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Started by TheTeaCat, November 27, 2006, 09:29:48 AM

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Quote from: nerdly_dood on October 20, 2008, 05:50:26 PM
Hover-query the chalk aoutline and read the bubble thing - it may indicate certain problems in your city that you need to address. (Hint: Add a police station)
I know, it was just funny to me that it happened during the testing, outside of my room of all places ;)
Current project: Movies 14

You may have meant to search for Houdini. (result of searching for XiahouDun on SC4D)


I found that chalked body thing is also for some reason in a backyard prop family, so even though the police station is close, when having a ploppable with that specific set, I noticed at some point it will appear anyway. Maybe something is wrong here?

Back to something, odd, ahhhhhhhhhh! Hopefully not some sintanic symbolism?  :o

On an irrelevant note, you can't use the game's camera, and take a picture of the route queery at the same time, especially on Mac. Windows there, is a way.


Why does your city have no name?  ??? And you know somethings wrong when all the route queries start displaying that number.  :o


Woops. Thats just to cover up my cities name from badness. Now heres something thats going to shock you.

In california, there actually is a train in the road like this.


I'm guessing that the road is the new GLR-in-road, which has rail paths for UDI functionality and you've figured out how to get the freight train of doom... ()flamdev()  on to the road. That's just dangerous though... I have a feeling of lot of sims are going to get run-over if/when it gets released...


I had similar fun when I ran GLR through one of my industrial parks. The industries alongside the GLR sent out freight trains on the GLR tracks. The congestion map showed blood red on the GLR sections where the freight trains were traveling.

And, yes, there are rail paths on the GLR/Elevated rail if you are using the NAM. They are in there for UDI functionality.

You can call me Jan, if you want to.
Pagan and Proud!


Yes it is the new GLR-in-road, only 2 type of pieces exist for cars to be driving on the tracks.

The whole idea of heavy rails sharing the middle of car traffic is nothing new, below is proof.
Here, is a video of a freight train moving down a road in the middle of a Californian town. Because the thought alone is dangerous, the reality of it, is becoming less, but thats America for you.

Another freight train in a road.

Then this video, is a passenger train with tracks going through a residential street.


Nardo would have a fit if he saw this...


I think that's a understatement, Sim-Al2. I think he'll totally freak out!
Lurk mode: ACTIVE



I'm pretty sure, that something similar has been posted already... nevertheless, I just had a good laugh about those double traffic lights  :D


lol - nice.. till you get involved in an accident. i think thats a nice example for insurance-problems 


Quote from: voltaic on January 06, 2009, 01:17:48 PM
lol - nice.. till you get involved in an accident. i think thats a nice example for insurance-problems 

So true!  $%Grinno$%

The accused: "I swear, it was perfectly green for me!"
The complainant: "Oh no, you had red."
One witness: "Darn, both of you're right!"



I posted something simillair on page 14 [link], but there are both stoplights green. This one is actually funnier  ;D
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


300... 200... 100... 50... 40... 30... 20... 10

Yep, I still got it.


You know everyone, there is a way to avoid those double traffic lights, but it takes longer. The road on the left can stay while it is possible to have a street come to the right of the avenue after the road, so the double traffic lights don't occur, this is done by left over puzzle pieces. It sounds complicated, but I don't ever recall double lights after I figured out how to do it.

Although, I never quite figured out why traffic lights were used for the glr crossing, when there could be some other type of signal exemplared instead, but that probably wasn't made before the first glr in ave was developed.


I got the perfect answer why there is the green light there Lars!!!! It means your sims better HAUL BUTT before the next tram lol hehehehe.... Also that is why the double light snydrome accours too heheehe  ;D :D

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Here we see horses escaping their farm to use the local park as a water hole.

Of course though, they know nothing of keeping off the main roads...
and speaking of traffic lights...

this horse is lucky he wasn't flattened by it...

And I know someone is probably wondering, and sadly,
no the NWM will likely not have these type of lights on it...


Lurk mode: ACTIVE


It's a conspircay man! Come on, look at those houses! The Man is trying to make everything, like, the same!  /&HiPP/%
