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ANNOUNCEMENT - The LEX Disk vol 1 currently out of stock

Started by callagrafx, November 17, 2008, 05:53:13 AM

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I apologise to all who are waiting for their DVD/CD. I have had a combination of no transport and unexpected Post Office closing so any outstanding ones are being posted today.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Do I have to pay via Paypal or could I pay using my Credit card through the tool that pops up when I offer to donate (through Paypal). I only ask as i cannot remember the account name for my paypal account and I desperately need dependencies NOW :(


The disc arrived on friday... very fast.
Super, tnx and on to the next one in 2010  :thumbsup:


Bindie: As far as I am aware you can use your card to pay via the PayPal link.

Crazy_Ivan80: good to hear it arrived quickly. We do our best ;D
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


CD & DVD arrived. THANK YOU!  &apls

Now, as I'm not that familiar with all the content, what is the secret lot that is only available on the CD? I didn't see any "Exclusives" folder there... Don't want to spoil the surprise for anyone by accidentally asking about it or something... PM me?  Please :)


Ah, the special on the CD is SC4PIM. This was released before wouanagaine returned to the community from his RL. He then made some minor adjustments to the program and released it on the LEX. You will, however, have a back up of that (and the User Guide in fancy format ;D). There are some exclusive farming items as well.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Are there still CDs available?  To  make the donation, do I simply follow the instructions on the donate page (accessed through the Donate Botton on the horizontal bar)?


Yes CDs are still available although none will be sent out now until at least next Thursday. I am away from home so cannot do any posting of disks.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


J'ai une question à quelques-uns.

1) Premièrement, I have made a donate of 30 euros last week. I want to know what the time of attempt for France?

2) Is there a lot of exclusive lot in the DVD?



I am sorry, issa76, but I live in a small village in Brittany and I have been unable to leave my house for over a week. We had 30cm of snow and could not use out car until today. I do not have a post office in the village but I will post all outstanding DVDs and CDs on Monday. If La Poste does its job, you should have on Wednesday or Thursday at the latest.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Quote from: BarbyW on January 15, 2010, 03:23:05 PM
I am sorry, issa76, but I live in a small village in Brittany and I have been unable to leave my house for over a week. We had 30cm of snow and could not use out car until today. I do not have a post office in the village but I will post all outstanding DVDs and CDs on Monday. If La Poste does its job, you should have on Wednesday or Thursday at the latest.

There is no problem, that's was just a question to know nearly the time of attempt. And what about exclusive lot?


Quote from: BarbyW on January 15, 2010, 03:23:05 PM
I am sorry, issa76, but I live in a small village in Brittany and I have been unable to leave my house for over a week. We had 30cm of snow and could not use out car until today. I do not have a post office in the village but I will post all outstanding DVDs and CDs on Monday. If La Poste does its job, you should have on Wednesday or Thursday at the latest.

Wow. 30cm of snow!  That's almost a whole foot!  Hope yu are having some fun bobsledding or snow skiing!  Am chomping at the bit for the LEx disk but understand being snowed in as have had that experience several times.  Are you going to do a special city project of your home town under the snow?


My village is FAR too small to figure in an SC4 project. We have a total of 200 inhabitants in quite a large area. ;D
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


hey why not? I'm sure that's a great place!

Euh, I ask again my question, in the CD, there will be exclusive lots?


There I placed my donation :D   

Can't wait to get the dvd gift now..   Meanwhile work on my SC4 city building skills  :)

Thanks for awesome site!!
Drive safe!


I was just wondering when the Dvd is sent out ?    I placed the donation on Jan 22. 2010.. And gotten no response back..
This email confirms that you have donated €25.00 EUR to BSC Exchange (bsclex@linkafrica.net) using PayPal.

I just can't wait to get it.... And some one in charge please give me a response  :)   

Thanks. Awesome site !!  Keep it up!
Drive safe!


I do not have a Post Office in my village and do not go to the town every day. I post usually once per week when I have 4 or 5 to send out. This week the packages were sent on Tuesday 26th January. Please be patient.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Thanks for response. Looking forward to recieve the mail.   
Drive safe!


G'Day Barby,

Are the cd's still available thanks?

If so I shall organise the money when I return home.
