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Network Addon Mod 日本語訳 - NAM Japanese translation

Started by ebina, February 18, 2008, 06:07:21 AM

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フォーラムにログインせずにダウンロードできるように、MediaFireにファイルをアップロードしました。 http://www.mediafire.com/?v4e7gtcmhdhj1

All Japanese NAM locales are ready for automatic language detection. Other language versions of NAM locale do not necessarily need to be removed. Even if you installed the file to different folder than specified folder, Japanese descriptions will be automatically selected and displayed. If you can't see any texts in your game then install English version of locale.

添付ファイルはNetwork Addon Mod本体と橋プラグイン用の日本語ロケールです。ファイルをNetwork Addon Modフォルダーにコピーしてください。
Locales for NAM main download and additional bridge plugins are in the attached file to this post. Copy file to Network Addon Mod folder.

NetworkAddonMod_Locale_japanese.dat replaces texts listed below.
[tabular type=9]
[row] [head]変更箇所
Changed point[/head] [head]元のテキスト
Original text[/head] [head]変更後のテキスト
New text[/head] [/row]
[row] [data]月間予算
Monthly Budget[/data] [data]高架線路のメンテナンス
Elevated Rail Maintenance[/data] [data]高架線路/ライトレール*
Elevated Rail/Light Rail[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]データビュー/グラフ
Data View/Graph[/data] [data]地下/高架列車
Sub/El Train[/data] [data]地下/高架/LRT
Sub/El/LRT[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]調査/交通調査ツール
Query/Route Query Tool[/data] [data]高架の線路
Elevated Rail[/data] [data]高架の鉄道/ライトレール
Elevated Rail/Light Rail[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]高架の列車
Elevated Train[/data] [data]高架の列車/トラム
Elevated Train/Tram[/data] [/row]
* スペースが足りないため「~のメンテナンス」は省略
Due to limitation of space, "Maintenance" has been omitted.

Japanese locales for external NAM plugins.
NAM Rural Roads Plugin / Fenced GLR / High Speed Rail Project / Rural Highway Mod / RAM Single Track Rail

  • NetworkAddonMod_Locale_japanese.dat
    - NAM本体および本体に同梱のプラグイン用の日本語ロケールです。
  • NetworkAddonMod_Volume_Data_View_***_Locale_japanese.dat
    - NetworkAddonMod_Volume_Data_View_***.dat導入時に限りインストールしてください。
    - お使いのシミュレーター・プラグインおよび交通量データビュー・プラグインに対応するファイルを選んでください。
  • NetworkAddonMod_Zone_Data_View_Locale_japanese.dat
    - NetworkAddonMod_Zone_Data_View.dat導入時に限りインストールしてください。


Hi Ebina san. :)
Thank you always for your big helps for Japanese and useful works. &apls

Would I like to take your text data ? and I'll check them. ;)
and I'll report again here if I would find some strange one.


##### Edited #####


またどれも簡潔に解りやすい表記ですね。素晴らしいです! &apls

大量のテキストのみの編集、本当にお疲れ様です。 :-[
また何か気が付きましたら報告させて頂きます。 :)


MASさん、ありがとうございます :) ご指摘の箇所ですが、翻訳中にこれに当たる英文を見ておりません。NetworkAddonMod_Locale_english.dat使用時にも日本語で表示されるため、SimCityLocale.dat内の文章と思われます。このLTEXTのIDがわかり次第、NAMとは別にパッチを作ってみます。

MAS san: Thank you for reporting :) But I didn't see English sentences of these while I'm translating. They appear in Japanese even if NetworkAddonMod_Locale_english.dat was installed. It seems these are in SimCityLocale.dat. I'll try to make a patch separately from the NAM when I could find IIDs of these texts.


