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Zero7 - Random images

Started by zero7, September 23, 2007, 02:04:50 AM

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I've dipped into this area of the site a few times and seen some excellent photos shown by others (mainly Colyn, as this seems to be his home on SC4D).

Anyway, I thought it was time I shared some of my photos.  I'll take photos of anything that captures my attention, sometimes I'll photoshop the images, mostly I don't.

Here goes - if you want to know what or where, just ask - in the meantime I'll let the pictures speak for themselves:

Call me Richard


Thats the shizzle rp   :satisfied: Whats the second one ()what()
I'm back


Quote from: jayo on September 23, 2007, 03:52:10 AM
Thats the shizzle rp   :satisfied: Whats the second one ()what()

You know how on a well polished car rainwater forms into beads?  Well that photo was taken early one morning as I set off for work - it had rained overnight, the water had beaded and then frozen.  Makes a nice abstract!
Call me Richard


Very nice pictures, it's a very good idea to make such random pictures and to share them here! :thumbsup: I think everything we make in SC4 is a kind of a visual art, or at least it shows the way we look at the world. And we do something very similar making photos.
I was also thinking about showing some random pictures, and you motivate me to do it ;)

Your pictures have very good quality, I see they are about 500 pixels wide and they have from 100 to 250 KB. Maybe it is really better to show smaller pictures but better quality - I must think about it :)
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Thanks for the positive comments.

A couple of black and white shots for today (not real b&w, of course, these are photoshopped)

Aren't those stairs in the first pic just begging to be used in a jestarr building  ;)

Call me Richard


Wonderful pics  &apls

That sunset is amazing - beautifully captured too

you have a great eye :thumbsup: and I for one would love to see more

Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
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Waiting for renders again ... Time to post a few pics.

Today's subject is sculpture:

Call me Richard


Call me Richard


Just one image today ...

Shot in the kitchen sink with flash and a blue plate.
Call me Richard