascent from low to high density is nice and gradual.

I was gonna post some pics of my new city, but it is not done yet. So I thought I'd post some more of Serrapolis. I've also got some stats.

Here are some mighty stage 15 commercial buildings. (The Bahrain WTC is a landmark  :'( (I got tired of waiting)

Here is the new area I built in the east, it gave me an extra 300k citizens.

Here is some data on my city. Appearantly I have a stage 15 residential, but I can't find it. Other than that the CAMelots are growing like mushrooms in the city. The Commute Time is very good. With non-cam huge cities, even with the NAM, this would be over 1 hour. I have the Promote Biking plugin as you can see by the large number of pedestrians. Also there is an extensive subway system in my city and I've (for the first time) managed to zone in such a way that work can be found around the corner instead of across the map. Mind you those sims still travel across the map, but not in such large numbers. I got that weird spike in commuters when I buldozed 30k industrial jobs and 15k residentials in the neighbouring region &mmm.


997 CAMeLots in a single city :o
Not even MAS71 got that far... $%Grinno$%


 :shocked2: :o

O MY GOD, I doubt that I have over 100 CAMeLots in the whole of my region lol

I'm sooo jealous

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Quote from: Toblakai on August 26, 2007, 03:59:11 AM
That is more suburbia there than I have in my entire region. The ascent from low to high density is nice and gradual.

Yeah, thats something I am finding easier with CAM, seems the gradualness is a lot easier. And that shot is of 5 different large city tiles all intermingled, but I cant do garbage deals for some reason, argh.
~ NAM Team Member


That's definately a graphics related issue.
I find that alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, can bring about all the effects of drunkenness.


I currently have 1049 CAMelots in the Serrapolis and just finnished street-terraforming the dunes. I'll see if I can reach 1400... After that I can replace the light and medium residential for HD-Res (granted, perhaps 3% of total residential zones) to get some more. Industry makes up a "disproportionate" amount of my total CAMelots, compared to the amount of space dedicated to it. Maybe that will change once I get stose 6x6 stage 10 I-HT buildings. Imagine how many CAMelotsyou could grow in an entirely flat-no-water-huge tile.

Star.torturer I did'nt mean to make you jealous $%Grinno$%. This city just rocketed off once is population hit ~450k. The buildings kept upgrading, hitting another stage cap in population and then upgrading again. It's a sort of cascade effect. Because you have smaller tile cities it may take a bit longer, but once the regional population is up there the CAMelots will sprout like mushrooms. (It helps if you zoned everythig HD like I did  ;D)



Wonderful new pictures of your CAM-City @ all who posted (a) picture(s) :thumbsup:



I realy enjoyed watching the pictures and even am a bit jalous.  :'(
After installing Cam-counter I found out I had 600+ cam-buildings in one of my cities.
I did some work and aproaching 800 but a 1000 darn!
Lets us know if/when you hit that 1000 and some pics to let us/me drewl.  :P
Excelent work mate!  &apls

oh, hope you find some time to enjoy the game some more.  ;)

I do have some space left to build some more but it would ruin my region.  &mmm


Thanks all you guys for the replies, made me do some more work on Serrapolis.

LoneRanger, That city looks beautiful, and I can see how making the rest of it high-rises ruins the look. I'm Guessing that it blends into the regional view very well. Maybe you have a picture of that to share?

Well here is some more of Serrapolis, in honor of the city reaching 2.000.000+ citizens.

Here is a new overview shot:

Here is a pic of those stage 10 industrials I've been dying to grow:

2 Shots of the newly develloped bay area:

Between the tower buildings I built a waterfall park running down the hill:

Don't know if I will make the 1400 CAMelots, as I'm up to (only $%Grinno$%) 1276. I do have a whopping 70 stage 15 commercials.

The city Is becoming so large that I had actually had to build another nuclear plant from the NuclearPlantsSet_Locale_US lots, the best produces  1.450.000 Mw. Now I have 2 with a total usage of 59%. It also needs 8 Large water pumps to keep the thirsty sims hydrated.

I don't know how/if the cam was tested with these large numbers of population, but I still have little traffic in my city. Maybe this will go up if I remove the promote biking plugin. At the moment it is a bit unrealistic, not a single intersection shows up red in the trafic stats and the commute time is under 40 minutes. Maybe I'm a great city planner  ;D, or maybe the CAM tranist volumes/speeds have to be tweaked some more for version 1.1 &mmm.

What I do get is dilapidation on the 10k+ residencies unless they are in walking distance of a subway station, or built directly to an avenue. Building subway nearby usually makes the residence go shiny again. Bus stops don't seem to work as well. Apparantly the sims in these buildings have a bit more trouble finding their way to jobs.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the images,



Quote from: Toblakai on August 30, 2007, 12:24:22 PM
I don't know how/if the cam was tested with these large numbers of population, but I still have little traffic in my city. Maybe this will go up if I remove the promote biking plugin. At the moment it is a bit unrealistic, not a single intersection shows up red in the trafic stats and the commute time is under 40 minutes. Maybe I'm a great city planner  ;D, or maybe the CAM tranist volumes/speeds have to be tweaked some more for version 1.1 &mmm.

Yes, the promote biking is rather radical! ;)
You should have helped us with the beta testing, Toblakai! Maybe for version 1.1? ::)


Hey guys. If anybody is using my CAM LOTs Pack1 (http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=1087), please post some feedback on whether it is working correctly, queries look good, etc. And CAM Counter is working properly with the CAM Lots. Pictures are not necessary but could be cool. Since I haven't upgraded to CAM yet (I will when I get more LOTS done) I just want to know how they are doing in your cities and whether they are useful, buggy, or boring.

Also the models are not included - you may have to get the megapacks BarbyW uploaded.


@Ripplejet: Well, I just dicovered there was something like CAM when it was already done. Before I was just a lurker on the forums, and visited mostly for idea's in the CJ's and the downloads sections. Now that I am using it though I might do some testing for you if you need/want me to, just let me know. It's nice to do something back for all you guys who made this great mod.

@Bixel: Shame on me, I had all the CAM-pattible lots, except for yours :-[. I have corrected that situation and you might see some of your buildings in my pics in the future.

Right, here is what I've been working on all week. These mountainous rural area's take up as much time as the flat mega cities. I had some fun with the PEG pine trails, lake and stream kits.


A lot of great pictures of your CAM City, Toblakai! Wonderful work! :thumbsup:


Quote from: Toblakai on August 30, 2007, 12:24:22 PM
Thanks all you guys for the replies, made me do some more work on Serrapolis.

LoneRanger, That city looks beautiful, and I can see how making the rest of it high-rises ruins the look. I'm Guessing that it blends into the regional view very well. Maybe you have a picture of that to share?

I found out that plopping small parks, plazza's and busstops did wonders to that part of the city I posted.
Stage 15 [res] buildings went from 1 to 19 in no time.
Since hardly any sim seems to use the highway across town I carfully removed it and replaced it with avenue's wich gave me some more room to zone.  &idea
I'm currently looking at the "lower" buildings in the center to see if I can do something to get some more highrise.
Taking down a part of the forrest is no option and at the nothern edge of the city I can't allow any more high-rise.
The two small towns up north are almost completly commercial buildings and industrial. [ht&manufactury]
It's not realy realistic but seems to help to relieve pressure so Res. demands gets up in the city.


Quote from: LoneRanger on September 03, 2007, 11:25:25 AM
I found out that plopping small parks, plazza's and busstops did wonders to that part of the city I posted.
Stage 15 [res] buildings went from 1 to 19 in no time.

Not sure if that was the reason, but:

R§ needs a nearby park to get past stage 12
R§§ needs a nearby park to get past stage 9
R§§§ needs a nearby park to get past stage 3

Details about those Park CAPs and other CAPs can be found in the CAM - Stage Limits and Stage CAPs thread.


Well, it's more like the small plazza's that did it for me.
Always thought plazza's were good for Co/Cs, parks for Res. and flowergardens for Industry. [ht]
Since I discovered the bigger [selfbuild] parks you guys and girls made I hardly use the smaller ones.
To my surprise those small [standard] plazza's did wonders to Residential.

Thanks for the link, how did I miss that [obvious] one?  ;D