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SC4 Devotion & Autism

Started by MandelSoft, September 17, 2008, 07:50:50 AM

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I've noticed that some members here (including myself) have autism. This topic is a meeting point for the people who have autism and other people who are interrested about it. But before asking anything, what is Autism?

Autism, or autism spectrum disorders (ASD), is a geneticly based brain development disorder. People with ASD act different than ordinary people, because they have a differrent perception of the world. ASD has many forms, from the well-functioning Asperger Syndrome (which is hard to notice) to non-functioning Classic Autism (think of "Rain Man"). But even then, not every autist is the same. Each one has his/her own characteristics, such as a great interrest for some things like high tension lines or restricted behavior.

Another characteristic is a greater difference in different intellegence levels. A ASD-person can make for example difficult calculations with ease, but he/she can't understand social events.

For more reference, see this wikipedia article

Interresting facts about ASD:
- 85% of the savants has ASD.
- There are more Autists than people with red hair. But that's only 1-2% of the total population.
- The reports of ASD are rising rapidly. This can be caused that the term ASD has been extended the last years.
- Some brilliant minds like Einstein and Bill Gates, may have ASD.

Well, I have the Asperger Syndrome, but that doesn't limit me to be part of the society. I'm going to middle school and after that I'll go to the University, and I can have a job after that. I've one brother with MCDD, who is a physics-mastermind. We've really supported eachother throughout the years.

I hope this will create more understanding about ASD and I hope that this meeting point on the forums will create support for all those ASD people around here.

All of the best,
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Maarten I believe if you look at Jeronij's signature there is a link to ST that has a Fathers side of Autism.... What I think is soo cool about the net well almost is that you can never tell if someone has anything wrong with them unless they share!!!  I comend you for sharing and also show facts... If any thing I can do far as support wise let me know and I will be willing to help out...

NB: found the link here....

Autism Awareness A Father Shares

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I have dyspraxia, which displays similar traits to autism. I dont like to mention it because it makes me feel like I am saying "yeah pitty me cause I have autism" where infact I am more just trying to explain why I am bad at things

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Joe you are not bad at things at all my friend... You and just like everyone else here are a great assit to this community as a whole and dont you forget that!!!

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Quote from: JoeST on September 22, 2008, 08:04:35 AM
I have dyspraxia, which displays similar traits to autism. I dont like to mention it because it makes me feel like I am saying "yeah pitty me cause I have autism" where infact I am more just trying to explain why I am bad at things

You may not be the only one here. I could have dyspraxia, but it is not for sure. I got a list of 20 'symptoms', and I have eighteen of them. One of the 'symptoms' that I certainly don't have is "No feeling for direction." I'm the walking TomTom  ;D!

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Maarten, LOL /me is also pretty good at directions. i can kinda feel north, or atleast relatively

and Pat: I wasnt saying "I am useless", just warning you for bad spellings and such :D
Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


I'd just like to say that without people who have different brain processes or what are considered mental illnesses or behavioral issues, many things wouldn't have been invented. Sometimes, it takes someone out of the norm to create something revolutionary.



Ok, you caught me, I am in the Autism spectrum, but people are more familiar with that word, then how they diagnosed me with Aspergers. People have related this to that. Considering the facts of some great minds, I don't know how I can achieve, because I kinda feel, this is preventing me from getting work. I really wish I could self employ myself, with everything I've done, but I am still trying to figure out how this Bill Gates (bill@windows.com) accomplished what he did. I mean, he and the head of Apple started out, and then split up, it is a possibility his sucess did partially have something to do with him, but how this Autism thing goes one way for people, then another for others, is bad. I stink at math, but others may be better in that field. It is torture when you look normal on the outside, but people don't seem to like you after they sense something different. For a while people thought I was from space, and demanded that I give them my so called superpowers, but it just goes to show you despite thinking that, they don't care, and still ask for battle, not very smart. Now a days, you don't know who has it, could be a friend, or an enemy. Some of whom I know have this so bad, they are more limited, and some need more support. The reason why this is kept secret alot, is because it sort of has a bad rep in the workforce, and in the Autism only people meetings, we came to conclude that we shouldn't reveal our issue to them, people still don't get it, thanks to TV shows like Boston Legal that gives it bad rep. The only ones who seemed to get this was Miramax, when they did that movie "Mozzart and the Whale" -starring Josh Hartnett, but even though this was a movie, none of these studios in America, gave it a job, because they would not accept what it was, knowing what it was, so it never got released to show in the U.S. It was a good movie though, and yet that purposely moronic Johnny Knoxville makes it to the big screen pretending to be disabled. I know of Autistic kinds in the Special Olympics, how come they didn't have a character based on that? At one time, I was qualified to make the team. At least MTV cared, that my "normal" classmates actually got something out of it, and were talking to me but still, when you have it yourself, its too much going on to explain. &hlp I am glad though, that this is finally getting acknowledged.


J-dub, so what exactly are your superpowers? ;)



Yeah right, I wish I did have superpowers, I don't know why those kids assumed us with the ASD to have that. The only thing I have been able to do so far is stand on a bike with no hands on the handlebars going downhill where they live, I guess balance takes a good amount of something. However, it is more dangerous than it sounds. Some people think I have a big map built in my head, because I drive them to their house, on a way they have never gone before, despite them living there for 18 years, or beat them someplace faster using a different route, or where the overpass for the railroad is, versus where it is not, or how I remembered where a specific buisness, or place was, 50 or so miles away from my hometown, in another community. Basically you get the idea. I didn't think of it as a big deal. In my opinion maybe there is too many people that just don't know how to get where they should, unfortunately lots of people I know now rely on this GPS thing, despite how local it is around town. There is another Aspie I know that has a clear memory of where everything is for miles around as well. I guess knowing your surroundings is pretty rare, even if its for over 10 communities away. The other Aspies didn't seem to know much about where everything is located. However, a common "super power" everyone seemed to share was voice changing, which includes cartoon characters, so we make a competition out of, that it turns into stuff that doesn't make sense, and looks really awkward to some "regular" people when a bunch of us do that together, no matter if your 7, or 38.


I read the things posted here and I have an especially hard time seeing SC4D as just another Sim City 4 fansite.  This is a special place and everyone here on the site is a special person.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

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Skype: davidredgren


David I think that sums it right up right there what you said this is more then just a fan site!!!  Maarten, Joe, J-Dub you guys amaze me, why I say that is you all are way smarter then me and have a better grasp on some the aspects of this game IE BAT or programing....   

Marybeth also summed it up good too here that it takes someone to think out of the box to get something done and from what Ive seen you all fit that bill well!!!   Joe I know you can spell better then me thats for sure and I got ADD and ADHD and LD...

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


I think anyone who plays simcity is a little different :D

Anyways the internet is really a horrible distraction whether you have ADD or if you are like me and just have a really short attention span :-[

War Kittens !?


I have a cousin that has the more severe form of autism. He is about ten years younger than me. I remember him being a happy healthy baby. As he got into the toddler years we started to notice things weren't quite right with him. He is now in his mid twenties and is VERY low functioning. He just kinda "isn't there". He will hear someone say something and just repeat it over and over. I only recently realized the WIDE spectrum of functionality people with Autism experience because someone said they were autistic and had they not told me I never would have known.
I commend you for sharing and wish you all the best with your struggle...


I'm diagnosed for Asperger Syndrome but I am still living a normal life. I blend in society as if I'm a normal person, but I'm not. One show that caught my attention is The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. You might think that Haruhi is a not-so average girl who created SOS Brigade in her high school. In fact, she is autistic. Throughout the series, she exhibits signs of Asperger Syndrome. One of the signs that she is autistic is she tied her hair to the tune of the numbers and colors that she associated with the seven days of the week.Don't believe me? Try watching episodes 1 to 10 then you get what I mean. ;D

For those who have autism out there, all the best you you guys! :)

Believe it or not, Haruhi Suzumiya is actually autistic :P
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Well, thanks for that posting. It takes great strength to give a shout about it. Because, it has gotten to the point these days, where I have heard some, not of all the kids now, are completely in denial to themselves alone about what they are. It's understandable, the difference can be strong. Bill Gates never really admitted it, I don't know if I would for what he charges on MS products, but skate legend Tony Hawk eventually did on TV. I am no millionaire, but I prefer to act normal in society as much as I possibly can, especially because truth be told, from what I have noticed on the inside, the economy and job market, even certain US government, is not as accepting to the special needs, unlike what those typical teachers may think; but I feel we who can accept what we are, and announce it to the world, even if it is just anonymously and just on the world wide web, are stronger.

I also was in Anime club when I was a teen. The only time I saw Autism demonstrated on an American broadcast kids cartoon show, was just one episode of Arthur.

It seemed during those years, despite the different groups, that with the after school stuff teens did, it was the time that normal disappears, and nuts was more acceptable, but difference seemed to have more fair game, then middle school could, at least my neighborhood did.


I haven't been diagnosed (yet) but I strongly suspect I may have Asperger Syndrome. At least I hope I have, otherwise I'm just weird!  :P  It really wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people who play SC have AS. It seems to "fit the bill" in a lot of ways.

P.S. This is my first post in a LONG time - hopefully the gap between this one and my next one won't be so long!!


Hi Guys

I realize its been a while since someone posted in this topic, but when searching for SIMMERSION in Australia that does 3d City Software, I got instead SIMMERSION in America that's looking to create virtual people simulations for people with autism spectrum disorders.

QuoteBuilding relationships with friends, coworkers, and significant others is an essential need for a healthy, fulfilling life. For many with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), engaging in social interactions with strangers is particularly difficult due to the unique ways they perceive the world. SIMmersion has developed two prototype training systems to help people build social skills and increase comfort in general settings.

its still a work in progress, but here's the link


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