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BAT Showcase

Started by mattb325, February 01, 2007, 04:07:43 PM

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wow... just wow. Mattb325-town just got bigger ;)

Since quite a big chunk of the buildings in my cities are coming from you, I wondered which of your BATs is your favourite one. A BAT you are proud of or you think turned out in the best way? And if I may ask you another question: is there a building (in real life or SC4) where you would consider the architecture to be your favourite or at least very good?


Even if i moved from SC4 to Cities Skylines, i always return here to see your amazing creations.  &apls &apls &apls

Man i wish someday you'll come and do amazing buildings for CS too, because god knows we do need amazing asset creators like you to give more realism and personality to CS.


Howdy Matt!  It's been a while since I've lurked around these parts, so I'm happy to see you're still the maestro of this little BAT symphony.  Looks like I'll need to dig back a few pages to see all the amazing content I've missed out on.  But in the meantime, I love how you used the maxis casino lights and I am especially partial to that historic looking number.  By the way, while you are enjoying that heat wave, we're looking at lows in the -40s next week (surprisingly, I went to do the conversion to Celsius, and it's the same either way.  Crazy math.)  I'm not sure who's winning here  ()what()
Cheers!   :party:


Thanks everyone!

It's great to see so many folks returning...I guess -40 will keep people inside  :o

As for a favourite bat...well that's like trying to pick a favourite child  :D

Although, if I must confess it's the BATs that make me laugh - the enfant terrible - that I always have a soft-spot for. Many I can't release for obvious reasons. One actually slipped into a pic back on page 87. But any of the other humorous Bats will always be high up for me.

Not a funny BAT...but a big ugly tower. In China, many of the buildings are modeled on letters of the alphabet or other words which the owner believes auspicious. It certainly makes for unusual designs. Allegorical structures are nothing new in all cultures; English and French buildings and parks of the 18th Century abounded with classical story references, but these take it to a whole new level. And I toned it down to make it work in a western sense:


You say ugly; I say lovely.  &apls An unusual mid-rise is always welcome. The little roof-top green-space, canister-lit stairway, and terraced balconies are perfect. The foliage is really well done, too.

And was that Simcoug???  :)


Wow, for an ugly building it sure is beautiful in a way. Though I must say I would probably not use it, it still is an impressive creation. :)

What I like about your BATs which differs from other well known BATers, is that you make simple yet effective roofjunk. Simple enough to model but just enough to seem real without having too much clutter.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Very good! I'm really looking forward to it!


Quote from: mattb325 on January 28, 2019, 06:25:16 PM
Although, if I must confess it's the BATs that make me laugh - the enfant terrible - that I always have a soft-spot for. Many I can't release for obvious reasons. One actually slipped into a pic back on page 87. But any of the other humorous Bats will always be high up for me.

The Cuckold Robin? Surely we aren't so precious a little gem like that can't be uploaded. I'd love to see what else you've cooked up that was deemed NSFSC4.

l love all the latest BAT's by the way. Time for another Matt325 download spree me thinks.

Kind regards, Simon (from Adelaide ... where it's actually hot!)


Oh my god, I missed so many things! Wonderful work, as usual! :o


Luv the black box office tower... ::)

and its gotten even coder for US in WIS... woke to -24 plus wind chills of its just too danm cold!  ()sad()

liking the latest series... glad software situation came through okay...    :)

stay cool there and I will stay not frozen here...  $%Grinno$%


Thanks guys!

Some responses:
* bladeberkman: thanks! I like the green space...hopefully I haven't inadvertently modeled a character that means something truly idiotic, much like a bad tattoo with a spelling mistake  ::)
* art128: thanks! All roof junk is just standard primitives collapsed to a mesh and textured. Most buildings have very little IRL; although the community (understandably) wants more roof junk for the game's viewing angle...but I have been around long enough to still be traumatised by the BATs that had wooden planks and other bits of garbage on the roof to placate the noisy voices on the forums  ???  $%Grinno$%
* Alan_Waters Thanks - I shall probably release as a ploppable as well given the odd lot size
* siemanthepieman. Thanks...the name has a number of connotations, but is altogether simply to pointed to release; no matter what I think about an individual and regardless of whether that individual plays fair or not, the right of reply is paramount in my mind. Were I to release this as is, that would deny the individual such a right. I may re-name it and release the new version as the building is quite cute and works well as a W2W.
* Akallan. Thanks - I see you have been busy with the snt, too  :P
* Jack_wilds. Stay warm....here today it is a much more average summers day of 60F. Just Lovely.  :satisfied: Even though we just had a record breaking hot month, it is still cooler than International Falls WI in July (considered the Ice-Box of the US), so no wonder all of the US trees (River Birch, Tulip tree, Sugar Maple) that I planted here have actually grown this year...the weather actually suits them  :D

Anyway, another of the FAR-3 series is released:



Made a start on something a little closer to home....

At least it's not a typical boxy thing.....

kingdom city

There are many buildings, which are spectacular, especially lighting at night, that you have created, we can see them for download and use them in the game, or they will never leave ?, Greetings.


Thanks kingdom city, they will be released.
I do testing on all of them to make sure that they behave as intended as a lot have quite tricky modding categories, or at least grow for me twice if they are just a standard BAT. It can seem like the lead time is a little long as a consequence, but I (hope) it gives a better quality download that doesn't break the game.

So this tower stands on Sydney Harbour as a real landmark. This year it turns 60.
It is a replica, but not 100% accurate (probably 75% - I took many liberties as I usually do)....in doing the research I found these super cute pamphlets. I like the fact that two floors are taken up by an IBM computer that probably does less than a toaster now-a-days  :P
It's also amazing that companies actually announced what was where in the building. Now it's all "security" and "terror threats" thwarting information....


Very very impressive! Love the nightlights!!!



High-modernist architecture, my (not-so) hidden weakness!! Now I need it on all my cities, I don't care if it doesn't make any sense, it is just too beautiful!

"Lets be scientists and as such, remember always that the purpose of politics is not freedom, nor authority, nor is any principle of abstract character,
but it is to meet the social needs of man and the development of the society"

— Valentín Letelier, 1895


The black office box - it reminded me of a german manufacturer that made "tetris" from wood and now sells it as "Geobricks" for little children to improve spatial sense.

To me the office block looks like made from those "geobricks" and then painted black.  :laugh:

Commercial for "Geobricks": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnOhMvAeVTk

Also I never saw a Casino in RL. Don't know why, strange thing. So I can't judge the casino. But there aren't many casinos for SC4. How do they work? Do they generate crime and and a lot of tax income? Me, personally, I'd like to see some of them. My sims like those amusement stuff, neon lights, bars, strip clubs, card games, revue theaters. Can it be there is a lack in SC4 of those "not so opera establishment" in sc4?  Casinos would attract the nouveau riche to your city, I guess?

Immediatly the city of Monaco comes to my mind, where those tennis millionaires and business tycoons like to have their appartments and indeed some of your residentials would fit the skyline of Monaco perfectly.

So to me "Kensington Apartments" and "L'Aquila Apartments" growing around that casino and some yacht at the harbour - and what you get with a few of Matt's great bats is the city of Monaco!

Your bats have, what one might call "flair". Always giving inspiration always giving me new ideas. Thank you.



Apart from a few in Vegas (which I really don't care for: they are just big and OTT) the only casino I have been too was one in Montreux called Casino Barrière, so I guess they can look like anything, really.
If you google it, you'll see how subtle it is compared to the Vegas style ones. I don't see the point in gambling, even though all those years ago from loose change of a few francs I was very lucky to win about 5000 francs on that one visit.

I must add a few Montreux buildings to my to do list &idea. It is such a beautiful spot.

Anyway, I've released another bat



Quote from: mattb325 on January 28, 2019, 06:25:16 PM
Although, if I must confess it's the BATs that make me laugh - the enfant terrible - that I always have a soft-spot for. Many I can't release for obvious reasons. One actually slipped into a pic back on page 87. But any of the other humorous Bats will always be high up for me.

Not a funny BAT...but a big ugly tower. In China, many of the buildings are modeled on letters of the alphabet or other words which the owner believes auspicious. It certainly makes for unusual designs. Allegorical structures are nothing new in all cultures; English and French buildings and parks of the 18th Century abounded with classical story references, but these take it to a whole new level. And I toned it down to make it work in a western sense:

Hi Matt!

Wow, I go to holiday only for one week, and you show us many nice new/old stuffs. However one little sentence dragged my attention. (I bolded above in the quote). I don't really understand those "obvious" reasons.
This building is simply amazing, anything but ugly! :) Is it possible that it gets a release some day? Or some kind of other sharing (private etc...) solution?

The A.M.P. Tower looks really nice too. And of course thanks for sharing the FAR urban collage and the PWN buildings. They look amazing! :)

- Tyberius
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.


Great work on the recent BATs  &apls  I really like the last couple highrises! Neat styles and thankfully not super-tall as SC4 highrises so often tend to be. Details, textures, and lights are outstanding and I love that old pamphlet!