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Show us your Downtowns & CBD's!

Started by Masochist, November 10, 2006, 10:45:29 PM

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Thanks for the link, but that's not the one I was talking about.  I was talking about the one that's contained in a mid/high-rise.  Now that I've looked at it I think it might be another one of Vlakhaas's placed next to a mid/high-rise, but I still want to be sure. 

EDIT-Okay, it is. 


Well here's mine, its a kinda of commercial/residental/midrise/highrise mix.....



Wow nice pictures here!!

These are a few images from my city journal over at Simtropolis.

If you want to see some more, please come and visit and leave a comment!  :thumbsup:

Many City Journals In One!


Wonderferfull skills shown by all.  &apls &apls
Great pics too I might add ::)
Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
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Mike: How on EARTH did you get the PanPacific Buildin' in your city?!?  :angrymore: I mean, I've had a zone in my downtown at 6x6 grid tiles for 'bout 100 Simyears it seems, and all I get are small stuff! How in heck did YOU do it?!? And please, tell me ya didn't plop it, please... :thumbsdown: (J/K, your downtown looks fantastic! I'm just envious, a bit... $%Grinno$%)

Anyway, these are some sweet downtowns, alright. When I get all the kinks out of mine, I'll DEFINITELY post some pics here. Keep up the great work there, guys!


Fantastic work and pictures @ all! :thumbsup:


Quote from: Wyldone on March 04, 2007, 06:25:37 PM
Mike: How on EARTH did you get the PanPacific Buildin' in your city?!?

When you download the bats, you get a growable and a plopable version. You can just go into the landmarks menu and find it in there and plop it.


Picture made with the special 3D plugin for SC4

Just kidding :P It's only a photoshop.


U3D: Nicely defined Downtwon you have.

Iamgoingtoeatyou: Speechless...absolutely fabulous shot!

Mikeaut1: very nice...the tightly packed high-rises look very nice indeed....very varied buiildings.

Mulefisk: Ohhh....very realistic!


Wow Mulefisk! That is really welldone, and of course, I would like to know HOW on earth?! lol

Seriously... what did you do to get it that way?
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Hello Mulefisk - well done. I enjoyed looking at that picture.
Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)


very nice photoshopping, i almost believed you...lol 3d plugin ::)
"It's not a design flaw, It's my signature"


wonderful photoshopping, Mulefisk! :thumbsup:


I am not sure where to put this.  I think it could be a downtown, but it's really more of an "old town".  It's certainly not towering glass boxes or anything.  I should also note, there are more traditional CBDs in this city and region.

click to see full size (note: it's really big, and almost 3MB.  also, it's the first time I've made one of these dealies, so it isn't very good)

Here is a wider shot of part of the CBD area.  It spreads over into the adjacent cities, so it is somewhat cut off.

click to see full size
- el jacko and such


U3D, very nice picture.  A small downtown core, but one none the less.

iamgoingoteatyou, I love that picture.  How you made it dark and included a very heavily driven road and full height buildings with a very nice back drop.  This my friend is a perfect picture in my opinion.

Mikeaut1, Now that's a very dense downtown picture.  Everyting looks very uniform and realistic.  I like it, another very near perfect picture.

Mulefisk, Very cool 3d effect.

eljacko, two very nice pictures, great work.

Great thread, if I haven't said it before. :thumbsup:

Call me Robin, please.


Mulefisk: OMG ! This rocks a lot ! Man, outstanding, I almost thought you said real about the plugin thing, seriously well done, and nice Downtown. How you did that, I mean, wich photoshop tricks you used.... ?  ;D


haha mulefisk that's awesome

hey iamgoingtoeatyou, did you stick the ads on that tall building to the right, or does it normally do that?
War Kittens !?


Great pictures of your downtown, eljacko! :thumbsup: