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Buddybuds Expansive Attempts at Anything & Everything.

Started by buddybud, November 12, 2007, 03:22:54 AM

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nice work but where did the e-rails go?? they were brilliant(and everything else for that matter) I've been looking for that style for ages
Sendona... Coming soon!


Sorry i've been busy....but a new beta below.  &hlp

Quotenice work but where did the e-rails go?? they were brilliant(and everything else for that matter) I've been looking for that style for ages

I'll be starting up those again shortly. I wanted to get the sidewalks done first for the elrail, which i did, then i decided to do sidewalks for elevated highway and ran into alot more work then i figured i would. In other words the new sidewalk beta has some 1800 files i've created....but still only weighing in at 834kb.

Anyway here's the latest...(all contained in the beta below)

SIDEWALKS for RushHour
- streets
- roads
- 1ways
- avenues


-el Rail
-elevated Highway


-Ramp replacement for all of the above including a couple nam ramps.
     (i did not touch the diag ave under diag HW or the diag ave ramps)

heres some pictures of the latest pieces
well first remember this.

thats now looking like this...

and others..

There is no monorail yet but there is no special pieces to create so i should be able to recycle the elrail for that, making only a couple hours work...

There are many imperfections present that will be fixed. Again ranges may change and at the moment many names and properties have yet to be fully organized and properly labeled. Nothing is final and input is welcome of course. Also the diagonal ramps are best placed on non bumpy terrain. dropping lots, time or dezoning will trigger the lots if they do not appear immediately. There are a couple of configurations that are impossible to cover presently, but they are few.

- disappearing road texture when dragging the road under the tracks...There seems to be a conflict with the MIncroabl elrail facelift mod and Maarten's HRS Mod.Conflict


Wow, that looks so much better now! I always hated those white "patches" under the elevated highway, even with ebina's fabulous darkened overpass textures, it didn't look right. But that new version is simply awesome. :)


Thanks Andreas, it was an incredible amount of work. Those underpasses change for wealth also. Speaking of which, the avenues detect wealth from great distance. Because of that the avenues work pretty much the way you would want them to, unlike roads,1ways, or streets which require wealth directly next to it to detect it. Would it be possible to change the all intersection tiles to act like the avenues for wealth detection????? Just wondering


Marvelous work ! Another step towards perfection!  &apls



I'm sorry. Plants under the highway does not make any sense. I also noticed that road textures crossing under el-rail seem to have disappeared now, but the sidewalk shows instead.


Quote from: j-dub on February 04, 2009, 09:57:06 PM
I'm sorry. Plants under the highway does not make any sense. I also noticed that road textures crossing under el-rail seem to have disappeared now, but the sidewalk shows instead.

I've also experienced the disappearing road texture when dragging the road under the tracks. It does return if I re-drag the tracks or simply plop a track section on top of the road. I've experienced a similar thing with the avenue under the el-rail tracks. Sometimes one side or the other are just large sidewalk textures, sometimes both. Just to let you know...



thanks Captcity...ill check into it...i haven't tested it a lot. i focoed on just putting it together....there are bound to be errors with just over 1800 files.. :D

Quote from: j-dub on February 04, 2009, 09:57:06 PM
I'm sorry. Plants under the highway does not make any sense. I also noticed that road textures crossing under el-rail seem to have disappeared now, but the sidewalk shows instead.

its a beta...its posted to find problems..no need to be sorry..i agree about the plants. But just for your info the three props used for the mediums have unique iid's so could be changed to whatever suits your taste.
anyways ..a crude attempt at replacing the white elephant of an interchange. I only did one side so far and have yet to redo the pathing or add t21's for sidewalks.



Hold the horses... I realized I did something stupid ()sad() I was using my original installation of the NAM which included the EL Rail Facelift Mod (which places various textures under the tracks). I thought I would try another NAM installation with no additional items. Without the El Rail Facelift Mod, I did not have any of the previously posted issues even after redrawing several times and trying to mess it up. I don't know about j-dub's situation, but it always came out okay for me. I guess something with that mod might be conflicting with yours. Hope I didn't create any headaches...


All info is good info...and i'd like to avoid conflicts but obviously they will exist. We can at least be given a choice. i'll see what i can do or add it to the disclaimer list.




whats that? your remaking the ingame interchanges? :o :o :o
Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Quote from: JoeST on February 04, 2009, 10:50:36 PM
whats that? your remaking the ingame interchanges? :o :o :o

i have done all the ramps and underpasses for elevated.....except for this one..in the beta above..its a behemoth but its worthy of the attempt me thinks...none of the big interchanges or xovergroundhighway were done either....not underbridge so to speak..lol...but dont expect this till the full finished product...that took about 2 days to do, but even as is it looks better than the games lame attempt....lol....lots of work left but i think i will migrate back to the el now...and give the beta some time to find more bugs.


looking good! I'm going to download these right.... now
Sendona... Coming soon!


The amount of work you're putting it astounds me, Buddybud. It's looking really, really good and much better than the original ones, absolutely! I would have to say that the side onramps and exits are an excellent addition! Though a curve in them would make them more realistic and - I believe - more appealing. However, considering the amount of work it is nobody would hold it against you if you ignored this critique  ::)

Here's a crude Photoshopped example of the suggestion:

Lurkiest Lurking Lurker of the SimCity 4 community.
Bldng. | my BATs and research into urban density | Sebasvandenbrink.nl | Help grow Hopburg!


Thanks Howling, i would agree. Your absolutely right, it would look much more fluid and realistic.




It's amazing that you're remaking the interchanges for maxis highway. I was wondering if you're planning on remaking all the highway interchanges (avenue diag/orth, road diag/orth) in similar style? (With the slip lane, that is)

Cheers  :thumbsup:


Quote from: metasmurf on February 05, 2009, 11:12:32 AM
It's amazing that you're remaking the interchanges for maxis highway. I was wondering if you're planning on remaking all the highway interchanges (avenue diag/orth, road diag/orth) in similar style? (With the slip lane, that is)

Cheers  :thumbsup:

thanks meta,

There's a bit of confusion. Essentially this represents the last piece for the sidewalk mod. This piece is just done differently then the rest. Whoever designed it was trying to make it look snappy but failed totally in the functionality department. It just looks like a fancy interchange but needs not be, especially to fit in with the rest. The other ramps and interchanges are done in the above beta and will not involve slip lanes and such because then the rul files would have to altered for the increased size for the extra tiles. i did slip lanes with this one because the footprint allows for the room. The default ramp for this interchange are half a tile longer then all the similar ones in the game. In fact the models for this would fall in the family of the x-over-groundhighway puzzle pieces, which differ from the other elevated interchanges in design. Changing of the guard at maxis possibly. i cloned the diagonal ramps from the other diagonal interchanges and used those. Sadly the game only uses 2 different ramp models for all other diagonal elevated highway ramps....then rotates them. However this beast uses 4 differently rotated models for each diag version. i had to clone the others the flip and rotate the vertices to come up with four sets of new models for this first version. ill have to do the same for the unaltered one. It's very time consuming....lol.

here's a picture. the red is the original footprint. the yellow is where my new underpass is. If i could override the rul file i could decrease the footprint significantly or also increase it. But i have no idea how to do any of that.....so in short with my knowledge level of rul's ...no...lol


So , I finally got a chance to mess around with the beta...WOW , I am truly amazed at all the changes. I never really paid attention to the highway on/off ramps before , but as soon as I plopped one I was mezmarized , I can't believe no one else did this before! (well except for it sucking all of ones free time,and causing fits of random cursing at a monitor....)  ;D  Thanks for it!



Since slip lanes are so common where I'm from, I am absolutely delighted to see them added to the game.  :)  Are the slip lanes for orthogonal ramps as well, or are they diagonal-only?  Either way, this is a welcome addition to the game for me.  :thumbsup:
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


Much better! I just can't understand why Maxis raised the avenue a bit in order to go under an elevated highway... Bravo! &apls
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!