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AK's Custom Content Showcase

Started by Alek King of SC4, January 24, 2007, 06:54:51 AM

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What else can I say, that your Hardcore Nature, exclusive to SC4 Devotion, became exclusively my background desktop  ;D :thumbsup:


Viewing those screenshots made my day.  Bravo!  &apls

I'm impressed... making a transition from super urban to rural is a tough way to go, but you've done a superb job.  I'll be looking forward to more.
You're telling me I get to be home for more than 12 months?


Outstanding work ! May look weird but I love the glacier, and I like other stuff too.  :thumbsup:


Wonderful pictures! Great rural towns! The last picture looks beautiful! Nice river! :thumbsup:


Awesome pictures, I can't beleive you created a city using mostly rail.  Perfectly laid out, good heights to the buildings, very realistic.  The nature picture is great as well.  It's very cool to see you not only know how to create wanderful cities but you are just as good making scenic country sides.  Great work, I always enjoy coming here. :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


The nature shot is to die for.

nova vesfalo

the Hk-venice city is really impressive ! like Rooker 1 said, a city with just rail !!! WOW-ing !


WOW!  Those massive shots took a while to load, I'm not used to that.  King of my MD, I hail you.  But I really loved the OPPS in the HK-Venice city, saw Eric Claption once on TV and he lost it, fingers flew off the fretboard and a big cartoon OPPS was imposed on the screen.  See, I've brought you to the level of a god. 

For those that don't get the reference, back at the turn of the 70's, people were writing on walls, "Clapton is God."  I think you have a good as grasp on this game as Eric has on the guitar.  The different areas have themes, and there all different themes.  Nothing is overstated, and the rural areas are superb.  Seems like magic to me.
Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


I know i said this on simtropolis but i love the hk/venice city it is INSPERATIONAL really i tried something simalier wasn't as good as yours but i'm still working on it

                            Love your work  Tankmank


The King did it again, what a fantastic gigantic pictures, cities, canals, downtown, glacier, river, rural town, suburb.... YOU Rock Again, Sire. &apls
Check my MD:               


Wait a minute, Ak is doing rural stuff? It´s a bit confusing but all three cities look good as usual...
Did You find a solution to the El-rail capacity problem?
I´m having similar problems in my cities, so it would be interesting t find out if there is a reasonable solution to the problem.
Also I´ve found that whil playing with large tiles is fun, it eats away on the system resources...
I´ve experienced similar problems to the one You experienced both in SC4 which is currently lagging considerably and in CIV4 which actually crashed on me due to lack of available graphics memory.
Does anyone know what one should have in terms of memory and CPU to play the game smoothly at high resolutions and large maps?
As it is now my CPU is working at 95-100% constantly to handle the game...

Alek King of SC4

this game is so demanding that if you have a large tile over 50% developed (half tiles have stuff on them) and over 1gig plugins performance will take a huge hit.  my opinion is 2gigs plus ram is the key but sc4 will still eat your systems resources.


SC4 is ruthless in its use of system resources! lol


And most people (shooters) just give you that blank stare when you tell them SC4 will bring any rig to it's knees.  "What do you see in that boring stuff?"  I guess getting 100's of thousand people back and forth is just trivial for a cpu.
Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!

Alek King of SC4


Hey, look who's back :thumbsup: Can we expect an update soon? ;D


hey king! i went through this MD just now. monster setback, that urban region, must have been. am i making any sense?  :P anyway, your new projects are wonderful! and nice of you to prove it wasn't dead  :thumbsup: good luck!


Hi Aleking ,

Glad to have some news from you ! :)
This regional view is terrific , the way you turn the large river to channels in the city , these beautiful mountains less abrupt than I use to see ... :thumbsup:
I would like closer pics now ; I love to see works in progress (IMO as interesting as the result ) . ;)

°   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °


That is quite a lot of highrises you've put into a small area. Knowing how you usually build, I'm suspecting that the suburbs will be endless when they are done. I can certainly understand why this is taking some time to finish.

But don't worry, we can wait for it.

&apls &apls &apls

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Eh, so what's the deal, AK?  The usual incredible stuff, wonderful developed.  You're in a rut, my friend.

...A rut most would probably kill to be in along with you...

Like everyone else, I'll be watching for more.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

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I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

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