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Bangorai'----- Southeast Asian MD [10/20: UPDATE--- Bang Prat]

Started by Sky Guy, September 27, 2008, 06:47:31 PM

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Sky Guy

Hi, I am a new member here, but an old one at Simtropolis. I have shown this MD at Simtropolis for quite a while. If I am doing anything wrong, I will gladly fix it- just tell me.
Also, my game crashed a while ago and I am working to recreate EVERYTHING, so updates might be slow.

Welcome to Bangorai' a small country on Borneo.

It was recently formed after a revolution, about fifty years ago.

With a large debt from the war almost everyone lived in the capital, Banku Taou', and a majority of them in slums.

Finally on a final chance to help the country, the Sultan searces for oil. and They hit it- Black Gold! Mostly along the Kapuas River.

The nation immediatly appears on the map, and conditions improve. It also becomes a COFR nation.
The capital city booms, along with the population although many still live in slums. People start to colonize other areas of the country.

A new airport is built for the Banku Taou' area.

And... that pretty much gets you up to date. I feel bad that I rushed through it, so to see the full story, check it out at simtropolis (link in my signature)

Please comment, more to come soon! I hope you like! ;D

Kalu Sabah- A fast growing dynamic Southeast Asian Country



it goes from slum-land to business center in like five minutes.... Cool!


It does look kinda rushed - but it's a decent start. You could definitely expand from this start you have and turn it into something great ;)
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!

Sky Guy

sorry that it is rushed, but I was trying to catch you up to where I am on Simtropolis. I have like at least 10 updates (seven pages woth) in there. Sorry again, but once again for the full effect, you can check it out at simtropolis.

Kalu Sabah- A fast growing dynamic Southeast Asian Country


Nice start of MD
I love your city, great work and the RHW is super  :thumbsup:
My new city is now here
The région of Kaikoura

Teaser of Lopsas[+ How did I do it?]:Lopsas

south park

very good start . :thumbsup:
your city is very nice and it's so realistic !!
cairo and tropicalia (my cities) on tsc:


Nice city Sky Guy! It really looks like the Asian City!

Can't wait for more! :thumbsup:
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I am he, as you are he, as you are me and we are all together... - I Am The Walrus, The Beatles

Earth quake

Wow, excellent start, really splendid and the pic 4th, fabulous, go on. :thumbsup:


Fantastic start of your MD there, Sky Guy! And great set of pictures in your first update!!! :thumbsup:


 &apls &apls Great start SkyGuy . I really like the mosaic and the way you built your airport. looking forward


L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *

Sky Guy


Pamang Buri

Pamang Buri is the third largest city in Bangorai- at about 3 million and one of the most important ports. Here is some history

Here are some pictures of the mouth of the Palang River and downtown.

And now for the mosaic half of the update!

The city has been combating pollution and lack of housing by redeveloping areas of the city. Here we can see these areas and the busy river.

Welcome to Kamura Malu- the largest open air market in the nation.

And here we see the main part of the port- on the southeast edge of the city.

.... ;D

sim-al2: Thanks, sorry for the rush!
nerdly_dood: sorry bout that- thanks though!
Simpson: Thanks a lot!
south park: many thanks!
sheep49: Thanks, I hope you like this one!
Earth quake: Thanks, I think i will- lol
bat: Thanks, glad you like it!
kimcar: Thanks,I might showcase more of the airport later
sciurus: Thanks

Kalu Sabah- A fast growing dynamic Southeast Asian Country


the two last updates are fantastic  &apls &apls I like the airport  :thumbsup: and the seaport is nice too !
(your airport look like Macao airport  ;) )
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Fantastic... your city looks superb
And the région pic is incredible
My new city is now here
The région of Kaikoura

Teaser of Lopsas[+ How did I do it?]:Lopsas


Sky Guy, this regional shot of Pamang Buri is very beautiful! Of course, I love all the ships in the picture and your excellent swampy beaches. Very Borneo. ;)


Wow very nice job  :thumbsup: and welcome to SC4D.  :) Looking forward to your updates.  ;)

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 &apls &apls A lot of work over there . I really like your seaport and market place. Very imaginative the way you have done that. :thumbsup:


Polish support forum - Cafe Poland * SC4Wiki! * My BATting thread

I am he, as you are he, as you are me and we are all together... - I Am The Walrus, The Beatles

Sky Guy

Hi, today we look at the small city of Bang Prat on the Palang. It is a fishing, farming, and wind power center.

art128: Thanks, It was based off Macau
Simpson: Thank you very much!
Fatsuhono: Thanks, I am glad that it looks real
papab2000: Thanks, more will come in afew months...
kimcar:Thanks- I actually was inspired by derwilly
sheep49: Many thanks!


I have to take a few month break from this CJ so I can catch up my regions so I am not trying to build whole cities for one update, I will also be figuring out the style i like best. I will come back, and hopefully with a bang! until then- thanks so much and I'll be back soon!

Kalu Sabah- A fast growing dynamic Southeast Asian Country

south park

wonderful two last update that's really very realistic , I can't wait to see more !! &apls
cairo and tropicalia (my cities) on tsc: