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Monorail Issue

Started by simbox, May 08, 2008, 12:30:12 PM

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Hey guys!

I've been having some issues with the monorail, and also the railway, I think. I did ask in the other thread, but I'm not sure if anyone has noticed, and this might warrant a new topic (if not, please excuse my ignorance- I'm still trying to figure this stuff out). 

Basically, my monorail stats plummeted to zero after installing the new NAM.  I understand that this could be due to the traffic plugins.  The problem, though, is that, when I experimented with another city, and set up the network in such a way as for the sims to be forced to take the monorail, the trains still did not show up, even when the trans numbers were above 1 thousand.  Worse, whenever I try to lay new tracks, the screen freezes for several seconds. 

I suspect this whole thing could be caused by two incompatible files/mods in my plugin folder.  I did run the cleanitol files, and there were no problems on that front.  My question is, if it is some interference from another plugin, can it be any plugin at all, or should I be looking for plugins related to the monorail or more broadly transportation? Is there any way I could go about narrowing down my choices to figure out what the issue is? Does anyone know of plugins that have interfered with the monorail/subway system?

My apologies for all these questions, and thanks in advance for any suggestions!


Quote from: simbox on May 08, 2008, 12:30:12 PM
Worse, whenever I try to lay new tracks, the screen freezes for several seconds.
I experienced this matter once. When valid SC4PATH for network tiles is not in any of .dat files, it happens. If your SC4 is running in the LHD mode(UK English etc), try installing NAM's Left Hand Version Plugin.


Quote from: ebina on May 09, 2008, 05:37:31 AM
I experienced this matter once. When valid SC4PATH for network tiles is not in any of .dat files, it happens. If your SC4 is running in the LHD mode(UK English etc), try installing NAM's Left Hand Version Plugin.

Hey ebina, thank you for your response! It doesn't appear that I am running SC4 in LHD mode; I've used previous version of the NAM without needing to install the left hand version plugin, and there was no problem there.

Can you tell me what you mean by "When valid SC4PATH for network tiles is not in any of .dat files"?

Shadow Assassin

It basically means if there aren't any working paths in the NAM files for that particular tile, the game will appear to freeze up for a few seconds.
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Ok, so I'm pretty much at my wit's end at this moment.

I spent the entire day re-hauling my plugin folder.  The only way I managed to get the new NAM to work without the freeze for avenues, monorails, and el rails was to use the Dat Packer for all files. The problem is that when I ran DAT packer on a folder named CAM which has small files for the CAM mod, my windows explorer just shut down, always.

Can anyone tell me if there are compatibility issues between NAM and CAM? Or why my avenues freeze up when I cross-plot them (ie, up/down and east/west)? Any help at all would be appreciated.

Monorail Master

Let the "Master" handle this. My Solution is: READ THE README, AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS!!! :shocked2:
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