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Snake's Work (new stuff)

Started by WalkingSnake, September 22, 2007, 10:58:24 PM

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Pat Riot

i love the style you BAT with. keep it up.


WalkingSnake i was wondering if at all possible if you could help me out in making anther texture for the parking lot series as im trying to do a parking lots based off your textures and what im looking at is this...

WalkingSnake if you dont mind if possible would you be able to help me out on this... What i did there is doubled up on the overlay texture for those 2 pieces and the base texture don't look right as you see...  What i was wondering if you could and would be able to do is make the over lay texture like i doubled up on  and the base texture match up...  or if it would be easier to make one base texture with the overlay on the base to make it seem flawless...  Thank you WalkingSnake - pat

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I'm not sure exactly what you mean, TBH. What are "those two pieces?" Looks like one overlay texture to me... If you're saying two overlays for the grass lots, I *thought* there was a doubled-up overlay that included both sides already. It's been over 2 years and I've been largely out of lot making, but double-check.


Ahhh OK i didn't realize its been that long since you haven't lotted... i have done and checked to see if there was any of the grass overlay textures like so and i didn't see any... is there anyway that you know of to modify the current textures to be able to make that area blend well such as the base and the parking lines?

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tbh that would help me out as well with my plaza mall setup. if its done and a T intersection as well that would be sweet....any takers?
Plaza Mall Project
Coming Soon to the LEX!

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Ah, I think I understand what you're saying. Right now I have a crisis going on with my hard drive, so I won't be doing any work for a while.

I would love to see someone add on to the parking pack.


Oooooh no that sucks.... I hope you get the situation taken care of soon.... 

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