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Nyhaven: Views From Within (Nuclear City - 5/8)

Started by woodb3kmaster, October 02, 2008, 06:20:42 PM

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My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Yes, these pictures looks fantastic with this European style !! Great job my friend  &apls

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Newhaven 3.0 is looking great so far  &apls

The open spaces and plazas are very well put together (and I know it's not as easy as it seems) and your selection of historical bats is excellent. Looking forward to more "Naihaven"   ;D


Raphael (RickD): Thank you, Raphael!
kelis: Thanks! I'm aiming for kind of a blend between European and American styles, so we'll see how well I do.
Flatron: Thank you!
Noah (noahclem): Thanks, Noah! I'm happy that you like the area so much. Of course, there's my minor gaffe involving the USL light props, but that's easy to fix. I hope to have more of the new Nyhaven ready soon!

Before I completely close the book on Nyhaven 2.0, I have a couple things to share from it. First off, here's a map I put together that shows the paths of all the streets and highways featured in the Nyhaven Excursions:

Finally, it's time for the long-overdue conclusion of the Franconi family vacation! This is the third and final part of their vacation story; you can review Parts 1 and 2 here and here, respectively. Now then, time to bring Nyhaven 2.0 to a close!

All images in this update come courtesy of my friend emgmod, so if you like these cities, make sure to thank him for making this update possible!

Our vacation in Illu'a had been great so far, and we had had lots of fun in Strathmore and Palmona. Now it was time to see more of the country.

After a long ride through the mountains, our train finally arrived at Daloa Station early in the afternoon. The city of Daloa had recently opened the first phase of its light rail system, so taking it across town was a no-brainer.

After two fairly short stops through the inner city, the tram arrived at Daloa University, in the historic heart of the city. The line ended here for now, so we disembarked and began exploring the campus.

At the university visitors' center, we learned that the buildings of the university had stood since 1804. They remained as reminders of Daloa's past, even as the city around them changed ever more rapidly.

Not too far away was the government sector, so we decided to just walk over and explore the area. The Provincial Courthouse and the Governor's House were our first stops. Watching the local government at work, we realized that Illu'a wasn't all that different from Lower Columbia, despite our countries' different government systems.

By the time we made our way to the old City Hall, the sun was low in the sky. However, it wasn't too late for us to tour the building, which had been converted into a museum to Daloa's history. Inside, we got to see the very chamber where King Tristan of Lower Columbia (the great-grandfather of the reigning King Zachary) and Illu'an President Henry Edwards signed the treaty ending the Puget Sound War.

The Puget Sound War was fought back in the 1890s over the treatment of the residents of the Puget Sound area, which had recently become part of Lower Columbia. When we saw the museum exhibit on the war, my dad couldn't help but tell us the war stories he had heard from his grandfather, who had fought in the war. It was the only time in history that Lower Columbia and Illu'a ever went to war.

We were fortunate enough that the Regents Hotel, Daloa's world-famous accomodations, had a room available that night. We would need a good night's sleep in order to make our train to Colbitz the next morning.

The next day, we bade Daloa farewell and boarded our train for the Illu'an capital.

Once we arrived in the city, our first destination was the Colbitz International Marketplace. This street market was legendary for its high-quality goods, so it only made sense to pick up a few sounvenirs here.

Of course, since we were in the national capital, we simply had to visit National Boulevard, where all of Illu'a's federal buildings were located. We saw the president's house in Presidential Circle (top right), got great views of the Illu'an Supreme Court building (left), toured the exhibits at the National Museum of Illu'a (center right), and took a tour of the Illu'an Senate Building (bottom).

By the end of the day, it was time to head for the airport and board our flight back to Nyhaven. We were exhausted after such a busy day, but we had still had a wonderful time. We knew this visit to Illu'a was a vacation we would never forget.

Feel brand new. Be inspired.
Nuclear City - 5/8


Excellent work  &apls

The region view with the excursion routes at the beginning is just spectacular--and what an airport! Nyhaven 2.0 has obviously had a lot of work and detail put into it but I'm excited to move on and see what you'll have for us in v3.0  :thumbsup:



Noah (noahclem): Thank you, Noah! I'm glad you like the map - it really helps to put all those excursions in context, doesn't it? I appreciate the kind words about the airport. :)

Today's preview is about Ebenezer Square, the heart of Nyhaven's Midtown district. Ebenezer Square is home to many of Nyhaven's theaters and nightclubs, and it has gratuitous advertisements. This is the northern half of the square, between 10th and 12th Streets.

Ebenezer Square gets its name from this large stone, which itself is simply called "The Ebenezer" (from the Hebrew for "stone of help"). It has stood here since before Nyhaven was founded and is the reason the square exists at all - Ebenezer Avenue has to split to go around it, resulting in a one-way couplet on the square's long sides. Since the mid-18th century, each Mayor of Nyhaven has had the Ebenezer engraved with his favorite inspirational biblical passage at the end of his mayorship as a gift to the city.

There's also plenty of shopping to be done here. Ebenezer Square is home to the flagship of Lower Columbia's other major department store, Visby's, as well as a large urban mall and Nyhaven's largest Toys 'R' Us. (This picture shows the southern half of the square, between 12th and 14th Streets.)

At night, Ebenezer Square comes alive. People pack the theaters, and the clubs stay open until the wee hours of the morning.

Feel brand new. Be inspired.
Nuclear City - 5/8


My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Ebeneezer Square's layout and buildings are very well-composed  &apls  Seems like a very liveable and pedestrian-friendly neighborhood.


"The wisest men follow their own direction" Euripides
The Choice is Ours
Simtropolis Moderator here. Can I help? Oh, and you can call me Elias (my real name) if you wish.


That time square themed area! pretty nice!
where do you get those time square buildings?


wow, outstanding region shoot! I love it &apls

The Ebenezer square is very well done surrounded by all these varied buildings.

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Raphael (RickD): Thank you, Raphael!
Noah (noahclem): Thanks, Noah! I'm glad you like how the area is arranged.
Elias (Terring7): Thank you!
976: Thanks, Dryan! I got all of those buildings from the STEX; just search for "Times Square" and you should see a lot of them.
Kergelen: Thank you very much!

September 1, 1580
"Land ho!"
I could scarcely believe mine ears. After many days at sea, our long journey eastward was finally nearing its end! It had been weeks since we departed the shores of Shushtrepistaz, and months since our party had left Odense. Now, at last, our destination was before us!

After entering the mouth of the great river, we sailed until we came upon an island which looked promising. The captain gave the order to bring all the people and animals ashore. This task being completed, we held an assembly and agreed to call our new home Nyhavn, for it was our aim to build a harbour here. The captain then turned to me and said, "Bror Henrik, thou art to take men with thee and spy out this land into which we are come. Seek thou out the natives of the country and note their villages, and find thou streams whence we may get fresh water."

Once I had chosen men to accompany me, we set out across the island. After journeying some distance through the forest, we found a great stone, which we noted before moving on.

Further on, we arrived at the shore of the island and spied an Indian village across the water. We crossed over to it and tried to speak with the people therein. After much difficulty, we learned that they called the place Cathlamet, and that there were other villages like their own in the country.

A path led northward from the village across a creek. Following it, we rose many feet above the water which we had previously crossed. Therefore, we named this path the High Road.

The High Road ended at a river some miles north of Cathlamet. We therefore hauled our boat into the river and sailed upstream. The water was calm and slow-moving at first, for the land was exceedingly flat.

However, at length we sailed into a gorge. The hills to either side of us were lofty, and the current slowed our progress.

The gorge was short, though, and before too long, we entered a broad valley. We eventually arrived at another Indian village, and after another difficult conversation, we learned that it was called Elochoman. We therefore called the river and the valley by the same name.

We turned around and sailed back down the Elochoman River, eventually returning to the water which separated our island from the mainland. It seemed fitting to us to then name this water Elochoman Slough, and we continued northward along it until we returned to Nyhavn.

The following day, we set out again, this time to the north, for we desired to climb a great mountain which was visible in that direction. After much climbing, we reached the mountain's summit, which afforded us spectacular views of the land and the river.

Seeing an Indian village to the west, near the great river, we descended the mountain in its direction. When we came unto the village, we endeavoured to speak to the people therein, who told us that they called their village Skamokawa. Having brought with us goods this time, we traded with them, receiving cooked fishes to carry back to Nyhavn. Upon our return thither, we partook of these fishes and found them to be of excellent taste. We then thanked the Lord for His great providence and joined the others in setting up our new home.

Feel brand new. Be inspired.
Nuclear City - 5/8


Now that is something completely different from what you used to do. Great story.  :thumbsup:
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Raphael (RickD): Thanks, and yes, it's definitely different. So far, it's been quite tricky getting everything to look appropriate for the time period of my next planned update, but I'm optimistic that I'll eventually get everything sorted. I'm glad you like it so far!

My, my, where has the time gone? Well, to some extent, it went right past me as I got settled in a new home and started studying accounting, but still - it sure has been a while since I last posted in here! &ops Also, as I hinted in my reply to Raphael, getting SC4 to act like a historical city-builder isn't exactly easy, even with some help from more capable modders. Still, I hope to get back on the road with my historical updates of Nyhaven soonish.

Meanwhile, I have a little something for you from the new version of Kendall, specifically the Parliament House and its surroundings:

Click it for the full-size picture!

Feel brand new. Be inspired.
Nuclear City - 5/8


Great job with the Parliament building and its surroundings  &apls  I also liked the historical pics and am looking forward to more. It's certainly not easy  ;)


Welcome back! Nice parliament. And good luck on the historical journey.



Awesome work reloting the parliament area. Looks like that boulevard is extending further down. :)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Noah (noahclem): Thank you, Noah! Hopefully, the historical city-building will get easier soon, thanks to the new BATs from Alex (xannepan) and upcoming mods from vortext.
Willy (Swordmaster): Thanks, Willy! It's great to be updating again after such a long break.
Arthur (art128): Thank you, Arthur! You're right, and soon you'll get to see more of it.

Today, I bring you a flash-forward to the present day with a look at Nyhaven International Airport (IATA: NHN, ICAO: KLNH).

Nyhaven International Airport serves all of Nyhaven's metropolitan area, which also includes Kendall, the capital of Lower Columbia. Here's a Zoom 1 mosaic of the finished airport (clickable for the full-size version):

The central terminal turnaround, as well as two hangars for Lower Columbian government planes:

The main concourse for Terminal 1 is home to all of ColumbiAir's gates:

Terminal 1 also has two satellite concourses, accessed by an underground train. Concourse C, at left, is for European and African airlines, while Concourse B (at right) is for Asian and Oceanic airlines:

Terminal 2 serves the airlines of the Americas and Veratlantic countries. Pier C is for widebody aircraft:

...while Piers A and B serve smaller planes:

There's also a small terminal for business jets:

West of the terminals is long-term parking, with train and shuttle service into the terminal area:

More flash-forward updates are coming, as well as a continuation of the main historical story. Thanks for visiting!

Feel brand new. Be inspired.
Nuclear City - 5/8


Hello! love the new nyhaven. did you know that there's is actually a place called Nyhaven? It is located in denmark.
Keep up the good work!