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Ritter's Rubber Shoe

Started by pkremer, December 15, 2007, 10:53:32 PM

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I have not had any problems with brown boxes until now, as I thought I had been pretty thorough with my dependency packs; however, I keep getting a stage 8 (I think) industrial building that shows up as a huge brown box.  When I click on it, it is called "Ritter's Rubber Shoe."  I simply cannot seem to find this building anywhere I search for it, and cannot find out which dependency or building I am missing! Anyone know where I can find this?

UPDATE:  OK, it appears that I have downloaded this building, and I seem to have all the necessary dependencies; however, it still appears as a brown box! I am at a loss!  ()what()


If it's the stage 6 CAMeLot that has the brown box, then the name when queried should have been:
   - IM 6 Ritter's Rubber Shoe, contained in the file IM$$6_8x3_jes_RittersRubberShoe_4406d55b.SC4Lot

If it's the original stage 2 lot that has the broen box, then the name when queried should have been:
   - jes_RittersRubberShoe, contained in the file I-m2_8x3_RittersRubberShoe_92fdcc01.SC4Lot

Both of these lots have buildings using the same model, which is in the file named:
   - jes_RittersRubberShoe-0x5ad0e817_0x52fb18fe_0x30000.SC4Model

If the last file would be missing, you'd get a brown box.
Can you search your plugins folder for all those files?
You should have the first and last ones, but not the middle one if you  installed them as suggested. :)


Thanks RippleJet! Sure enough I had the stage 6 CAMeLot in my plugins folder, but I did not have the sc4model file.  I installed the package (which for some reason was in the list of files I had installed...I must have overlooked it).  It installed the sc4model file and then I deleted the I-m2 lot file, leaving the 1st and 3rd files you listed!

You're a life saver Ripple Jet! Thanks!  :thumbsup: