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minor problem with a prop pack

Started by abominatedsoul, March 29, 2009, 01:40:02 AM

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Hi, and thank you, whomever, for fielding this question / proposition.

I'm an old kickback player who lost everything in a crash a couple years back, and have recently dove back in... I love the new SC4D procedures!  You're all doing a great job!  Thank you thank you!


I have recently installed just about all the dependency files available on Lex, and for the most part I am extremely satisfied with the results.  There is one, however,  BSC MEGA Props kevdan25 Vol01, http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=1212 ... this prop pack puts a rogue McDonald's sign in the park menu...

I really wish it weren't there.  Can someone guide me on removing it without deleting the prop pack?  even better, could someone tweak the file and update it so that nobody else encounters this problem?

I apologize if this is already an established problem, but i couldn't find any hint of the topic.  I also apologize for taking up someone's time for something so trivial, but I'm sure you understand how OCD goes...

Simcity is a great outlet for the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder...

Thank you again, in advance...


The McDonalds highway sign is installed in the following folder:
Plugins\BSC\kevdan25\Highway Signs\McDonald's

Remove the file McDonalds Highway Sign.dat from there. ;)

This was the old installation path...
The highway sign is indeed included in the prop pack... &mmm

EDIT again:
While waiting for the Goddess to (maybe) update the prop pack,
here's a quick and dirty way of removing the sign from the menu.

Place the enlcosed blocker, RJ - Block Kevdan25 McDonalds Highway Sign.dat,
so that it loads after BSC MEGA Props - KevDan25  Vol01.dat.

It can be placed in the same folder (BSCProps), since R loads after B...


that's fantastic, it works like a charm.

Thank you very much.    :thumbsup:


There's also a police car replacement mod in that prop pack as well. Please remove the automata model 10640000 and the texture that is referenced by it from the pack.

You can call me Jan, if you want to.
Pagan and Proud!


while you're being so awesome...

as previously reported, i had installed just about all of them... well, now I am completely done...

I found two more rogue lots coming from a different prop pack, CSX MEGA Props - Vol07.dat, found at: http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=1574

they are both 1x1 train stations found in the train menu.  I like the two train stations, so again i appeal for guidance..

is there a way to get those train stations out of the prop pack? %confuso


Quote from: abominatedsoul on March 30, 2009, 08:04:31 AM
is there a way to get those train stations out of the prop pack? %confuso

Most there is can be blocked... :)

Enclosed is a blocker for both those stations (I hope).
I haven't tested this myself this time, so please report back if there's any problem.

Place the blocker, so that it loads after CSX MEGA Props -  Vol07.dat.
Once again, it can be placed in the same folder (Plugins\CSX\CSXProps).


i must study and learn the art of "the blocking"

it works.

thank you very much.  Have a great day.