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Kolbrow (13.10.2019 - Olsza - a mosaic)

Started by kbieniu7, October 09, 2008, 11:00:59 AM

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Hello everyone, how are you? Are you already prepared for the upcoming Christmas time? :)

Vortext - Thank you! At the beginning I found quite hard to create plopable rivers, but after a longer while, I find out, how to lay them down properly ;)
Vizoria - Sure! They are maxis' rock. I couldn't find them for long time, but I guessed, they're here: http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=245
Seraf - Ah, yeah, I see te difference between today and that, what used to be several years ago. WEll, times passes :D I don't plan to make it so detailed, I don't think it's necessady (just to add a fence along the road on the top and that small look-out builidng. Dzięki!
Arthur - I know, but I have an idea to make it with several puzzles similiar to ones of seawalls or river banks - to place them on a top, with the "walls" merging with the terrain at the bottom of the dam. I'll try to take a look after I come back from my family after Christmas. Thanks for the comment, glad to hear that from you. However, I don't think if I have ever seen work of EJC's before? Anyway - merci! ;)
Themistokles - Thanks! Well, everything inspired by looking at the reality ;)
Gugu3, feyss, Unconstantean - Thank you for your comments!

As I mentioned, Christmas Eve is just tomorrow! Have you already bougth the gifts for your family and friends? Or made them by yourselves? I hope, that you have not been stucked in supermarket rush!
Anyway, let me show my "gift" for today. I know, in Europe there is quite gray right now, so... I hope, you guess, what you're going to see...? That's right!

Snow! Let's enjoy a beautiful view of a white blanket during the icy weather!

On main roads the situation is quite good.

However, in some places there might be a bit more of traffic troubles.

Quite a lot of them, isn't it?

Kolbrów is getting prepared... wait a minute... is it going to be more of it? Well, better check if plow trucks are ready for another night...

In Szlachtowa and our valley there's even a snowstorm!

Conditions in the mountains are heavy.

Very heavy...

So... until tomorrow! ;)
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


Lovely winter scenes and nice Cristmas gift  :) &apls

Nice work with the valley also :thumbsup:

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lovely winter pics. Long time I did not see snowy scenes, these ones are fantastic  &apls &apls
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


The Christmas Eve... In this special day I would like to wish all of you a lot of health, hapinnes and joy. I hope, that you spend this time with your family and friends, around the people, that you love. Get rest from troubles of the everyday and gain the positive energy to face the challenges in the upcoming year  :)

Merry Christmas!
Wesołych Świąt!
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


Great picture. And I totally approve of the nice natural Christmas tree instead of a cone that is supposed to be Christmas tree  ;D

Merry Christmas to you too :)

You know I think the Kolbrów Marketplace could use a fountain... :D


Awesome winter scenery &apls Merry Christmas to you too!
Come join me on a hike to St Edmea!

Latest update: 7

"In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy." - John Sawhill



Great winter pictures  :thumbsup:

Merry Christmas  :)



Awesome scene of city plaza during christmas! Merry Christmas and Happy holiday to you :)


Merry Christmas to you too! Stunning winter scenes. The urban snowy ones are among the best I've ever seen :)


Awesome picture! Very realistic and with an great christmas Atmosphere.
Happy New Year!


It's New Year's Eve... time to sum up the past year. Well, there wasn't so many updates in my thread... I said one year ago. And I can repeat it now. Unfortunately, not much of activity in this topic. However, it might change - there's several places in my region, that I've been working on for last year or two pararelly and now they are almost finished. So, stay tuned for January and February ;)

What is more, there's a traditional "traditional year-ending-mosaic". What has been shown in 2015. Tomorrow it would be 8 years...8 years... I think that 2 more and it would be enough...

I wish to all of you - let the upcoming year be full of good experiences!

Happy New Year!
Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!

Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


What a summary! A great range of cityscapes, landscapes and seasons!


Nice series of pictures there! Happy new year for you and hope to see much more in this year! :)


Well... let's go on.
Kergelen, Girafe, Seraf, Themistokles, Fasan, feyss, Unconstantean, Nanami, noahclem, Dantes - thanks to all of you, for watching and leaving a comment!  :) Hope you were not to tired after celebrating New Year! ;D

Kolbrów itself  celebrates its 8th anniversary, exaclty today!  :party: But just one picture for today. As some snow has fallen during the night in Poland, let's keep the winter climate.

The region view showing Kolbrów and almost all (excluding two small updates) areas presented in last 3 years.

I think, that during next update (which shouldn't be so far away) we will come back to Kolbrów.  ;)
See you soon!
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Great winter screenshots, both your region view and the screenshots from your post on Dec 31st. And by the way, also good MMP work.