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The Islamic Republic of the Barbary Coast

Started by TheSixCents, October 04, 2007, 09:10:16 PM

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Summary of The Barbary Coast (est. Sept 2007)

Full Name:   لاهلقاهرة لاهلاهرة
Short Name: Barbary Coast
Conventional Name: Barbary Coast
Government Type: Republic
Economic Orientation: Socalism
Location: On Algerian/Tunisian Coastal Border
Official Languages: Berber, Arabic, French
Religion: Shia Islam 67%, Sunni Islam 22 %, Roman Catholic 5%, Other 6%
Currency: Berber Dinar
Capital: Bechar
Largest Cities: Bechar, Jwafa, Kappas Quaba, El Golea
Population: 12,579,302
Area: 20,132 km²

1953 Independence from France


Nice start and a very historical pic.... looking foward to more - pat

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Intriguing photo...good start.

I'll keep my eye out for more.



Bechar Cityلهر لقاهرةالقـــاهـــرة-
Population- 6,482,600
Governor- Amiz Yabiha

Bechar became the capital of the Barbary Coast in 1953, immediately after the Berber War for independence.
Today we visit the Nationalia District.

Nationalia Train Station is the third largest in the city. It has connections to the metro system, as well as national and regional trains.N

Part of the district at night.

The ABS Insurance Tower

The end of the Grand Avenue

Heavy Rain hits the city once in a while.

Sunset over the Station.


Wow.....  :o .....super update.  Everything fits together sooo well.  I think your teaser picture would do really good in SC4 Devotion Picture Competition found here. [linkie]  I have been thinking really hard on how I could incorporate more parks into my cities.  And I really like how you have done yours, especially around the train station.  I really like how everything looks and have no suggestions.
I will be watching for the next update, I can't wait.

&apls &apls &apls

Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Wonderful start and great pictures! Also a fantastic update! :thumbsup: