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help mega packs

Started by bigh, April 30, 2008, 04:03:48 PM

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 &hlp &hlp &hlp &hlp
ime new to this and was wondering if i download all the mega packs available does that mean i dont kneed to search for other dependencies to avoid the brown boxes
or is there a program like cleanitol that tells you what files you have  or not in your plugins so you dont have to go through them all to see if you have them or not for each download has ime trying to get snm together but the dependecies am quite awkward to follow
and also i noticed cleanitol says files not found when i know i have them in my plugins eg bldgprop from ea i have vol1 and 2 but keeps saying i dont have vol 1



If Cleanitol reports a file missing that you know you've downloaded, just double check that it's in your Docs/SimCity 4/Plugins folder. I keep the Maxis files in my Program Files Plugins folder, as they're not likely to change. If you know you have it, ignore the message. It could have been a typo in the txt file, a space where there should be a _.
You may not even need all of the Mega Packs available on the LEX, depending on how you want your cities to look. And there are many that are used more frequently, for the finishing touches on most lots. There is a lot of content available, so try not to be overwhelmed. Just get what you like the looks of.
But even if you do have all of the Mega Packs on the LEX, that doesn't mean your dependency hunt is over. There are many buildings that have been used in lots that are not available in Mega Packs, for one reason or another. In these cases, you'll find the link to the file you need, in the ReadMe for the lot.
If you plan on using CAM, I highly recommend the Cleanitols For Free thread, as it can make finding everything you need so much easier.
So welcome to SC4D, bigh. Hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any problems along the way, just let us know.