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Fletchski a bohemian dish...

Started by Pat, April 27, 2008, 11:21:49 AM

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Fletchski a Bohemian Dish from my Grandmother...

Well as I promised I am going to show one of my family's best spamciepes here lol... Well you can also use Ham* if wish but I prefer spam as it gives this dish a wonderful taste yum yum. Anywho this dish was passed down to my grandma and then of course to my mother and now I have this wonderful dish that I sooo loved growing up...  Now I will warn you that this is a dish that requires the eye for it and well there is really no measurements except a few here and there lol...

Ingredients for the dish

1 (16 oz) can of spam* (see * above)
1 (16 oz) extra wide egg noodles
6 eggs (of course you are going to need a mixing bowl)
Some milk
11x13 casserole dish

• Preheat oven to 350 now
• Again like any good chef make sure you have a good clean working surface and wash your hands for crying out loud!!!!

Prepping the dish

Take the bag of extra wide egg noodles and there can not be any substitutions here at all... Cook according to directions on the bag...

Now to start off you will want to cube the spam and put it into a bowl... make sure its cubed small so there is no large chunks...

Now take the eggs and break them open into the mixing bowl... Now you will want to add some milk just a little bit and not to much...  Whisk the milk and eggs together so it's a nice base... Its sorta like prepping scrambled eggs, that's assuming if you use milk to make some good scrambled eggs...

Cooking the Dish

Now take the casserole dish and start a layer of noodles and put down some cube spam... Put pats of butter here and there, randomly over the noodles but not to much..  also now salt and pepper it lightly not to heavy here and now put down more noodles... So you will want a total of 5 layers minimal, the more the merrier here for layers lol...  So basically repeat the first step over and over again till you get to the 5 layers desired...   In between each meat and noodle layer add some of the egg mixture.. 

Make sure to Salt and pepper each layer and remember if you are using spam not to add to much salt as spam is salty enough, so more pepper then salt you will want to use...

The key here is you want to have enough of the egg mixture to run with the amount of noodles you have...

OK after you have done prepping the dish, stick in the oven until the center becomes done where as it is not soupy or runny anymore... To check this consistency you will need some sort of spoon or fork to check it... 

Anther thing to watch out for is of course is burning, so if it becomes a lightly brown you are sure to bet its done, but still check the center to make sure...

Serve and Eat.... Makes about 6 servings

Now alot of this is a guess me game and based on taste as well here... I had a problem this afternoon I was typing this up while talking to mom and IE hates me or something cause if the mouse moves right and I was hitting enter and all of my original hard work was lost, cause the damn thing jumped back several pages on me gaaaaaaah.... Well this should be exact and if I need to change something I will post corrections to it.....  Anyways enjoy!!!!!!!!!!

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OK this reciepe for now is complet till if I need to make any corrections lol

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Hi, Pat.

Thank you for posting your recipe for Fletchski.  I'm an old Spam user myself and this recipe certainly does it justice!



In the end you will see, you is you and me is me.  © May 29, 1980


I have never been one for spam and even after reading your recipe.......I think I will still stay away from it.

Call me Robin, please.


Gary thank you very much, its good to know there is a fellow spam lover around here lol and btw recheck I had to the reciepe.....

LoL Robin and well now I have edited the Reciepe as I figured I did make some mistakes.... Remember you can use Ham as that is what the orginal reciepe calls for to be used....

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