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Absent without leave

Started by Schulmanator, March 29, 2008, 06:31:53 PM

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I am hoping one of you can help me with some dependencies or props which seem to have disappeared on me all of the sudden. The lots I have been using have worked fine up until now - then all of the sudden, brown boxes. They include MBear lots and several others, such as the Salima de Cocoa reward lot. As I hover over the boxes, I get names such as these: Tage, Sebes, Limes, Lemons, Mika, Gjermund. Does anyone know the cure for these missing files?

Thanks!  :)
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A pic would help narrow it down, but make sure you have all of MBear's prop packs.


these lots have worked fine before hand right bruce? Now they have disappeared, hmmmm Have you done any datpacking lately by a chance or added some new lot?  If you added a new lot try and remove it and if you datpacked go back to your orginal files and see if that does it...

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D'ja check the use-by date, Bruce?

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These are lots which were perfectly fine before. I have not recently datpacked but I have added a few odd lots. I was hoping the names of these boxes would sound familiar as being from a particular lot, prop pack or other, so I could narrow down where to start. I know the lemon and lime are trees, but not sure about the other items.  If it would help, I can post some pix.

Thanks everyone for your help thus far.
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You have a box called Sebes? Man your game is corrupt !  As far as I know I have never been boxed before. Did you get a test lot from somebody else maybe?

Btw: although I am sorry for you -  I  kind of feel priviledge to be appearing in one list with Tage, Mika and Gjermund though  ;)

Check my MD:               


LoL what a crack up here between sebes feeling honoured and David wanting to know if you drank before the expiration date  :D...

I think Bruce that pics in this case now would be worth a thousand words...

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I have brown boxes, but have not been drinking out of brown bags... YET!

Here's my various and sundry boxes...

Mika's Imori Citrus Farm

The ones below are Mika's ploppable CO and CS canal lots.

I have tried reinstalling all MBEAR prop packs again with no success. With the Salima de Coco reward lot, everything is fine but a box on the corner where the building should be. I am going back to whimpering and muttering to myself about boxes...  :-[

See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


I'll have a look in the morning or I shall be drinking out of brown bags ;D You are obviously missing some prop packs and they are probably D66 ones but I'll check for you.
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Thank you Barby! You are awesome!  ;D
See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0