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Show us your Downtowns & CBD's!

Started by Masochist, November 10, 2006, 10:45:29 PM

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Quote from: mikeski on February 13, 2011, 10:52:18 AM
great work guys

Beautiful downtown! May I know where you get the shiny building just below the radio tower?


@zenith1107: That's one of SimGoober's buildings, and can be found in the smaller office buildings pack of his on the LEX.

You might want to try later though, because as I type, there seems to be a problem with the LEX.


Fantastic mosaic, wwecruz! Love the tree-covered avenue :thumbsup:
Mikeski, looks great for a grown downtown! My ones are always plopped ;D
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November





This picture is from two weeks ago... now the small buildings are really tall... but right now Simcity is not working properly :angrymore: so I cant upload a new picture and all my new pictures are from the suburbs.


Nice use of maxis buildings



Lovely shot Netmod! But keep in mind that the maximum allowed image width is 1024px :)
- Merijn (moderator)


Sorry bout that, keep on forgetting



Here are 3 of mine... nothing special...


Your city must be using alot of electricity,  ;)

Nice work though


Quote from: netmod on March 03, 2011, 05:27:21 PM
Your city must be using alot of electricity,  ;)

Nice work though





Love all the CBD's everyone  &apls

A few pictures of a NY inspired project i'm working on


Awesome stuff tankmank! I love it!  &apls


Posting here because I couldn't find a "Show us your Car-Free..." thread. Here's my current Carless CBD experiment. Pedestrian and subway traffic only. Zone has 70k happy inhabitants and growing very securely. Details and more @ http://www.simtropolis.com/forum/topic/39554-show-us-yourroadless-cities/page__view__findpost__p__1136965

Heheh, multiple Smith Towers :) Seattle must be jealous!


Building a car-free city is a brilliant job. No cars, no smoke, no traffic, no problems :thumbsup:
However i see that you need some extra practice, because i can see plenty of abandonment buildings, including the multiple Smith Towers. Remember that residential buildings can't use the pedestrian mail, so you'll need to build some roads. Also i can see that your Sims has excellent skills in climbing ::) ;D
"The wisest men follow their own direction" Euripides
The Choice is Ours
Simtropolis Moderator here. Can I help? Oh, and you can call me Elias (my real name) if you wish.


A shot from the downtown of Cedar, which can be found in my MD of Nesara:


Quote from: Terring7 on March 13, 2011, 01:11:56 AM
Building a car-free city is a brilliant job. No cars, no smoke, no traffic, no problems :thumbsup:
However i see that you need some extra practice, because i can see plenty of abandonment buildings, including the multiple Smith Towers. Remember that residential buildings can't use the pedestrian mail, so you'll need to build some roads. Also i can see that your Sims has excellent skills in climbing ::) ;D

Glad you like it! Actually the towers are not abandoned, just they are lower wealth than when initially built, and therefore discolored. I have not strived for high wealth in this experiment, just in allowing the population to get to work easily without cars.

The residential buildings are facing short strips of street which terminate at subway stations as a transition to pedestrian malls on adjoining commercial blocks. There is unfortunately no workaround that I'm aware of for this use of streets, but fortunately, the Sims do not drive on them. In an earlier, smaller scale experiment using bus stops in place of subway stations, a very small number of Sims (1-2) drove to each bus stop (to work there?) but I do not observe this with subway stations.

And yes, the Sims are excellent stair climbers. Especially with the NAM Z simulator ;)