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Mind Scape

Started by rooker1, February 27, 2007, 07:25:45 PM

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Yoman, I have the present and I'm going to do some stuff later tonght.  :thumbsup:

Robin   &dance %BUd% &dance %BUd%
Call me Robin, please.


Nice details! The little things, how you expanded on the school, etc..

But I have to aks, where did you get the parking spaces along the one-way road? And does automata drive through the parked cars?


Massive update Robin, and it's all good.   &apls
I'm a sucker for rural areas and you have done some fine work there.

The dam and falls look great. My only complaint, I would have loved to have seen the cable car in full, and the underlyng landscape.

I guess anyone dropping by recently would have to say you expertise is with ports, but they would be wrong, you have a strong
allround ability and it's always a pleasure to see what you are up to next.   :thumbsup:




That was a massive one ... and it features a bit of almost everything SC4 can offer us!  &apls

Those farms with the BATted fields ... I dunno how often I blasted them because I didn't like how they looked or what they did with my hills ... especially SG sugar cane farms and that wheat farm on 45.3!

one reason why I got back from PEG's alternate railway textures are these empty spaces at the farm fıelds, and those dirt-track roads aren't my taste either (maybe as a alternative with the SAM - does it contain them?).

Good work with the PEG ponds I must say these shores at the ingame water are simple but not bad - it can be sometimes really hard to find the right place to end the farm fields before it gets ugly!

Nice area at the dam - must be a perfect place for a familiy picnic ...

(BTW - next week I am going to become a father, too ...)

Take care my friend!

Bernhard  :thumbsup:


36 fantastic pictures there!!!
And wonderful work on that farm area, also on the rivers and the city!
That is a great picture of the bridge and ship (45.28). And picture No. 45.27 is looking beautiful!! :thumbsup:


 &apls &apls A lot of work you have done Robin , and great poics too. About an overview ? I like the pic under bridge too. Keep it up :thumbsup:


Robin WOW just WOW here!!! Amazing pictures from what I was able to see and I will have to wait to get home to actualy see them all siiiiigh but I wonder now what you are working on???

NB: I got to see them all and OMG just stunning WOW!!! Broadband @ home loads much faster then the DSL at work lol.... I loved the resort tram and the waterway is just stunning work Robin, great job here!!!

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Can't wait to see what you do with it  ;D  :thumbsup:


Hello Every One,

Thanks to All,
It was exactly one year ago today, February 7th, 2007, that I found and immediately joined this amazing site, SC4D.   Right away I thought this site was going to be different from all other SC4 sites.  After all, this site was started by Jeroni and the BSC Team.  Just these two facts alone mean something special. 
I don't know Jeroni personally, nor have I really had any direct dealings with him, but from his words in most of his posts and his MD, I can tell he has high standards that few can equal and yet he is still just like the rest of us.
I can also see these qualities from the BSC Team in their commitment to high quality Bats, Lots and Moods.  It really is very rare to find these sorts of qualities and maintain them in this day and age.  It is very nice to see that quality over quantity is what really matters here.  And now that I have been part of the BSC Team, as a scrutineer, from the middle of October, last year, I can tell you with clear conscience that this will never change.
From that first day until now, I find myself interacting less and less at other SC4 sites as time goes by.  Don't get me wrong, I still visit them, just to keep an eye on new and up coming things, but here is where the heart is.  The SC4D community is so nice and helpful and I believe I may have made a few online friends.  I have found that there are no wrong or stupid questions, no matter how much you know or don't know.  They all seem to get answered immediately and usually with a smile.  This is what keeps my learning curve on the rise, cause I have alot questions.

I have learned so much more in the last year than I have since I started playing the game years ago.  I believe my city building skills have dramatically improved to the point that newer members as well as many others have started to ask me questions on my methods.  I have also begun to learn Adobe Photoshop, Lot Editor, Sc4Tool and several other programs with the help of the members here.  This is a great feeling of accomplishment and I hope I have the chance to help or teach someone else out there.

One of the things that still amaze me, is the age range of the community.  I believe it ranges from thirteen to seventy years of age, just at this site alone.  This just goes to prove that the game still has appeal to the new comers and has not become boring to the people who have been playing for years.  It probably has to do to the fact that new ideas are being thought of each and every day, expanding the game to something far beyond what it started out as. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is,
Thank you Jeroni for starting SC4D, your time and your support  to each and every one of us (as well as your remarkable BATs and MODDs).  Also for your CJ over at Simtropolis, Simtropia,   maybe the best ever, where so many people including myself refer to this day for ideas.
Thank you BSC Team for your commitment to excellence, for the invite to the Team and all the help you have given me.  And I'm sorry for bothering you  (Tage and Barby) with so many questions so late at night (@1 am)
A special Thanks to Cedric, (Badsim) for raising the MD Bar.  Without that I may not have opened Lot Editor and I thank you for your time and help in that area as well. Also for your MD where I have taken so many ideas from.  I would also include your MD in The Top Five Best MDs Ever, AntigOne.
A special Thanks to John, (Darmok) if not for his CJ over at Simtropolis, Anduin Valley Revisited which I believe to be in the Top Five MDs/CJs Ever, where else would I have gotten so many incredible ideas and if you can reply to everyone's post, so can I.
Thank you to the community for taking the time to look over my MD and especially those that took the time to comment.  Good or bad, all criticism is welcomed in my MD.

This started out as something that I thought would be a small paragraph and turned into this for which I am truly sorry, in a way.  It was too easy to write this as the words just seemed to flow out as I typed.  I'm sure I could continue this for at least an entire page.

Thanks to Everyone and hopefully I didn't bore you all too much.

On Feb. 27th, look for my anniversary special of this MD.  ;)

Robin  ()stsfd()
Call me Robin, please.


I couldn't agree more with what you write Robin - and feel the same way about this site and BSC.

I am looking forward to the update on the 27th  ;)
Check my MD:               


Happy anniversary, Robin!

SC4D is definitely a better place with you here! I can't wait to see the anniversary celebration for Mind Scape come the 27th!

Take care, my good friend!



Wow an anniversary. One year eh? I hope my MD get to be like yours, or, maybe possibly like 3RR...nah.

Happy Anniversary, Mind Scape!


Hi Robin,

It's been a while since I popped in, sorry for my absence.

Great update there - loved the farming areas in particular.  And the cable cars, hmmmmm nice - not seen them before.

And I enjoyed your words about your first year on SC4D - you're spot on this is a great site, a great community and a great place to improve your/our city building skills - but with so many great friendly people on here, it's hard not to improve and have fun whilst improving.

Take care,



happy birthday!

it is true that SC4D Na nothing envied other sites, that do not make a long time that I am registered there.
I am born considering any mockery, no post useless or unpleasant, environment childish is not compared has of another French-speaking site...

your city is splendid, I like much your countryside, very green. Your cable car excel! you are very compétant  &apls

good continuation  ;)
Province of Acadia since 2020
Province of Zillerthal (2014)
Port Aux Captes (2009-2011)
Province of Trieste (2006-2010)
Since SC4D 2007-2022


Congrats on one year of your account!! &apls

And looking forward to more updates and to the anniversary special of Mind Scape at the end of this month... ;)


 :party:Already a year! Time pass fast , Happy anniversary my friend and i will follow your MD with the next one too.  :thumbsup:


Good evening,

No time for replies right now, but I do have two teaser pics of what I am working on.  ;)



Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Hello, Robin!

I spy some more of your port facilities! I can't wait!


Gah, darn you for blurring them  :P


Excellent work on the last update. I specially like the farms   &apls
Also the teaser looks great.   

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