I don't know exactly what you were reporting with those screenshots, but I figure that it has something to do with the "intersection placement strings" of those interchanges. When I was translating the NAM locale file into German, I had to rephrase some of the English text a bit, since some things seemed to be translated slightly different in the German in-game translation (also, some linebreaks appear to be altered). So rather than adjusting the in-game text to the NAM translation, I changed the NAM translation to what I was used from the game. ;)


Thanks for taking the time to translate that  :thumbsup: . You are very kind  ;)
I am currently not active - Please, contact Tarkus for any site related matter. Thanks for enjoying SC4D :D

Autism Awareness;  A Father Shares
Mallorca My Mayor Diary


Thanks for advising, Andreas. I also wrote somewhat different sentence than English to shorten the texts. Since our language takes 2 byte per character, and usually we don't insert a space between words, SC4 starts a new line at undesired point. This is the first time that I hated my language :D Well, for the present I keep current translation, I may edit those "undesired line breaks" later.

BTW, what MAS and I are talking about is EA/Maxis' translation. There are some funny sentences in our language version of SimCityLocale.dat. Some are possibly mistranslation, if those are not SimCity-ish humor.


Yeah, I noticed some oddities with the linebreaks as well. I. e. for some Rush Hour items (and some of the landmarks that are available at simcity.ea.com), there are two linebreaks to separate the lines from each other, while the German locale file usually uses only one (which looks better, IMO). Well, it's nothing that cannot be fixed, but on the other hand, we're already pretty crazy when it comes to modding, aren't we? ;)


Quote from: Andreas on February 20, 2008, 06:52:30 AM
Well, it's nothing that cannot be fixed, but on the other hand, we're already pretty crazy when it comes to modding, aren't we? ;)
::)  ;D

追加の橋を翻訳しました。添付ファイルを Network Addon Mod/Additional Bridges にコピーしてお使いください。LTEXTのGroup IDで日本語が自動的に選ばれるので、コピー先は他のフォルダでも構いません。Kwanyoni Bridge用のLTEXTもありますが、情報が見つからずまだ翻訳しておりません。"Kwanyoni" の発音か、カタカナ表記をご存じの方おられましたら教えてください。

Attached the Additional Bridges translation. Copy it to Network Addon Mod/Additional Bridges folder. Game will automatically pick Japanese text by Group ID of LTEXTs. In other words, file can be installed to other folder. Current .dat includes a LTEXT for Kwanyoni Bridge but hasn't been translated yet for I can't find information about it. I want to know how to pronounce it, and how should it be written in Katakana. If someone know about "Kwanyoni", please let me know.

EDIT: Updated. Thanks, Jeronij.
EDIT: Moved attached file to the first post.


I think this is a fictional name  ;) . I'd pronounce it Kuan-yoni , but I dont think there is a translation for it  ;)
I am currently not active - Please, contact Tarkus for any site related matter. Thanks for enjoying SC4D :D

Autism Awareness;  A Father Shares
Mallorca My Mayor Diary




Thanks :thumbsup:

Quote from: jeronij on February 22, 2008, 05:49:38 AM
I think this is a fictional name  ;) .
Quote from: Andreas on February 22, 2008, 06:11:17 AM
Actually, it's the name of a lodge in Nelspruit, South Africa (Colyn's hometown). ;)
I was thinking that it's the name of real bridge or place... it was lodge...

Quote from: jeronij
I'd pronounce it Kuan-yoni , but I dont think there is a translation for it  ;)
Then Kwanyoni would be クァンヨニ or similar ones in Katakana, I've updated attachment of previous post. I can easily edit it later when I've got a report/request from Japanese members, since my translation is separated file.


Quote from: jeronij on February 22, 2008, 05:49:38 AM
I think this is a fictional name  ;) . I'd pronounce it Kuan-yoni , but I dont think there is a translation for it  ;)

I do really hope Colyn does not read this  ::)  :D :D
I am currently not active - Please, contact Tarkus for any site related matter. Thanks for enjoying SC4D :D

Autism Awareness;  A Father Shares
Mallorca My Mayor Diary



Replaced files with ones that are compatible with April 2008 version. Are attached to the first post of this topic. This time I tried to change longer sentences that appear with preview model of puzzle pieces to comparatively readable ones by adding the line breaks intentionally. Some may have become hard to read contrary to my hope. If you thought so, please let me know where should be edited. I'd like to make it readable as much as possible.


