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ANNOUNCEMENT - The LEX Disk vol 1 currently out of stock

Started by callagrafx, November 17, 2008, 05:53:13 AM

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omg , Cd's where in my mail box when I got home from work today  ... again thanks for awesome service!!
Drive safe!


Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


After one week with the disc's.. Some trouble getting it all to work correctly, I must say  OMG  theese disc's is what every sim city 4 players need!

Awesome work putting them together in a very structured way.. When I finaly understand how things work with ( DAT, BAT , LOT, Dependencies, Prop  .. I think I understand it all, but maybe I still got a few things I havent learned  hehe  . Will know if/when I start making my own Lot's etc )

So thanks sc4devotion.com for making this possible!!!! 
Drive safe!


Hooray.  The DVD & CD were in the mailbox when I got home Saturday.  Thanks a bunch, BarbyW!  Now all I have to do is build a new PC to replace the old nine year old souped up Dell to speed the game up again.

Merci Beaucoup!!!


Made my first couple forays into SC4 tool and PIMX, got rid of some 'sparkles' and changed the wealth on a couple of lots. (Successfully I might add..after lots of reading!) I do have back ups of my back up of my downloads, but the DVD is the 'Ultimate' back up in my mind...

I have made a donation... and will be watching the post box for the first time in years!  ;D

Was curious though.. is there a way to let the Lex downloader 'know' I have all the files on the DVD? I love the fact that the Lex download system lets me know when files I have have been updated!

Cheers... and don't hurry to the post on my account. ;)



Hi, I'm interested in making a donation in order to require this. I just wanted to confirm that disks are still available and that you'll ship to the US. Also, do you need anything beyond the 25 euros to cover overseas shipping?



DVDs and CDs are still available and the donation covers the cost of postage and packing.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Bonjour a ts et ttes.

J'ai fait une donation à SC4dévotion pour pouvoir acquérir le LexDVD, mais je n'ai pas vu de lien de bon de commande pour le DVD, est-ce normal ? Celui-ci est-il encore disponible ?

Merci, pour ce formidable site et à tous les modders/gamers.


La donation est arrivée et j'enverrais le DVD mardi prochaine - notre bureau de poste n'ouvre pas le lundi ;D
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it



 &apls Thanks to all who put in the work to make this a reality, I am a new member, and only recently discovered the SC4 modscene, but have been playing since it was released, now its like an all new experience between CAM, NAM, and all the others. I am sure my 30 euros will go to good use, keep it up!  :thumbsup:

PS I look forward to getting the DVD! It sounds awesome!



Just got a small problem with the paypal thing. I Live in France and on the donation page, the only addresses possible are in the UK.  :'(   Is it me being stupid or is there a solution??


I would like to buy LEX Disc vol 1.
I live in Ireland but my English is not good.
On what account to send money?Can I pay in euro?
How long I'd wait on the LEX Disk?
Can I pay my account with Bank of Ireland?


Donations can only be accepted via PayPal, I'm afraid. You would need to set up an account with PayPal. Once you have a PayPal account, by selecting Donate you should be taken to YOUR login account for PayPal where you can make the donation. I receive a notification of the donation from PayPal and then despatch the DVD/CD. 
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


I don't know about other countries, but in Germany, you can sign up at PayPal and enter your local bank account data, so everytime you want to send money via PayPal, they simply take the selected amount from your bank account. So go to the PayPal website, select your country, and read about their terms of service.


It is the same in France as I do that with my personal PayPal account.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Quote from: BennyBoy76 on May 03, 2010, 06:44:33 AM

Just got a small problem with the paypal thing. I Live in France and on the donation page, the only addresses possible are in the UK.  :'(   Is it me being stupid or is there a solution??

You should be able to click on the country name and select France from the drop down menu, if that does not work just set your donation amount at the top of the page then sign in without inputting any information on the left column.  :)


hello webmaster!

I began to play "SimCity 4" recently. But, I cannot Satisfied by usual play. &cry2
Then, "Network Addon Mod" was introduced, and it reached "CAM".
I was allowed to use your site frequently to collect the CAMeLot file. 
It satisfies it with the favor very much. :thumbsup: Thank you. :D

I contributed it for you though it was a little sum.
It would be greatly appreciated if it could use it.

I waiting for SC4D LEX Disk!  ;)



Cool, thank you guys, hope it will work.
I'll be camping next to my mail box for the next few days  ()stsfd()