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General GRV II Discussion

Started by mrbisonm, February 21, 2009, 08:45:49 AM

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Challenge 8 is posted now.
I will upload the Challenge 5 data from paper to our computer sometime this weekend and the latest either on Monday or Tuesday (sept 21 and 22) it will be in the threads.
Thanks for the patience.


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Hello friends,

I'm sorry, but I have to realise that I will not be able to participate on a regular basis. I will try to finish the challenges as they come, but i can not commit to deadlines any longer. I still haven't finished challenge 7, and I have a lot on my plate right now as I'm writing my master thesis. Bordertown is a great project and I have great respect for all the work Fred and Lynn, and everybody else have put into it. So, thanks for the fun :)

My name is Thomas...


It is ok turtle, Fred has not done challenge 7 also, so you keep coming when you want, we understand.

Fred just left to Alberta for an emergency on one of his construction sites. I think someone got seriously hurt with a big log. He will call me later to tell me when he comes back. I will give you the news then.

judge of GRV 2 Challenge


Uh oh, I hope everyone's ok!

I haven't even posted my challenge 6 yet, let alone my challenge 7.  I should be posting it very soon... I think all the pics are taken and I just have to put them together!

I keep tweaking things... I just have to get it posted!

Check out Abelfarei!


Fred called, it was  before one hour and said that the man from the accident is ok. He will explain later when he comes back on saturday morning.
I have looked through Fred's papers, the challnge 5, and cannot figure out what is what. He told me to upload the results but I cannot understand all of his point giving. So we have to wait until he can do it himself.

judge of GRV 2 Challenge


no problem, lynn, thank you for telling us :)

Recently Iced

You might also visit my participitation in GRVII - Bordertown!


Quoteall of his point giving

Fred is giving out some points?! Whoo Hooo! Party Hardy!   :party:
Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)


Sorry that I had to disappear that quickly.
Here's the situation. I had to go to Alberta on a loghome construction site in an emergency. Although I am not responsable for the construction of the homes that I design and sell, I still hire the construction Company that will build it. In this case I was told that thi Company knew what they were doing by another Loghome architect, but I guess he and me, we were wrong.
A stupid accident happened when they raised the translengthlog (the big and longest log inusually in the middle of the building) and it slipped. Since this is a 40 foot, almost 1 ton log, it has to be taken care of very carefully. It needs specialist to do the job and I was told this fellow knew how.
Well, one fellow worker got squished in between the translengthlog and the first floor wall. Many ribs broken, partially a hipbone and some minor injuries to non-vital interior organs. Oh boy, what a scenery.
The worker seems to be a survivor, because his conditions gets better every day. I had to find another construction Company and take care of this "non-competant" one.
I hope that everything is fixed now and I won't have to go back until it is finished.

Tomorrow I will continue to transfer the points to the computer and maybe later upload it to the threads. If not, it will take another day or so. Sorry 'bout that.


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


no problem .... lifes go first!

Recently Iced

You might also visit my participitation in GRVII - Bordertown!


Don't worry about it Fred. You have more important things to worry about right now. That's a scary thought about the log, but I'm glad to hear the guy survived.


Fred its OK don't worry about as it happens and work comes first and far most before us!!!

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


How about that. I actually posted on time for this one. Challenge 8 is on the books for me Fred. Happy Halloween.


I'm sorry to say that I'm going to be another day or two longer on this challenge, even with all of the extra time.  I've had a lot going on, between RL and other SC4 projects, but I still plan to get this in within two more days.
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


I know, I know... I'm 3 (and a half?) challenges behind...  I'm basically done with 6 and 6a, just need to post them.  I've been tinkering for the last month or so... which hasn't accomplished much but it's eaten up a lot of time!

I'm going to have 6 and 6a up soon and I've been working on a portion of 7 for a month.  Then I should be relatively caught up!

Check out Abelfarei!


No rush folks, I will have to give the last challenge another two weeks. Let's say November 15th, 2009.
I am having enormous real problems at the moment and I am not around very often (Missing you all), plus I have some computer problems also, will have to buy another one soon.
I am sorry for not having been around too often with you all, and I hope I will be able to make it up to you later this fall or winter. Even Lynn is stressed out with that fellow that died on my construction site from his injuries. My company has been charged with a 3.6 Million 1.6 Million $ law suit (is that how you call it?) **(Correction: being told by Lynn that the amount of the law suit was misstyped, I corrected it, sorry, I never read my own posts...;) )** because I haven't given the proper instructions for the building of the loghome. Although we are 99% certain to win the case in January, (the responsable is the hired construction Company) it is still stressful, not only for me, but also for my beloved wife, my 3 sons and the great folks that work with and for me.

I will be happy to return fully to SC4D and Simcity4 to handle the Challenges, continue my MD (Winding River Project) and to make some useful and nice BATs and LOTs with BarbyW and upload them to the LEX. But I will still be around here and there, surely to show that I am not about to abandon my friends and partners.

threestooges, that is great and I am actually glad for you, surely earned the Bonus point. Great work btw.

metarvo, you will still have two weeks to do so (lucky!)

CabraBuitre, well we are glad that you decided to continue the same, keep it up.

All the others that have posted and understand our situation, we thank you.
See ya soon


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


wow....this is really serious. Never mind pausing this whole complex or even ending this project, as it seems there are only a handfull of people left (as it seems to me).

I think it's hard to imagine how you really feel and how much stress this all is, but I hope you'll be able to succeed any challenge RL has for you.

Ich drücke euch die Daumen.


Recently Iced

You might also visit my participitation in GRVII - Bordertown!


Quote from: soulchaser on November 03, 2009, 12:11:03 AM

Ich drücke euch die Daumen.


Danke fuer's Daumdruecken.

The thing about stopping this project, even if there's only one left, is out of the question.(hope that's cleared) We started it and we're gonna finish it. Besides, I love it to much. It is just a matter of time and at the same time, those who have been kinda left behind, will have the time to catch up. A good example is CabraBuitre.

Don't worry about us, because like I said before, the case is in our favour. Only a bad and unexpected luck could change our situation only a little bit.

greetings to all


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


OK I didn't intend for this to happen but hey my life story as of late lol.... If its gonna happen to me it will, I am relieved to see the deadline is extend out till the 15 as Ive been down again grrr....

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie



I'm sorry to hear you have to go through all that. I hope it's resolved quickly and appropriately and that you can get back to things. Take the time you need. RL, and especially things like this, take priority. We'll be here either way. Until then, I hope all is well, or as well as it can be.


QuoteWe'll be here either way

:D  Yep, I'm not going anywhere. Gives me more time to make ships for my bordertown harbor  ;) 
Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)