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DebussyMan Showcase

Started by DebussyMan, January 31, 2007, 09:20:32 PM

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Wow, what an hounour!

Of course I'd be willing to share with you anything you wish.

You can find the wall texture here:


Edit: here's the roof texture as well:

And I hope to see some new buildings from you  :)

Visit my new MD: Emerita Augusta 1910 - http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15184.0


Great to see you around here xannepan  :thumbsup:

It would be really great for the community to see some new BATs from your gifted hands  ::) ;)
I am currently not active - Please, contact Tarkus for any site related matter. Thanks for enjoying SC4D :D

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New Cathédrale in the making, I think it's a pretty easy guess...

(North tower and central portade are dummies)

Visit my new MD: Emerita Augusta 1910 - http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15184.0


WOW Debussyman that is stunnning catherdal and welcome back to the community Xannepan.... I can only resound whats been said please bat again  :)

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres?!  ???  :o Am I correct?! Do I get a prize?!  :D

God Debussyman, when will this stop? The Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres has been a personal favourite of mine since it was included in SC3K Unlimited and I have been waiting for it for SC4 ever since its release.

Will it come with the custom query sound that it had in SC3K?  $%Grinno$%

Oh I am so looking forward to this!!  :thumbsup:

&apls &apls

EDIT: Debussyman, do you have this? -> Click! A huge sketch of the West End (front?).
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Indeed, that must be the Chartres Cathedral. I look forward to it already :thumbsup:

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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW debussyman !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHARTRES ???? what a project !!!!!!!! good luke for it, so cool !!!!!


I feel more and more religious because of all those fantastic models you donate to the community. Debussyman is a Cathedral of a modeler!



Always good news to see your next project! You are THE MAN!  :thumbsup: &apls :thumbsup: &apls
See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


Quote from: Serkanner on September 30, 2007, 03:21:31 AM
I feel more and more religious because of all those fantastic models you donate to the community. Debussyman is a Cathedral of a modeler!

same here! :D

chartres is a beautiful church and i'm sure your version will be even better than the real one, good luck with your project!


The master of churches strikes again - my jaw drops EVERY time I see your work my friend. Awesome stuff
I'm nutty and I Bat and they're coming for me with the white coats again


babuloziwad / adj Above perfection in SC4; Dude, this MOD is ~ !

Emperor Stormont

YAYNESS another fabulous cathedral.......  &apls  &apls  &apls  &apls

Now what to use this one for............

What wonderful work thus far, so pleased you are still contributing to ensuring we all have beautiful real-world buildings to grace our cities. I'll also die if Xannepan begins to release more fantastic buildings, they are such a delight to use in my cities.   :satisfied:

The Imperial Atlantean Empire MD <-- click to view
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Trixie Nominated CJ
2007 & 2008


Oh my god!!!lol!Thank you a lot debussy!!!My cathedral!!!!!! &hlp :thumbsup: If you need pictures no problem!!!I m here!!! :thumbsup:  &hlp Im so excited!!!! ;) :) ;D ()stsfd() i stop...lol
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Hi folks,

amazing work on Notre-Dame! Congratulations, Debussyman!

By the way, I'va had some news from Porkissimo: he has got a rendering issue on one of his new bats but it should'nt be long now  ::)


"I'va had some news from Porkissimo: he has got a rendering issue on one of his new bats but it should'nt be long now". Everyone working in the construction knows that there's always delays :P!!!

BTW, this is the first time I've seen a BATer promising a delivery time. YEEEEEPEEEEE for Porki !!! &apls and for Debussyman, of course :thumbsup:.
babuloziwad / adj Above perfection in SC4; Dude, this MOD is ~ !


that's very good news Une_ame, i'll be looking forward to getting my hands on those and putting these in my cities, next to debussyman's excellent churches of course :thumbsup:


Indeed, it is the Cathedral of Chartres.

To all of those who guessed correctly, I've placed a statue with your face on the west portal as a reward  ;)

Here's a little update. Been playing around with th textures. I liked this tone, but maybe it is too dark, let me know what you think.

Visit my new MD: Emerita Augusta 1910 - http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15184.0

Emperor Stormont

I like the stone, I would have went a little darker, to show age, it looks pretty new, well from that distance anyway.

It's looking very well indeed, fantastic work.  &apls

The Imperial Atlantean Empire MD <-- click to view
A new Beginning
Trixie Nominated CJ
2007 & 2008