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CAMeLots - Linking all available lots and bats

Started by RippleJet, August 14, 2007, 03:59:28 PM

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Quote from: simworld2 on November 08, 2008, 08:55:17 AM
The lex says i have them

That means you have downloaded the ZIP file from the LEX.
But LEX cannot know if you've actually unzipped and installed the prop pack, can it? ::)


Whats the BAT for IM stage 4 SG Pet Supplies? I cant find the link to its bat and thats the only bat that has a brown box  &mmm


Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


I'm new to this CAMelot business and i'm incredibly confused as to how I go about installing all the correct props, texture files, dependencies etc!

I've downloaded Cam commercials, residentials and industrials and each file contains various other zipped files such as "1112" and so on. What is confusing me is that the read me says that i've got to install another 6 or so files. for example, when i unzip CAM_Co_11 I get a readme that says I have to download a list of "essentials" (GoldenBank ONeill for example) and then a list of optionals. So there's basically an additional 12 downloads per zipped file in CamCommercials! That's quite a few downloads!
So, is there an easier way (like one big megpack for example) to install all of the CamCommercial, residentials and industrials without having to download all of the additional files?  (sorry for the lack of clarity but i really have no idea what i'm doing)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


They might contain sc4lot file only , you may need the original building models as props , you can find the dependency list in the Readme file.


Those who gave us permission to upload their bats as megapacks are easier to download, as they are ready as such and available on the LEX.

Those who did not give us permission, did not leave us any option though.
In those cases we have to point to the original uploads on STEX for the models.

Since those models (in the original uploads) are bundled with inCAMpatible lots,
there is no other way of getting them than downloading them one-by-one and installing only the model file from them.

To simplify it, first use Cleanitol File for CAM lots to get all models for the starter packages.
Then use CAM Remove Lots BSC Cleanitol to remove all inCAMpatible lots that you might have erroneously installed.


Hi neville ,and welcome to Devotion !

I wish I could tell you there were a lot of short cuts you can use , but not sure there are many to be honest
Perhaps one of the moderators can assist you better than I can.... the only thing I can tell you is to be patient,
careful and organized you can be with it.. My understanding is your doing the first step correctly in down loading
the cam packs..Some of those packs do have the original model files if I recall and in some cases they don't come
with the original model files and you have to search for them.. I'm just guessing a bit but I think the confusing part
is when you download those mega packs , yes some of them do come with the dependencies because they have
included the models files with them.. I think in the cases though where you have to hunt around a bit for the
original model files files, than you have to wait until you download those to see what dependencies you may need.. So it is true as your saying that the dependency files may come from 2 different sources, yes..
Keep in mind the crucial thing with all this is to make sure you have all the original model files that come with those multi cam packs..to avoid brown boxes.. In many cases if you than end up missing a dependency or so, it most likely
have to do with some props , rather than having you end up with too many brown boxes later..

If you go ahead and download all those mega cam packs you are likely going to get a few brown boxes just because there are so many of them.. dont panic later if this happens .. in most cases It was easily able to find
the original model files i needed by using this very helpful link...


In the event that you still can't find the needed files, the people here at devotion have been very helpful to all
of us in finding them..

it takes time but i think the thing that helped me the most was just taking my time with all those files.. and being
as  careful and organized as I could.. So for example using seperate folders and labeling them correctly just to
keep things straight with what i was doing and not getting overwhelmed.. And working on one cam file at a time..
making sure I had all the required files and dependencies needed for it before moving on to the next cam file..

The last thing I can tell you is.. from my own personal experience in using the cam this  has all been more than worth it to me.. And the cam easily exceeded my original expectations of it...
I have some quite large cities now, my largest having a population of over 1 and a quarter million .. And with the
15 growth stages the cam has given me with both residential and commercial development, I have a far more
diversified cities than if I had not put that hard work in installing all those files your talking about.. I have played
the game a long time now, and for myself at least there is really no comparison to the enjoyment using the cam
has given me..

Have a look at the "show me your cam cities" thread, if you havent done so already..and I think you will see the
end product of all this is well worth the time and trouble..


Hope I helped you some here, and we look forward to hearing from you how things are going..,

thanks, Brian


 &apls Thanks very much for all your help. I think it's going to be a case of trial and error but having looked at the pics of the CAM cities it does definately seem worth it!

Again, cheers for your help and rapid responses!


Sorry guys but i've got a couple more issues...

1) how important is Cleanitol? If i don't use it, will the game still run?
2) when i put the start "Cleanitol Camelot start up dependencies pack" list into Cleanitol it says it cannot locate BSC Essentials DAT even though i've definately installed it. Should i be alarmed by this?
3) BSCTexturePack JES Vol04 is unavailable for download. How essential is this? Is there another file that will do the same job?

Thanks again for any help...


  1. cleanitol doesn't effect the game in any way. It is its own program that scans to make sure you have all necessary dependencies for a lot, bat, ect. It also gives links to dependencies you need. It's purely optional, but makes dependencies a heck of a lot easier!

2. I would re-download and install it just to be safe

3. THis was incorporated into the big MEGA pack....found here: http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/fr_main.htm (YOu probably already have this, its a well-known dependency)

HOpe this helps!

P.S I downloaded the CAM a while ago, while it takes time to get all necessary dependencys, the end result is well worth it
You can call me Grif

--Currently out of the office, will resume SC4 7/19


3. This file has this in the upload description box. Incorporated into BSC Textures Vol03
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Sorry, but Cleanitol is for that purpose??  ()what()
I thought it was for "cleaning" your computer if you have installed certain things twice and so on...
And I never saw that program giving me links to dependencies either.


Cleanitol is still saying that it can't find "BSC Essentials" even though i've definately installed it!
Is it correct that i should have 4 "essential" files? There are currently loose in the "Plugins" folder. Is this the right place for them or should i move them into "BSC Props"???



Quote from: neville_bartos on December 30, 2008, 12:27:59 PM
Cleanitol is still saying that it can't find "BSC Essentials" even though i've definately installed it!
Is it correct that i should have 4 "essential" files? There are currently loose in the "Plugins" folder. Is this the right place for them or should i move them into "BSC Props"???

Unfortunately BSC_Essentials.dat was renamed into BSC Essentials.dat (without the underscore) with the last update.

Since all old Cleanitol lists are looking for BSC_Essentials.dat, they will never think you have it installed,
since the newest version has a different name.

In other words, disregard that message and only keep one of the "BSC Essentials.dat" files (anywhere) in your plugins folder. ;)


Also corrected in the list on the first page. :thumbsup:
SG Pet Supplies was there, but listed as SG Small Warehouses... $%Grinno$%