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a question about Uni-DensityStreets

Started by VeTram, March 10, 2009, 12:51:47 AM

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-Sorry for asking too much , ....well , is there any solution to the problem with road texture?

the first pic , shows the problem without Uni-DensityStreets (mod) ..

and the second pic , with Uni-DensityStreet ( mod ) ...as you can see there is no much diffenence in critical places , that i pointed with the arrows..

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In the original upload on the STEX, there should have been files for all the networks, not just the streets.

The grass sections are part of the network textures themselves. I'd have to make a whole new set of files just to handle the Euro Road textures. I don't really have the time to do that these days. Real life has been keeping me busy and I rather play the game when I have free time, not make mods for it. I spend far more time modding it than I play it :'(

You can call me Jan, if you want to.
Pagan and Proud!


Swamper77 , if i understood well , i downloaded also Sidewalk Avenue Mod from STEX ( for avenues) , and i uninstalled Euro Texture Mod , in order to have the following result in the pic below. Is that you mean?  Is the result in pic the best i can have?
I mean it is the best  result i can have with sidewalk diagonals and corners as seen in the pic? can i do anything more ? for example , is there any way to make the sidewalk  the same curve shape as the avenue, or street as seen in the pic?  the same question with diagonals road..
thanx and i do agree with you , that with custom content , there is so little time to play the game .. this is a big truth , and this is something that i always have in my mind. That's why i always keep into my saved games , a region with it's  plugin quite empty of custom content!... ;)

For every friend of this community , do NOT forget to send me a p.m if ever visit Greece .


VeTram: I hope that I understand your question. Are you wanting the road"sidewalk"to match the concrete texture? If so , do you plan on having the same concrete texture throughout the city? If so , than it is a simple fix that you could probably do yourself. If what you want is a texture that is triggered by wealth of zones , and want to have multiple sidewalks(concrete , etc. and not default Maxis) , than you'll have to wait until some one makes a mod. Again , I hope that I understand your question!




The Uni-density sidewalk mods simply remove the grass from the graphics of the network textures. At the time that I did them, the Euro Roads Mod wasn't even available or was in the starting stages. To remove the grass from the Euro Road Textures, I would have to make a whole new set, as I said earlier. For now, if you want the grass removed from your network textures, you'll have to put up with having American markings on the roads.

Since the game is based on a grid, there really isn't a way for the sidewalk to follow the shape of the roadway. The sidewalk textures are a separate texture from the network textures themselves. Think of the network textures as overlays compared to the sidewalk textures that appear under them. The game only has one orientation for the sidewalk textures, which is why some sidewalk textures look horrible on the diagonals when they look fine on the straight sections. Also, there really isn't a way to eliminate the "steps" created when sidewalks appear under diagonal networks. The only thing you can really do is place lots that have diagonal textures on them to help hide the "steps". A good example of these types of lots are SFBT Diagonal Filler Lots.

The network images could be altered to have sidewalks that match the shape of the road, but the task of making such texture mods would be daunting due to the number of sidewalk texture mods that are out there and the sheer number of network textures. Such texture mods would continue to display the game's sidewalks under them unless you had a mod to remove the game's sidewalk textures from view. If you are looking for a sidewalk texture that matches your concrete lots in you picture, you might want to try this one: Euro Asphalt Sidewalk.

You can call me Jan, if you want to.
Pagan and Proud!


Thank you Jan for confirming what I thought VeTram was asking. That was pretty much what my questions were getting at.



Thank you very much both , but let's recapitulate , to have some final conclusions..please do correct me if anything was understood wrong..

1)- In order to remove the grass from the graphics of network textures , we must install  ..
    a)  The Uni-Density Street Mod by Swamper77 ( found on STEX)
    b)  The Uni-Density Avenue Mod by Swamper77 ( found on STEX)

now ..question: is there any other similar file to download?

2) -The above Mod files , can NOT be used with Euro Road Mod , so if we dont want grass we must uninstall Euro Road Mod...Ok?

3) -Since the game is based on a grid, there really isn't a way for the sidewalk to follow the shape of the roadway.The only thing you can really do is place lots that have diagonal textures on them to help hide the "steps". A good example of these types of lots are SFBT Diagonal Filler Lots..ok?

Quote from: Swamper77 on March 10, 2009, 06:41:17 PM

The network images could be altered to have sidewalks that match the shape of the road, but the task of making such texture mods would be daunting due to the number of sidewalk texture mods that are out there and the sheer number of network textures. Such texture mods would continue to display the game's sidewalks under them unless you had a mod to remove the game's sidewalk textures from view. If you are looking for a sidewalk texture that matches your concrete lots in you picture, you might want to try this one: Euro Asphalt Sidewalk.

