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Liaane - a historic country

Started by Fledder200, February 24, 2007, 06:16:31 PM

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beautifull work ferry i love what you have done &apls &apls


I hope you found the Radcliffe Camera? i know it's a BSC building...but by whom i don't know!!

Thank you Matt!! well i'm quite a nagger about placing buildings and were stuff goes, one day i might like it there..and i can hate it the other day!
some buildings in Liaane moved across the entire map before they find their final resting place! yes the highway..well they need it...and i don't like that's why i stuffed it underground :)

yes it is...and now that it's on my "restoration"list...it even gets higher  ()stsfd()

well in this update you can see the changes i have made the last couple of months!! and see the sideway mod in action ;)
that blocked building is the "Kvassmans offices made by Odd from sweden""Kvassmans Offices made by Odd from sweden" <------click!! i placed them W2W in a square.

well...wow...thank you!! i hope your gonna like the NEW Liaane aswel!!

hahaha :) if you ad a "worn by Sebes" sign to it,you will be sold out faster than a last Breezer on a breezah convention ;)
but i think you have to battle Jacky and Schulman for that spot!!

Thank you!! you wanna buy a nice apartment? there are 5 left for sale!

Thank you! well Liaane wouln't be Liaane without the GLR tracks!!

Allememagies...yes you did :) hahaha yes David sure knows how to keep us busy ;)

QuoteI love that Christmas market. Did you notice (of course you did) those well illuminated houses. Great Nitelighting, but why is the rest (the other row houses) so dark?
yes...but i can't help it that some Liaaners don't pay their bills..:) lol...No..i was taking the pic and the Neighbourhooddirector came up to me and said that the market looked even beter if they all dimmed the lights and only the houses in middle switched on the outside garden lighting...and so they did...and that's the story about that pic :)

QuoteThe Queen's concert hall is also well done. Well done those arabian canal pieces! Makes that building very special indeed.
Yes it is...i had a little fight with the SGCF (SimGoober Canal Federation) there..they only wanted SG Canals.

QuoteThe opera square (back at page 3) is a gem very well done and good placement of the buildings.
well...they are all gone now..all because of the renovation of Liaane.

QuoteThe titan hotel.....wow, I would liketo stay there just once.
only if you prommiss if you don't wet the bed :)

QuoteThe renovationof old Kingssquare is very well done. Nice to see...
they looked nice did they?! well...Liaaners love the Dutch...and they copy a lot from them..sadly the bureaucratic and stupid things aswel :)

QuoteThe park is a great place to spend some time.
yes..on sundays you can see jacky running around with a spade in her hand, trying to terraform the area!!

QuoteThe midnight star church is very well placed. I love the way you put it in a park
yes it's a lovely sweet little church!!

Quotewhat's the English word for terp
ermmm...i'm guessing steep?? or bulge?

hihi...well here is the new update!!

hi sweety! thank you!! i love the fact that you brought PF2 to SC4D aswell!!

Well...i see that you all found your way back here!! so lets update!!
Now that you all are used to Liaane,i'm going to enter the Renovation phase!  :thumbsup:
at the end of the begining <------ ??? i was getting sloppy and hasty and i didn't like the way Liaane was turning out!
it was all a mess...and to top it all i lost 497 files due to a corrupt download!! Liaane was all Boxed up!!
so it was time to make a change!! and so i did....and here it is:


click here to see the bigger pic..beware...it's a huge photo

this is an airshot of Liaane
I divited the city in diferent "color zones" and each color zone gets divited into different updates...

Click here to see a bigger pic...beware, huge pic

like this!
so...every color gets chopped in different parts..( max.4)
and every part is a update!! you still get it??  ???

the dark blue part

well...let's get started already!!

this is how it looked

and this is what i'm gonna rebuild in this update!!

as you can see the GLR track is extended and all the buildings are gone in the west cornor.

the Maxis high way tunel is swapted with Blahdy's Big-dig high way tunel.

i changed  jeronij's  street mod with the SFBT street mod.

i used the "no on-way arrow" mod to get rid of those pasky arrows on the one way street.
and the new GLR mod aswel.

the new BSC-park add-on

the new SG-canal add-on by citynut

some random shots:

well...this was update #1 building new style!!
hope to see you soon and hope you liked it!!
Life is too short to wear bad clothes...and ugly shoes!


That's a beautiful city you have there! Great update and pictures! :thumbsup:


im back! for now at least. things will clear up by the 24th. missed 3 updates, too. very lovely ones at that! i like a lot of things in those updates. the big dig, the queen's new crib and theater look smashing! so... which one's my house?  ;D


Sapperdeflap... what a metamorphosis of the area!

All parts show that a great city architect has been sculping there. I think Rotterdam needed you back than after WWII when rebuilding the city center. ;)

There are several pictures that pleased me extra much:
- the Blahdy tunnel entrance: I never, ever, got the idea to replace existing tunnels with it. (It will keep me busy for the next weeks probably  :P)
- the picture with the no-arrow OW street: it looks so "Jan Evertsenstraat" that I can almost picture myself strolling there! But what pleased me the most is the number of people of the street! In other Liaane updates I always noticed that there were hardly people walking, but here it's like the gay-pride-parade passsing by  ;)
- the open bridge in SG canals... So realistic! (but if this was RL I'd not wait for the bridge to close, but just take the other one  ::)
- the second but last pictures deserves an award  &dance It also makes me think that you emptied your plugins and only have buidling froms VDA and Haarlemmergold left there?
- you made me decide to take the SFBT sideway mod as well, it realy does good the city!

And a question:
Would you mind posting areal picture again, covering the blue area, to compare the differences?

Oh, and before I forget:  ()flower()

Check my MD:               


What a renovation! Everything looks even better now, Fledder--and that's a bold statement because Liaane was fantastic before! I can't wait to see more!


That's a wonderful update, Fledder! I really like those overview shots too. It gives a much better idea of what Lianne really looks like when you can see how the parts fit together. Looking forward to more. :thumbsup:

BlackwaterEmil's inn
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♦ Emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦
papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


Me likes it! Yummy eye candy.  &apls

A shout out to Emelin---- where ya been?? Missed ya!    ()what()
See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


yessssss...we're finally to the remake of Liaane.  The new work you're doing is fantasstic
If girls quoted Winston Churchill and Aristotle in their AIM profiles instead of "Rent," we'd all be so much more erudite. That means "knowledgeable," but you didn't know that because girls quote "Rent" in their AIM profiles.
- Dan Gurewitch


 &apls Bravo . Very nice work that you have done . :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I really like the layout you done. I`m glad that i foud some time for reply because i missing too much . See you


BANG BANG BANG **AUW!!!** BANG...well this fits perfectly here!

Rembrandtplein won the SC4 Picture Competition!!! 

Life is too short to wear bad clothes...and ugly shoes!


hi there sweety,this is awesome work you have been hiding from me lol,very nice transformation,and of course excellent pics and thankyou for the welcome to the md


What is that building in the last picture in your previous post ?

I'm sure that I have seen it somewhere !!!  ;)
(First time in a MD/CJ)

...but next to the city dump !?!


Quote from: vester on May 19, 2007, 03:23:49 PM
What is that building in the last picture in your previous post ?

I'm sure that I have seen it somewhere !!!  ;)
(First time in a MD/CJ)

...but next to the city dump !?!

Its obvious what will happen if one of the trams doesn't stop in time ... swoooooooshhhhhhhh ...


Great picture you have there! Congrats for the winning of the SC4 Picture Competition! :thumbsup:



Congratulations on the win, my friend!


Nice work on your last update, the third last picture is a perfect image of this kind of old Dutch neighbourhood, very well made. :)


Very good work and I like the sidewalk modd.  Looks much better.  The canals look great and I like the layout of the GLR.  Do you get very many passengers?

Robin   :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


I could just hang that baby on my bedroom wall, if I was sad enough  :satisfied: