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Disappearing Props?

Started by BigSlark, October 28, 2007, 09:30:44 PM

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Okay...here's what I did:

I spent around 40 minutes working on a lot that's already named and sized. I hit save, then opened another lot to reference the props that are on it. I open up the first lot again and half of the props I placed were gone. There is no way that I was over the prop limit, I only had around 20 props in use at the time.

What gives? Is LE just being a pain again?




If I understand you right, you went back into the lot during the same session of LE.  LE in my experience doesn't update the lot so to speak after saving until you exit it and start it up again, so that might be all you're seeing, but it's hard to say from the information.  Try resarting LE to see if it all shows up right then.


Yes, the LE needs to be shut down and opened again for the LOT that you have just edited (in the same session) to be updated.

Like the game, the LE loads your plugins once off and doesn't update it until you exit and reload.

So, in future, edit a LOT, or as many LOTs as you wish, and then exit the LE and reload it if you want to go back to any of those LOTs.  :thumbsup:
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