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Started by petercintn, January 18, 2007, 06:51:48 AM

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Great pictures  :thumbsup:
I specially liked the sunken avenue in Oakdale. Really spectacular  &apls
I am currently not active - Please, contact Tarkus for any site related matter. Thanks for enjoying SC4D :D

Autism Awareness;  A Father Shares
Mallorca My Mayor Diary


I agree with threestooges. The overview shots are great. I really enjoy those types of shots.
The farming and rural stuff is excellent too.
Love the shot of tons of cows!
Really nice stuff Peter.


Great MD  :thumbsup:
I like the farms with all the details; most notably the cattle ranch.
Nice mayor retreat (i should be a farmer to live in such a nice place) and clearly laid out overviews.



In honor of threestooges

Special Update - Central High School, Oakdale, Avolon


The students mill around the break area.

Some students have started arriving this morning.  The traffic cops are there patroling the parking lot.

A day care center has been established in some of the unused rooms of the gym.  At first, to
accommodate the teachers and adults wishing to get their belated HSD.  Then a few students
wished not to quit school so now any one affilated with the school may enjoy this service.

Let's go into one of the classrooms, the history class.

Mr. Simpleton
'As you are well aware, Sim World is a neverending plain.  At least no one has found an end,
and we've been pretty far.  This is natural, considering that Sims do not die of natural
causes.  We must have a never ending supply of everything if young sims such as yourself are
to prosper.  Our culture has evolved through 4 major revolutions, and one seemingly
neverending war with the only known alien culture, the Peeps.  But it has been hundreds of
years since the last contact with the peeps and most thoughts are that we will never
encounter them again.  Can anyone name our ancient home region?'

'Timbuktu' came in unison from the students.

'Good,' went on Mr Simpleton.  'It was in a small region called Timbuktu that simkind
learned the lessons of civilization.  We learned to build cities, and our culture began the
big push outward to the endless plain.  Can anyone name the first 'Big Five' regions of

'Ah, Ricaroni!' From the wiseacre in the back.  Mr. Simpleton ignored him, still looking

Let's leave the history class, I'm sure you know all this anyways.

Now to the Achievemant Award.

Mayor Collins, 'Minister Threestooges, I an honored to present this Schoolastic Achievement
Award to Oakdale's Central High School.  This horrorarium... ah honorarium is a reflection
on your upstanding dedication to education.  Minister Threestooges, the award!'

First and foremost, I did mean schoolastic.  My warped sense of humor.

To threestooges: You have no idea how you opened up a door for me to get in that small history lesson.  It sets up a future event I've been wondering how to set up.

To emilin: Sorry, Mr Education Minister, but the Propaganda Minister trumped you on this one.

Welcome to Avolon Zaphod & Nikopol.  Hope you find a nice place to stay during your visit to Avolon.  Reminds me to put up some hotels somewhere other than Shiloh.  If you want a job here, just ask and tell me what you would like to do.  Otherwise you may end up as Garbage Minister, and not the minister for that girl singer in the band Garbage, either.  (Though I wouldn't mind ministering to her!)

At certain points, I may ask for opinions as to how to continue with some things.  I can use all the help I can get.

Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


That was a great introduction to the school! Very well planned out and presented. I love how you have the separate student parking and the day care. Great job!


Wow, that was a little nice update. The high school, I believe it was built bit by bit, or did you made the lot. Anyway, it was nicely putt together. Keep it up my friend ;)


wonderful highshool area! fantastic pictures! great work! :thumbsup:


I like the screens, good  &apls


QuoteThe Lions...

Oh, Mr. Mayor, you'll be burning in PETA [linkie] h-ll tomorrow.

...'course, these folks [linkie] are on our side, at least...

* * *

My high school didn't have a break area like that... Kids these days, way too pampered...

...stale candy bars and flat sodas from vending machines... Yeah, that's the ticket!

Great update as always, Peter.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Well, if that's not an honor, then I don't know what is. That's a very nice break area for a high school, but then again, nothing but the best in these parts. The history lesson had me chuckling pretty well and I'm glad to have given you the opportunity to expound on the history of the area (I was interested to hear the lesson as well...endless plain and Timbuktu... good stuff). I'll be interested to see where the story leads.

