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To lurk or not to lurk

Started by NikNik, January 19, 2007, 03:33:37 AM

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Quote from: Archangel on February 28, 2007, 03:07:34 AM
Whew.  I know I lurk in threads that have too many posts. ... usually i read a few then get bored and go somewher else....the same is for Cjs as well.  As far as this site goes, im trying to come out of the lurking cupboard because i wanna give it a chance.  Yall have been workin hard to ensure this is a small town cozy site, unlike the big city feel of ST. 

Actually, to be honest, most my lurking has been out of curiousity, having come into the scene just before the incident [wont waste time chatting about it], and wondering what this "BSC" was all about.  I beleive in looking at both sides of the story, so on one side I heard that they were egotistical and etc [basically unfavourable remarks] so on the other side i have found you to be... i dunno, i see yall as normal people.  At first my lurking gave me the observation that this place seemed rather "Stepford wives", like a really fake kind of ":) LEts love each other and not talk about the ST Thing, unless a few cleverly subtle remarks basically saying ST sucks"

Drr, i was biased.  But i can look at this site without the bias, having a similar experience recently, and frankly, im tired of lurking (ook...well the lurking that i did do anyway) and im getting kinda tired of the sc4community, and im finding myself in the game more than ever....

Basically im here to try to rekindle my love of the community.  I just started posting like last night so im not sure if its working yet, but i can say ive had some fun reading the forum games :)

Hey archangle,
im glad u decided to come out of the closet of lurking, from what i read of your style of posting you seem to be straight forward
and that is the best person ever to be.  That is also a great asset of one in communitys cause you can actuly boost someones day
in just being you.  ok enough of the hubbub lol j/k  ;)
Yes SC4Devotions you can say is the small town where everybody knows everybody and if there is a problem
well see for yourself people jump in rite away and try to help.
even in Mayor Diares where im soon to post my CJ errr Mayor Diary i noticed that here there is quick comments
and they aint affraid to help.  Yes ST is the comparsion to Metroplis Bigggggggggg City lol.
take care and hope to see you around more - pat

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I am a habitual lurker. I used to be much more vocal in some newsgroups (alt.2600.warez was my home for a loooong time), but I got tired of being caught up in flame wars and the troll wars, so I began to take the role of observer and keep out of the fray.

I've lurked at ST and PEG's for quite awhile now, but I really like the open atmosphere here and have decided to come out of my shell and get involved. Reading the posts of others who have lurked and then become active has inspired me to open up the tools available and see what I can produce that will bring enjoyment to others. I'm still pretty intimidated by the BAT and other tools - not to mention all of you whose skills are so evident, but I reworked a few lots in the Lot Editor and really got a charge out of seeing my creations grow in my cities. So, I'm going to get more familiar with the tools and start creating new things rather than just reworking old lots.

Now that you have me out of lurk mode, you'll probably want to begin thinking about ways to get me to shut up!  ;D


Quote from: branch5 on March 02, 2007, 12:35:31 PM

Now that you have me out of lurk mode, you'll probably want to begin thinking about ways to get me to shut up!  ;D

Well we will think of something to shut you up Branch5:  ;)



PS Welcome of course!


Bwahahahaaa  &apls
I did that to one of my cities just yesterday!!

Love it!


     Hello Niknik
  First question is Define lurking !  I have been regeistered on SC4devo, for about 4 days now, and already have been on for 6 Hrs and 38 mins.
    At what point do you consider lurking, living?  (joking!) 
Being on this Website, with most of what i would call (gods) Super Batters, and actually feeling welcome, is one thing that ST  NEVER did !!
   I have been a member of ST for about 3 or 4 years now,  and the one thing that always annoyed me, was the fact that as a (Newbie) if you posted something there;  there were at least 20 people to criticize you for posting in the wrong place, or miss spelling, or using Caps.  No wonder ST's forums have  38,987 posts on one question,  and the worst thing was that only two of those post answered the question.
   I have spent most of my time here (lurking) reading  alot of the material here, looking at all of the Awsome work, both in the bats aswell as the pictures the other members have put out !
   This is probably the largest post i will ever type !  (old fart, that chicken pecks on the keyboard)
   But i did want to say thank you all, for the Bats, ideas, and Fun !!!



I have "lurked" elsewhere in the past. (Obviously I'm new here!) 
It was partially because I felt intimidated that I had, say 15 posts, while others who had 3000+ made comments about new people, but it's mostly because of how I am in real life, too; if I have nothing important to say, I usually don't say much at all   :)


Well... I often dont have anything useful to say. And I hate spammers and hypocrisy so.....