@Ebina san
Thanks for your works of traslation about NAM always. ;)
I have already chcked your new files on NAM.
It was good japanese text for all I think. ;)
May I tell you what I noticed a little?
(I will omit the English sentence as follows. :-[)

Ebinaさん、こんばんは。 :)
いつも大変な作業、お疲れ様です!なによりいつもありがとうございます! ;)

もともとの仕様でしたっけ? :-[ (記憶が曖昧で申し訳ないです...)


I'll report again when I notice some problem or opinions. :)
Thanks for reading.




Quote from: MAS71 on April 25, 2008, 06:53:33 AM
もともとの仕様でしたっけ? :-[ (記憶が曖昧で申し訳ないです...)

If the highway related items you are talking about are Maxis' ones, they will not display specific description to the preview models.


Similar texts are in the English version, I simply translated them. I think these texts would be not necessarily needed, but I left those texts.


Wow everyone here is biggest help to Japanese SC4 players like me. Thank you!


@Ebina san
Thanks for reply and I understand well about them.  ;)

By the way,
You will up(open to public) this japanese-patch other than this thred ??
Now, I already introduce and write a links to this thread on the Wiki in Japan.
If you have any problem about it, Please tell me so.

Thank you.

早速のご回答、ありがとうございました。 全てにおいて了解です。 ;)

よろしくお願いします。 :)



Quote from: MAS71 on April 26, 2008, 08:40:40 AM
よろしくお願いします。 :)

Quote from: MAS71 on April 26, 2008, 08:40:40 AM
By the way,
You will up(open to public) this japanese-patch other than this thred ??
Now, I already introduce and write a links to this thread on the Wiki in Japan.
If you have any problem about it, Please tell me so.
I won't upload my translation to the other places. I'll attach updated ones to this topic when I translated the new items.
Thank you for introducing this at your wiki.


@Ebina san
Thank you for your pleasant answer about permission.  ;)
I give you big thanks on behalf of japanese-mayors(lol).  $%Grinno$%

快い許可のお返事、ありがとうございます。 :)



Quote from: ebina on February 18, 2008, 06:07:21 AM
Network Addon Modを日本語訳しました。NAM Update Jan 2008 の NetworkAddonMod_Locale_english.dat に含まれるLTEXTファイルを全て翻訳してあります。テストしていただける方は、この投稿に添付してある NetworkAddonMod_Locale_japanese.datNetworkAddonMod_Locale_english.dat と入れ替えてお使いください。


"$Deal"$ ファイルサイズが英語版より小さくなっていますが、気にしないでください。LTEXT自体は全てのIDが揃っています。

I've translated the Network Addon Mod into Japanese. I did all LTEXT files in NetworkAddonMod_Locale_english.dat of NAM Update Jan 2008. If you could test this one, replace NetworkAddonMod_Locale_english.dat with NetworkAddonMod_Locale_japanese.dat attached to this post.

Please post here the mistranslation report, or your suggestion that "This should be translated like this."

"$Deal"$ Please note, file size is smaller than English, but don't mind. I didn't remove any Instance ID of LTEXT.

- My Documents/SimCity 4/Plugins/Network Addon Mod にコピーし、他の言語のNetworkAddonMod_Locale_***.datは削除してください。
- My Documents/SimCity 4/Plugins/Network Addon Mod/Additional Bridges にコピーしてください。ファイルの読込順に関係なくLTEXTのGroupIDで日本語が自動的に選択されるため、他のフォルダにコピーしても問題ありません。

April 25, 2008 - EDIT:
Current attachment is for the NAM April 2008 version.