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Beautiful Santa Rosita

Started by TopCliff, April 11, 2009, 07:32:49 PM

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It's about time for an update, don't ya' think?

Sciurus: Thanks! Nothing like hijacking a few channels to brighten your day. :P

WC_EEND: It is off-topic. Then again, I also tend to go off-topic, so I'd be a hypocrite to scold.

Sciurus: Stay on topic! :P

WC_EEND: Thanks dude.

Pat: Thanks! As some say, the greatest moments in history happened simply because of a stupid mistake. Anyways, if you liked the Civic Center, you're sure gonna like this one!

Nexis4Jersey: An urban oasis, you say? I don't see many palm trees. I will say this: there are much more beautiful areas in the Santa Rosita area (and its twin city's area). :P

Update Four: We Be Rollin' In Da SoPo (South Penbrooke) On A Dark, Stormy Day

Eisenhower Square at the heart of the much hated SoPo neighborhood. Originally, this was one of the nicest neighborhoods in the city, built entirely from scratch after 1900. It was modeled partially on Brooklyn, as the first Mayor of South Penbrooke lived near the Brooklyn Bridge. Sadly, after World War II, the many returning veterans became unruly, and by the start of the 60's, it was deemed the worst place in North America. Now, gangs control the streets and the Russian and Sicilian mobs control the businesses, with each of them having battles in the night. The neighborhood is such a disgrace, Santa Rosita officially annexed the area as its own city and then closed it out from the rest of the city by surrounding it with new freeways. The only somewhat decent looking structures left in the SoPo are the churches, oddly enough. Some say it's because the Allici Family runs them.

St. Thomas Cathedral on Century Drive. SoPo once had an extensive and safe elevated rail, but after the Santa Rosita Metro extended a subway line to SoPo in 2003, there has been a massive dismantling operation underway. As of recently, because of the recession, many homeless people have found a way up on the tracks to camp out. Also on Century Drive is the city's first "affordable" housing project, built in 1947.

South Penbrooke High, rated by many independent sources as one of the Top Five Worst Schools in the United States. There have been many rumors that some of the teachers are gang members or even Family Heads. In November 2006, an all out war broke out on campus between the Italians and the Latino students that eventually led to the gym being blown up by a grenade someone had in their backpack. Yet, somehow, students keep flocking there as its easy to get to.

The second housing project built in SoPo, aptly named the South Penbrooke Apartments Measure aka SPAM. People who live here are generally despised by the community because it's actually somewhat nice, with each apartment having every amenity needed. As a sign of hatred, people tend to lob flaming cans of Spam through windows or put them in the mailboxes.

Originally for the dismantling operation, small cranes were going to be built on top of the buildings. Sadly, on that very corner once stood a ten story apartment from 1924. On the first attempt to haul up some old rails, the entire facade collapsed under the pressure. The building was deemed habitable for a few weeks, showing just how corrupt the City Development Office is. Now, it's just dirt.

Okay, time for my first mosaic ever. Don't be hatin' if it isn't perfect, I have much to learn.

That's all for now!
Best movie of all time: Ferris Bueller's Day Off. If you disagree, Cameron will send your car over a cliff.

Please, call me Leo.  I quote John Lennon now, a great musician and philosopher. Particularly, one of his songs: You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you join us, and the world will live as one.


It's a ghetto I hope! $%Grinno$% No, very nice city, and I think there's dealers into this quarter, or it's not a real ghetto :P

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Quote from: Sciurus on April 30, 2009, 09:28:25 AM
It's a ghetto I hope! $%Grinno$% No, very nice city, and I think there's dealers into this quarter, or it's not a real ghetto :P

Guillaume :thumbsup:

it looks quite like a ghetto though
RIP Adrian (adroman), you were a great friend

My LOT thread                                    

SCAG BAe146/Avro RJ Project


Great looking city.  I really like your style and the way you have setup your ghetto.  Great job.

Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Sciurus: Yes, it's a ghetto! I sought to somehow combine Compton/Watts and Harlem. I don't know about you, but I think I succeeded.

WC_EEND: It is a ghetto! My very first one too, which might explain anything wrong with it.

Robin: Thanks for commenting! Not too many people say they like my style, and most are stunned when I say how I achieved it.

Time for something new and different!

POLL: Which Would YOU Rather Have Be The Twin/Rival City Of Santa Rosita?

1. Londinium
2. St. Francis
3. River City
4. Capital City

Each of those four cities is completely different, and there won't be any information given about the places until they are showcased, so you choose based on which sounds the best to you. All four of them are based on real world cities (some not what you think they are). :P Anyone can vote, and whatever's voted in, I promise I won't override it with my own will. Poll stays open between 24-48 hours! Please, have fun. :)
Best movie of all time: Ferris Bueller's Day Off. If you disagree, Cameron will send your car over a cliff.

Please, call me Leo.  I quote John Lennon now, a great musician and philosopher. Particularly, one of his songs: You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you join us, and the world will live as one.


RIP Adrian (adroman), you were a great friend

My LOT thread                                    

SCAG BAe146/Avro RJ Project


WC_EEND: An interesting choice. If you're the only vote, Capital City will become the rival city!

Mini Update: The Downtown Area At Sunset (in new and somewhat improved *semi*Mosaic-vision!)

This was mainly just an experiment with creating artificial sunsets and sunrises. Let me know if anything needs to be changed! And whatever you do, make sure to vote! Enjoy!
Best movie of all time: Ferris Bueller's Day Off. If you disagree, Cameron will send your car over a cliff.

Please, call me Leo.  I quote John Lennon now, a great musician and philosopher. Particularly, one of his songs: You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you join us, and the world will live as one.


I like the old neighborhoods & new Downtown feel to your MD!


Yes, you succeded, of course!! We can feel the downtaown, and I believed I really was in an American city! Congratulation &apls &apls

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Nexis4Jersey: Thanks! It took a lot of planning to create all those neighborhoods.

Sciurus: Thanks! I would have to say that compared to my previous cities, this is both the most realistic and most complete city.

Teaser Time!

A foggy morning in Capital City.

Since one person voted, Capital City won! The question is, can you guess which real world city(ies) it's based on? Expect to see much more of it in the coming updates.
Best movie of all time: Ferris Bueller's Day Off. If you disagree, Cameron will send your car over a cliff.

Please, call me Leo.  I quote John Lennon now, a great musician and philosopher. Particularly, one of his songs: You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you join us, and the world will live as one.


Nicely done. Very well written story as well. I like it!

The teaser looks pretty cool.


Excellent teaser, I love &apls

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


AH , do i smell a New York City coming ?


CommodoreTech: Thanks!

Sciurus: Thank ya', thank ya' very much.

Nexis4Jersey: You just might. Does it smell anything like polluted water, taxi fumes, and the rat poison they put in the subway tunnels?

Mini Update: A Brief History of Capital City

Capital City was founded in 1668 by the Dutch. The original name of the settlement was New Eindhoven because the captain of the ship was born in Eindhoven. A disease now known to be the common cold spread rapidly through the village, prompting the Dutch to abandon it. In 1702, the British found the island with its rich resources and strategic location and named their settlement Torchwood, after the rich red colors of the trees on the island. During the Revolutionary War, it was the first city to be taken by the Patriots. The city kept growing as more and more valuable resources were found in the surrounding area. In 1810, it became the largest city in the United States. During the War of 1812, the British tried to retake Torchwood. They almost succeeded with the help of British loyalists. However, their plan backfired: when the loyalists planted Union Jack atop the tallest church spire, the British naval officers thought the city had surrendered and left. The more interesting thing is when Torchwood became the national capital. Over the course of the Civil War, President Lincoln was paranoid about the Capitol being taken by Confederate troops. Over the course of the war, he had Union troops move, brick by brick, both the Capitol and the White House to Torchwood. President Grant's first motion as President was renaming Torchwood to Capital City. Immediately afterward, the population grew dramatically and still is. Today, Capital City stands as the unofficial capital of the world, controlling most of the world's economy, fashion industry, arts, entertainment, and information.

The Fort Blanc Bridge, completed in 1886. It's the most heavily trafficked bridge in Capital City because it connects Torchwood (the original settlement area) to Downtown Fort Blanc.

The Statue of Freedom, given as a truce offering from London in 1880. It wasn't assembled until 1886, and at the time, it was the second tallest structure in the city.

The first church in the city, Holy Sacrament Cathedral. Ever since the city was founded, it's stood at the western end of Bank Street, the most important economic place in the world. It also has the only remaining cemetery on the whole island.

The world famous Folsom Street Seaport and Market. Left abandoned after the Great Depression, it was renovated in 1993. It now proudly stands as one of the top ten tourist attractions in the city.

The instantly recognizable United Building, once the tallest in the world. Built right as the Depression started, it remained empty for a decade and a half. Now, it's the busiest building in the whole Capital District and provides some of the best views from it's observation deck.

Please, I ask of any viewers, if there's anything at all you'd like to see from Capital City (any area of the city, or anything else you can think of), please tell me. I have no problem making this a semi-interactive journal. Also, thank you for viewing.
Best movie of all time: Ferris Bueller's Day Off. If you disagree, Cameron will send your car over a cliff.

Please, call me Leo.  I quote John Lennon now, a great musician and philosopher. Particularly, one of his songs: You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you join us, and the world will live as one.



It's beauitful, and do you reproduce NYC? $%Grinno$% Nad for info, the Staue of Freedom doesn't come from London, but from France, and it was designed by Gustave Eiffel, and it's a present from french to americans, for the birthday of a war I guess ;)

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


I just knew it: Santa Rosita has a Dutch touch ...lol... Of course, how else could it become the unofficial capital of the world  :P
Check my MD:               


Nexis4Jersey: Thanks!

Sciurus: Well, not just New York. At the rate I'm going, it's more loosely based on New York than anything. Don't be hatin' on history! Everyone who's anyone knows the Statue of Freedom was a peace offering from England.  :P

sebes: Santa Rosita isn't Dutch: if anything, it's heavily Mexican influenced. Capital City, on the other hand, is partly Dutch, and you're correct that it's the unofficial capital of the world.

Now, normally I'd have an update by now. Sadly, SC4's going cuckoo lately and has been experiencing more and more crashing. Other bad news is that Capital City is taking longer than I thought to finish. There could be an update tomorrow, or at the latest, next weekend. Don't lose hope though!
Best movie of all time: Ferris Bueller's Day Off. If you disagree, Cameron will send your car over a cliff.

Please, call me Leo.  I quote John Lennon now, a great musician and philosopher. Particularly, one of his songs: You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you join us, and the world will live as one.


Okay, I figured it's about time to satiate the appetites of those who like this journal. Due to many factors, Capital City has taken much longer than expected. I must say, I will be focusing more on Capital City for the time being because I've tried many times creating Los Angeles type cities (Santa Rosita being the best, of course) and frankly, I've grown a little bored of it. I will say, from the last time I showed you pictures of Capital City, I have done a considerable amount of work (still a lot needed though; I have a newfound respect for all those journalists who make their own NYC's). So, just so people can find the landmarks and such, I have an overview of the entire island as of half an hour ago.

And here's a link to a larger version, for everyone to enjoy.


I myself am not a fan of showing overviews because it reveals all the empty spots when up to this point, you've seen what looks to be a complete city. Either way, I hope these will tide you over for another half week to week.  :)
Best movie of all time: Ferris Bueller's Day Off. If you disagree, Cameron will send your car over a cliff.

Please, call me Leo.  I quote John Lennon now, a great musician and philosopher. Particularly, one of his songs: You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you join us, and the world will live as one.


hey Leo sorry I missed a few updates here... Looking real sweetness and love that overview wow!!!!!!!

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