I try to comment MDs though because as an MD owner (link in sig lol) I know how much getting comments means...
The most astounding and unique aspect of the human race is our fervent application of our ingenuity to kill each other, thus completely defying the near-universally proven fact that the ultimate goal of a member of a species is to ensure the survival of the species.


I lurked at ST for nearly three years before I started posting. I have found that when you're a vocal, active member of a GOOD community that it makes the game more fun and is generally entertaining. I'm sure there's a sociology paper in there somewhere, but I'm not a sociologist...

Granted, I don't post in every thread, only places where I have something to contribute or I want to tell someone "Job Well Done," which is what I normally do in BAT/MOD threads.

So, if you're lurking, come out of hiding! I promise most of us don't bite...hard. :D



we lurks yes precious we does. we lurks for we is in awe of the great ones and we is not worthy, we is not worthy!

All things aside, i lurk because i don't feel that i should open my big mouth unless i have something to say. Also i lurk because i like to follow stuff like the Big Dig project but as i have little to none BATing experience i just watch and learn from the masters.

There. I've said my piece, now i leave to lurk over at 3RR.


no lurkies!!!!!!! lurking is so not fun by taking part in the conversation you get to know people  :thumbsup:

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hey i only lurk when i feel that i have nothing to contribute to the conversation. anyway i do know what you mean. it's not much fun to post anything and then have no one say anything for days.

and the 3RR lurking is because the rest of the world is on page 78 and i'm still on page 7!


LoL Dragon its allll good  :thumbsup:

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yeah.. hey pat thanks for being a regular commenter on my MD. lurking is good as long as it is lurking for learning puposes.


Time is precious! I get so little time to enjoy SC4 that I would rather play than comment too much as it takes time! Not to say I am an unfriendly person in anyway!

Some sites are just too large and u kind of get lost in all the white noise but on the plus side if u take a moment to read the larger sites your question is usually already answered. Smaller sites are easier to un-lurk as you are more likely to be heard but sometimes it can be like trying to break into a new group of friends. Its ok when everyone seems so nice though!

It depends really how you use your SC4 online experience, If you are looking for info and custom content you tend to lurk. If you are looking for social interaction and to be a part of something then you are more likely to engage.

I lurk and will only comment if I think I can add value, I use my simcity online time to get away from social pressures in RL so its nice to be silent in the background but take in all that is around rather than be the centre of attention (sounds big headed, sorry). I guess the real beauty of these kind of fansites is you can do exactly what you want! Lurk or not to lurk that is the question!


Hey Le_Harv im glad you took the time to stop by and say hi and not to lurk for a moment... I do have to say one thing though about what you said about breaking into a group of friends well here if you play Sim City you are friend we havent met yet... - pat

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Back in the day I used to lurk on a variety of sites - usually just gleaning info on whatever subject was covered there.  Then I started to run my own sites with forums and this subject interested me (long since past lurking myself, I love to post - in fact I post more than I work, post more than I play games I post about - generally I whore myself to forums :D).

I often found many lurked due to a sense of being outside an established community on a board - not in the main cliques so to speak; or lurked due to an overwhelming amount of information - usually good info, but lost to bad layout; and the big one here:

Not being a regular forum "type". Basically being your grandma/mother/father whatever and not used to the internet beyond email and amazon, and so uncertain of the how/why of forums in general.
"May Gods stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk."


 :D :D NorthJon79 welcome welcome to devotions that by far is the best post i seen yet lol... so remember to work and post away.... If you need any help at all don't be afraid to ask for it - pat  ;)

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


I lurk, therefore I am.

I enjoy playing SC4, as does everybody else who writes on these forums. I enjoy and appreciate, and am constantly in awe of, the massive creative job those who submit custom content across all websites devoted to SC4 undertake.

I enjoy reading the journals, diaries and forums. However, I rarely feel the desire to become involved in ongoing dialogues with other members. I prefer to keep my comments to the simple and easy to read. Like "well done, great LOT my friend", which is what people want to hear when they spend all their time and energy on something that not only looks great, but enhances the game.

I leave the debates and arguments about minutia to those who can type faster, but have a greater grasp of the English language than I do.

I lurk, therefore I am.
You are reading the sig of a SC4D Citizen.


ummm....fernby, don't aussies already speak english?