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choco's attempts at BATing bridges

Started by choco, June 03, 2008, 09:18:33 AM

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yes and no..... ::)

these are technically only 1 tile wide, but im pushing the limits of bridge width here (think this is 22m wide).  once i get traffic moving on them, we'll need to see if the graphical problems with ships and planes show up.  otherwise, RHW6S is definitely possible.....as is 6C.   $%#Ninj2


Whoa...  :o Go choco! I have no idea about the problem, but I must say, if you can get a RHW-6 bridge working, you are a genius!
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Hi, choco

In the RHW thread you asked if sending me a PM about bridge pathing was OK. My answer is: Yes, no problem!

I thought I should also respond here.

One thing about paths:  It has been my experience that if any part of a path is outside the tile, the game will behave as if that tile has no path.  The only exception to this that I know of is if the path goes outside of the tile and dead ends.

If you find any other exceptions, I would very much like to know about it.

As you can probably guess, I have also tried to widen a bridge by adding extra paths.



Thanks to Swamper77 and cogeo, i have been working on adding the tracks to the models directly.....its kinda laborious, but much better in the end i think. 

so i'll be working on getting the HSR Bridge pack ready.....still a bit of work though.  thus far, these are not LHD or UDI compatible (although, i have no real knowldge one way or the other).  and the shadows need fixed.

some other little playthings.....

didn't find out till after they were done that they cannot be used.  the puzzle pieces are not enabled like the rail viaducts....so this was a wasted venture.  ()sad()  oh well, still tons more to do....


I believe, IIRC, that the HSRP bridges are UDI compatible. At least I think I drove a train across one...  ::)

Too bad about those double-height ones too... those would have been useful.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Hey Choco when did you become a full NAMiet??? WOW That is soo cool!!! wooot!!!! OK anyways the new bridges are looking real good!!!  But why does it seem that the last several are off centered?

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


so sad about the DH-EL RAIL bridge.....
oh.....choco...is there any news on the el-rail and rail bridge?
俺がã,¬ãƒ³ãƒ€ãƒ ã wwwwww


@dtp: thinkin about it.....they 'should' be UDI compatible.  i think threestooges addressed that with me early on with my street bridge.  thanks for correcting me!   :thumbsup:

@Pat:  ()what() i guess last night......i went to bed an assoc.  i got a little more involved with this project than i initially thought.... :)

for off-center, im assuming you mean the mis-aligned piece?  that was a problem smoncrie graciously explained.....you specify in the exemplar the IID for teh start piece.  when you draw a bridge, the game assumes that this piece will be flipped for the other end.  however, one-way bridges (particularly RHW) have one way paths.  when the end piece gets flipped, so do the paths......

otherwise, they are off-center relative to (0,0) to accommodate the wider transit texture.  The 3rd (outside lane) of the 6S paths is around 7m, while the inside path is about 2m.  that bridge will be redone.....i normally throw together quick models to test ideas.

thanks for the kind words as well.  kinda gettin some regulars around here.... :thumbsup:

@gardenwong: sadly, i'm unfamiliar with most of the modding surrounding the rest of the NAM.  i imagine the high mono and el-rail pieces could be made to plop on the network, but i myself do not know how.  i wouldn't rule out the possibility, but not likely to be soon.

the other bridges are coming along slowly......

*now understands why jeronij recommended to start out with easy bridges*

i created myself quite a few problems with my initial foray into bridge building.  nevertheless, im getting them worked out. 

- the HSRP bridges are for the most part, done.  Small details to iron out....
- the light rail bridges are very raw, but are functional to a point.  models need fixed; mostly the texturing, but after using them for a bit, im unhappy with some things.  since these were my earliest bridges, i need to revisit them to fix my mistakes. 
- the rail bridges are causing me some problems.  they're pretty complex truss bridges, and i want them to look right.  LOD creation with these bridges has come down to trial and error.....

once i get this round of modding done, i'll be hitting the BAT again.

Thanks for all the interest and support everyone!   :thumbsup:



Which light rail bridge specifically do you not like the textures on? I thought they all looked good...

And congrats on full NAMite status!  &apls
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


^^most of 'em...  :P  should be getting to 'em soon, actually.....

fixed the shadows and the RUL  ;D  just need to figure out LHD pathing.....

this is a busy line.....

the akashi-kaikyo bridge for reference....



Awesome. :) I didn't came around to actually use HSR in my cities, but with such a beautiful bridge, there's hardly an excuse not to use it in the future... ;)


thanks Andreas!

i find it a very useful network.....  :)


Hey choco, after looking at those fence props on the bridge, would it be that much trouble to t21 them over the entire network?  &idea They look really good...

As do the bridges! They're really coming along.  ;D
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


i think its a good bit of work.  either something like plunderer's rail catenary mod, or cogeos fenced GLR puzzles could work. 

i found this old pic of the same span before the RUL and props were added.  i think the difference is considerable.... :o


 &apls I don't use HSR either , but you definitely are beginning to sway me in that direction! As far as T-21 ing the fence , I also think that would be awesome...but who has the time?



Heh, I might actually have time to work on my mods if I were less active on the Internet :P

In which case I might give this a try. But alas, I don't know t21s (anyone know of a good tutorial?) and enjoy my time on the Internet too much. But if I ever am looking for something to do I'll definitely try this.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Quote from: deathtopumpkins on January 24, 2009, 06:24:28 PM
But alas, I don't know t21s (anyone know of a good tutorial?)

The best tutorial I'm aware of is Swamper77's, found herememo also has some rather great illustrations of how some of the properties affect things further down in the thread.

choco, these bridges are looking fantastic as always!  As far as LHD Pathing goes, it's also controlled by the same INI as the Bridges.  It basically sets up a range for LHD paths based on your RHD Paths . . . it's been awhile since I've messed with it, so I'm a little rusty on it.

-Alex (Tarkus)


Quote from: Tarkus on January 24, 2009, 07:07:40 PM
As far as LHD Pathing goes, it's also controlled by the same INI as the Bridges. 

thanks again... :thumbsup:

i shoulda saw that before, the amount of times i've scrolled by it.  looks like it works the same as shadow remapping.... 

2   = 0x39000000,0xFF00000F,0x3900000F,0x00FFFFF0 ;Additional Monorail Bridges

if i understand correctly (which is a crapshoot), this remaps path files 0x39xxxxx0 to 39xxxxxF to LHD, which would basically include any custom bridges in that range. 

guess i should dust off my old desktop and load up UK SC4.   ;) 


Well I finally got around to building another HSRP bridge, and have confirmed that they are in fact UDI-compatible. I checked out most of them tonight, witnessing vast improvements in the detail department, and am highly impressed.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


dtp: cool, thanks for the report!  :thumbsup:

im already revamping the elevated and ground light rail bridges, so keep your ears on folks!