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MBear Nam Bus Help-Please

Started by Bluebeard, August 17, 2007, 07:57:33 AM

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Before you ask yes I did Read the Read Me that came with the lot.
   Now besides the dead links all I have is grass no lot.I have the Props and I think the Textures so what am I missing?.Thanx


Hello Bluebeard,

I dont have the file you are asking about but I do have something that may be helpful.  ALL the dead links have been updated in this thread:


Diggis has gone through all the trouble to make links to all the dependancies with dead links.  In fact the list includes all depencdancies from STEX, LEX and PLEX plus a few others.  Please take a look through this to see if you find what you are looking for.  I promise you will find most of the issues that you are having.

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QuoteBefore you ask yes I did Read the Read Me that came with the lot.
Now would I ask if you had read the Readme? I know you will have. The file with the models and textures in is here: http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=120
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Thanx Folks.
   I guess this is what you get when you start building a city outside of the box.Oh before I depart hopefully soon the STEX material will make it to LEX.Thanx again :thumbsup:


Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original