.....here to ask someth. Friend sithlrd98 , suggested that if i want to use the same concrete texture throughout the city it is a simple fix that i can probably can do it myself.  Really how? by using Euro Aspalt Sidewalk for example?  and also ... Are there any other Sidewalk textures like Euro Aspalt Sidewalk that i can match with other concrete lots that i may use in other parts of the city?

anything else's ..thanx indeed
For every friend of this community , do NOT forget to send me a p.m if ever visit Greece .


Quote from: VeTram on March 11, 2009, 09:34:18 AM
4-.....here to ask someth. Friend sithlrd98 , suggested that if i want to use the same concrete texture throughout the city it is a simple fix that i can probably can do it myself.  Really how? by using Euro Aspalt Sidewalk for example?  and also ... Are there any other Sidewalk textures like Euro Aspalt Sidewalk that i can match with other concrete lots that i may use in other parts of the city?
anything else's ..thanx indeed

By either making your own sidewalk mod (which is rather easy) or PM me with the texture ID and I'll throw one together for you :)



here is and the result.... i think its nice , although i can't use Euro Road Mod..

Friend sithlrd98 , thanks indeed , i would like to make my own sidelwalk mod , but i am just in the begining of my city now , and i havent decided yet what will i need later. I will surely need you a little later, and if i cannot find you i will surely send you a pm. Also you can take a look in my project in Lot Editor Help , which i will update very soon. thanx indeed , you are very kind :thumbsup:
For every friend of this community , do NOT forget to send me a p.m if ever visit Greece .


VeTram:If I may make a small suggestion....If you are using SAP euro sidewalk mod , then you can use my sidewalk curve mods that were also updated in the SFBT euro mod. That way , you could create curved sidewalked corners and make your city look a little better. There is no need for the "uni - density" mod at that point with the exception of a few intersections , which I think I'll go ahead and sidewalk texture to match my other mods.



which is your sidewalk curve mod , my friend?
For every friend of this community , do NOT forget to send me a p.m if ever visit Greece .



jayson , do you mean something like this?....

just notice the intersection with the street  ( there is grass again )....take notice i have left the Uni-Density Mod in my plugin and i have no Euro Road Mod further installed...
For every friend of this community , do NOT forget to send me a p.m if ever visit Greece .


That is one of the intersections I'm gonna mess with , along with the Ave 4 way , 3 way etc.  That is kinda odd since I thought that the streets were covered completely by SAPs' mod. I also sent you a PM about using the SFBT Euro mod since it was updated to include my road mods. I'll see what I can can do about those pesky grass verges!



in order to help you , i just realised that the grass in the street intersection , was already there before i install your mod . I just hadn't noticed it , but it was exist if you look carefully at the pics above in the same thread. If you see , this happens after i installed sap23 Sidewalk textures , because in the next above pic , where is Maxis sidewalk with Uni-density installed there is no grass in that area..
For every friend of this community , do NOT forget to send me a p.m if ever visit Greece .


The Uni-density Sidewalk mods of mine need to load after the NAM, much like the Euro Roads Mod does.

The NAM altered the Maxis Avenue x Street intersection textures to remove the gray "banding" of the street crossing the avenue. Tropod made the textures you showed which are much cleaner that the Maxis originals.

I'll see if I can find some time in the near future to make an Euro Road set of the Uni-density Sidewalk mods.

You can call me Jan, if you want to.
Pagan and Proud!


yes!  Swamper77 , this is the solution...i load Uni-Density Mod after NAM and it seems o.k now.  Thanks , and be in touch Swamper77 :thumbsup:
For every friend of this community , do NOT forget to send me a p.m if ever visit Greece .


I apologize for being confused and for hijacking your thread, as I forgot that when using the Uni-density mod , it does need to be loaded after the NAM (but that's not how I am using it :) However , I also forgot that since I am using a rather confusing set of plugins , that the reason I still get the grass is because the mods that I am using are not set up to be uni-density, but it does allow me to use the euro mod , and have a somewhat unique setup.As you can see , there are a few that need fixing.... and there are limitations , but untill the mod can be updated , this is a small work around.

What I am using is my white sidewalk mod on the Stex , Avenue Turning Lane and Cross Mod by Mas71,
SFBT Euro Road Textures Mod without zzz1_NAM_Euro_Textures_Turning_Lanes_Avenues.dat but with zzz_Sithlrd98_Road_Curves_White_Texture_Euro.dat, and Swampers uni-density mod on the Stex.