As a side note (as I am quite fond of them) Our school has not had a football team for years now (but we do have rugby), we have a running joke at our school: LMU Football: Still Undefeated. It is good to see it thrive elsewhere. With no disrespect intended I would offer that Minister emilin have the honor of naming/dedicating the next major school/college etc (what with it being his job and all).

Lastly, no need to apolgize for your
Quotewarped sense of humor
as I enjoy a good sense of humor. Also, I am always willing to offer advice (whether or not it is asked sometimes...) so please ask anything you wish.

Thank you for the award and, GO LIONS!


Wow... just a few cows in that last update...!

I like the depth of the update with the high school as well...  Seems like you thought of everything!

Check out Abelfarei!


Wow! That's a seriously detailed area! :thumbsup: A very urban feeling too. And I really like how you've terrased the area.

BlackwaterEmil's inn
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio ♦ dedgren
♦ Emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦
papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


This continues to be a great MD with great updates. When I saw all those cows I almost felt of my chair for laughing. And how on earth did you get Oakdale to grow that quick?
Check my MD:               


Quote from: sebes on February 23, 2007, 12:56:44 PM
This continues to be a great MD with great updates. When I saw all those cows I almost felt of my chair for laughing. And how on earth did you get Oakdale to grow that quick?

Took it 60 some years game time, and I've about got the rest of the quads caught up.  Thanks for the encouragement.  BTW, some cows got out in the ocean and drowned.  The mayor had to spend his ill gotten hard earned gains to put a fence along the shoreline.  (In other words, I learned to do transparent lots and now have a few fences I'm reasonably happy to put out in the middle of nowhere.)

Thanks emilin, I've 'fleshed out' Tyler Point and hope you'll enjoy how it's come out.  Next update.

threestooges: I'll get Minister emilin to name the school in Allons, which is my favorite and nobody's seen it yet.  The two schools can play for some state championship.  Thanks for the continued support, ts.

dedgren:  Thanks for the sage advice, Mr. Prime Minister.  But I've always said, "You can't please 'em all, all the time; you can't even please most of 'em most of the time; so let's just please ourselfs."  (Mayorial Speak)

Welcome to Avolon, Antoine.  The Diary of a Mad Mayor.

Nice of you to stick around, bat.  I appreciate you being one of my loyal looker ins.  I am honored, and that's to all of you, too.

Hey Rayden, hope you keep droping by.  I may just get a real handle on the game because of this MD.  Nothing like going for the gusto!  I'd be happy to recieve your and anyone else's suggestions.

Thanks for the kind words thundercrack83.  Thanks for being one of the strongest supporters of Avolon.  And there's actually a plot starting to form in the deep recesses of my cluttered mind.  Hope it can find it's way out.

Now to the Allons Docks update

From the Desk of the Vice Mayor

Mayor Collins, the Minister of the Sky has just transmitted the information you requested.  A copy is included and there are rather quite a few images, so I'll be brief.  They are, after all, docks and speak for themselves.  With no futher ado, Mayor, I bid you ado.

The overview

Ya'll come back now, take your shoes off.

Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


 &apls Very good job with the dockyard. Amazing details you put on .  :thumbsup: I gonna follow your CJ with interest , now that i see it  ;D


Good , good , convincing , really good . :thumbsup:
I noticed the Hockey Venue by victory ... not usual . (I'm a big fan of victory . ;) )
Same comment as for some others : what are you waiting for replace all these cars ?  ;D

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A wonderful harbor you have made there! Great update! Fantastic work! :thumbsup:


Wow, that harbor is absolutely amazing! Keep up the good work, and I'll be looking forward to the next update!


Your docks are impressive!
Check my MD:               


So many updates, so many updates! And such wonderful work!  &apls &apls

I'm sorry I haven't been around these parts of MD-land lately, why, I do not know... but I'm subscribing to this now (something I should've done a long time ago). I hope to keep up with the amazing, and fast-paced, progress of this MD!

Incredible work, as always, and such a pleasure on the eye!  :thumbsup:

Have a good one!

New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine