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Zacatecas Mexico (my hometown)

Started by HabLeUrG, August 07, 2007, 10:19:14 PM

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Well i dunno if you guys know my homwtown (where I live) but I was born in Durango...

Some history, Zacatecas was found in 1546 by spain and most of the building are colonial from the XVIII century, in 1992 was declared a World Heritage Place by UNESCO, hope you enjoy the pictures  ;)

Zacatecas Cathedral: (its a Catholic church and one of the most beautiful monument of the city

Calderon's Theater

Inside of the Theater

A Gothic Church (Iglesia de Fátima)

inside of the church

Santo Domingo Church and Pedro Coronel Museum

Inside of the museum

inside of the church

Bufa Mountian (at the top with a observatories, a museum, church, shops, etc)

Going down to the downtown of Zacatecas

The Main Street:

Faroles Fountain:

Zacatecas's Aqueduct

A tipical "callejón" (a tiny colonial street)

Some ruins of a church from the Mexican Revolution 100 years ago

A 5 class hotel in downtown (this was a poor neighbor, today stands as a hotel)

The congress of the state and a museum

Guadalupe Church:

South side of the Market Gonzales Ortega

Francisco Goitia Museum (the mansion)

Another tipical street

The tramway from Grillo Mountain to Bufa (open to the public)

This is the best hotel in the city this is a bullring-hotel style unique in the world, its a 5 class hotel

Square of arms plaza

Another church in ruins

Again Bufa Mountain

Edén Mine (open to the public as a museum)

A discotheque inside of the mine

Chicomostoc (an Aztecs ruins over the city including a whole covered mountain of aztecs constructions)

Encantada Lake:

Guadalupe Museum (lots of colonial paints)

Well theres alot for to do in my hometown, also this week is the international festival, we have people from everywhere in the world  ;D im lucky to live here in an excellent place to live, all the year the temperature is like 10º to 15º celcius about 60 farenheits...


Hab those are some wonderful architectural pictures there and very good too...  i agree with you that church
is very awsome looking - pat

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Quote from: patfirefghtr on August 08, 2007, 01:04:52 AM
Hab those are some wonderful architectural pictures there and very good too...  i agree with you that church
is very awsome looking - pat

thanks  ;)



The aqueduct is interesting, where does it lead? Ive never heard of aqueducts being outside of europe, so that is really fascinating and unexpected. The cable car is cool too, kind of reminds me of the one in El Paso

Anyways, you know that Vin Diesel movie, XXX(the title, not the rating lol). That disco in the old mine looks like a scene from that movie, where they are in this weird club and meet the bad guy.
War Kittens !?


Hello Heblem,

These are wonderful pictures of a wonderful town. I have been to Zacatecas when my parents toured the country. I was seven at the time and remember little of that trip in particular. I hope to return next year for a holiday (20 years later) :)

There are so many wonderful pictures of Zacatecas landmarks. do you have plans to bat any of them?
